Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1180: Body of the yin

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Chapter 180th Tai Yin Body

"Cheng Feng, what's wrong?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's look, Le Canghai hesitated in his heart and hurriedly asked.

"The vitality in Qingying's Tianyin lifeline is stronger than I expected."

Cheng Feng said: "If I don't do my best, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get rid of the dead air in my lifeline."

"In that case, use all your strength."

Le Canghai did not hesitate to urge Cheng Fengdao.

"it is good."

Cheng Feng nodded, then said to Yueqing Ying: "Girl Qingying, take the liberty."

When the words came to an end, Cheng Feng's palms were pushed flat and directly stuck to Yue Qingying's feet.

This made Yue Qingying like an electric shock, and his whole body shook.

A strange tingling sensation suddenly spread all over the body, making Yueqingying's cheeks flush, and her breathing was a little quick.

But at the same time, the rolling masculinity breathed into Yue Qingying's Tianyin lifeline.

Quickly remove a large amount of dead gas in the lifeline.

However, in the deepest place of Tianyin's lifeline, there is still a little bit of death.

These are not too deadly, but they are a curse.

If it is not cleaned up, it will not take long for a large amount of death gas to be generated, which will block Yue Qingying's Tianyin lifeline again.

"Not enough?"

Cheng Feng's brow froze: "Since this is the case, then I will put on fire!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng's hands spread out, directly clasping Yue Qingying's feet.

This moment of Cheng Feng came suddenly.

Directly let Yue Qingying just calm down the heart of the sea, suddenly turned over the billowing waves.

The electric shock-like resurgence just now turned out to be a "groan" that Yue Qingying couldn't restrain.

With both hands clenched, sweat came out.

Compared with Yue Qingying's fierce response, Cheng Feng also has some ups and downs.

However, most of the minds are betting on clearing the vitality in Yueqing Yingtian's lifeline.

After seeing him grabbing Yue Qingying's feet, a huge amount of masculine energy poured into the lifeline of Tianyin, as the wind swept away the fallen leaves.

Suddenly, the only ray of yin and dying left was cleared away quickly.

"Hoo ~~~"

After the completion of the project, Cheng Feng exhaled: "Fortunately, it's a shame. The death in Qingying's Tianyin lifeline has been cleaned up by me."

"Oh, really?"

Le Canghai was overjoyed, looking to Yue Qingying: "Yingying, how do you feel?"

"Grandpa, my feet are more flexible than before, full of vitality and vitality."

Yue Qingying is also quite happy.

But in excitement, it was a bit shy.

She lifted her eyes, glanced at Cheng Feng slightly, and said softly, "Since the son of Feng Feng, since the yin and dead air in my Tianyin lifeline has been cleaned up."

"Then ... can you let go of my feet?"

"Uh, cough cough ~~~"

Reminded by Yue Qingying, Cheng Feng suddenly found out that he had always been holding a pair of jade feet.

So quickly let go, coughing, it was embarrassing.

"Cheng Feng, counting the two Tianyin lifelines, Yingying's nine major lifelines blocked by Taiyin's vitality have been cleared five places."

At this time, Le Canghai's voice sounded: "Then you just need to clear the remaining lifelines to completely cure my family's surplus?"

"Grandpa Le, you are right."

Cheng Feng nodded, but his eyebrows frowned: "But the remaining four lifelines are very tricky. The yin and dying energy is many times stronger than the previous five lifelines."

"And, where are these lifelines ..."

The remaining four lifelines of Yue Qingying were located in the lower abdomen, the lower back, and the chest.

This position is sparse for men, but too sensitive for women.

In particular, this guy who treats the disease is still a young man with a good temper.

If you accidentally wipe the gun and go out, then you still have it?

And taking a step back, even if Cheng Feng can resist the temptation, but after curing the disease, it is equivalent to seeing Yue Qingying's body.

It ’s even necessary to “touch” it, which is a bit too much for a girl who hasn't been out of the cabinet.

Na Lecang Hai is proficient in Dan Tao, which is clear about the lifeline of human acupoints.

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, his brows were condensed, his face could not change.

After about half a column of incense, Le Canghai's gaze fixed on Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, I ask you a word."

Le Cang said: "What do you think of Yingying?"

"The girl Qingying is beautiful and gentle, pure and kind. She is a good girl who is loved by others."

Le Canghai's inquiry was a bit weird, but Cheng Feng didn't think much about it, and directly expressed his feelings about Yue Qingying.

"What else?" Le Canghai asked.

"There is also empathy and strong character ..."

"Cheng Feng, what you said is actually only one aspect of my family's surplus."

Le Canghaidao: "My family Yingying is not only beautiful, but also kind and filial, proficient in cooking, Dan Tao, needlework ... and so on."

"In addition, if this time can expel the yin and qi that blocks the lifeline, Yingying will be able to awaken the yin body."

"Tai Yin body?" Cheng Feng puzzled.

"Tai Yin's body is a super constitution."

Le Canghai proudly said: "In the billions of worlds, all kinds of constitutions gather, what holy body, **** body, psychic body ..."

"But there are only ten strongest constitutions!"

"A warrior who owns one of the top ten physiques is a peerless genius with brilliant light."

Lecang Haidao said: "The body of the Taiyin is one of the ten major constitutions."

"Once Yingying awakens the Taiyin body, let alone the ten heavenly pride of the feathered gods, even the saint's son-in-law must be dim!"

"Ten Major Constitutions, Taiyin?"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng is really moving.

If Yue Qingying really awakens the overcast body, as Le Canghai said, it is simply the strongest genius from ancient times to the present.

Once practicing martial arts, it is almost a leap forward.

Don't look at Cheng Feng now much better than Yueqing Ying, I'm afraid it won't be long before he will be caught up with, even catch up!

"Cheng Feng, this is the general situation of Yingying in my home."

Le Canghai's voice sounded: "As for you, after six months of understanding, I've figured it out, and I am a good boy."

"So, I want to match my family's Yingying with you as a pair of women, and they are quite a match!"

"I don't know Cheng Feng, what do you mean?"

In Le Canghai's remarks, the turning point was a little big and the content was a bit heavy.

After Cheng Feng heard it, his head was a little stale.

Regarding Yue Qingying, if Cheng Feng said that he did not like it, it would be deceiving.

But mentioning ‘together’ all at once was a bit abrupt and the pace was too fast.

As for Yue Qingying, the same is true.

She is actually very fond of Cheng Feng.

But to elevate feelings to affection, it takes time to brew.

Suddenly Le Canghai stepped in, breaking through this layer of window paper directly, but letting Yue Qingying feel tight all over, a little at a loss.

However, at the same time, Yueqing Ying had a strange feeling in her heart. She buried her head under her elbow and looked forward to Cheng Feng's answer.

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