Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1243: The only knife appeared

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Chapter 142: The Only Appearance of the Knife

On the fourth floor of the show, Cheng Feng's speed is super fast.

One step is thousands of miles.

However, the order of the plane trial was faster.

I saw that token, which was first struck by Cheng Feng. After a short pause, it was like an arrow and continued to blast towards Cheng Feng.

The blink of an eye has reached Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng didn't have to look back, and knew that the trial order had arrived.

So when people were flying, they were killed with one stroke.

But it didn't work at all.

The trial order did not know what material it was made of, it was hard and heinous.

The Devil Sword slashed on the token, leaving no white mark.

He paused slightly in the void and continued to shoot towards Cheng Feng.

Like the cheekbones, you can't get rid of it!

The real big trouble is actually the arresting force passed from the prison.

That power has condensed into a chain of iron and blood. At this moment, it has penetrated the barriers of the dome continent and locked directly to Cheng Feng.

During the flight, Cheng Feng suddenly felt a strong crisis.

Suddenly his spine became numb and his whole body was a little stiff.

"Chain, a chain shot from a plane prison!"

Cheng Feng chilled all over: "What to do? What to do?"

"I feel like there is no hope of escape under this chain."

"As long as it is locked, it will be caught in the plane prison!"

"Cheng Feng, don't think about it, hurry and run to Jade City, Zhongzhou, or Qianlong Academy."

Nalan's longevity sounded: "In these two places, the void barriers are the thickest, and the power of the plane prison penetrates very hard."

"And when you go there, there will be martial arts strong men to help you resist the plane prison chains."

"Also, never use Void Teleport."

Nalan added: "Once entering the void channel, the power of the plane prison chain will be unprecedentedly strong."

"What? No space transfer?"

Cheng Feng's cheek twitched: "I'm now located in the one million mountains of Bianhuang County. Whether I go to Yujing or Qianlong Academy, there are nearly 100,000 miles.

"If teleportation is not available, then I ..."

Not using Void Teleportation was a disaster for Cheng Feng.

Because the face prison chain is not only horrible in strength, but also extremely fast.

Cheng Feng wanted to escape to Yujing City or Qianlong Academy under such circumstances. It was almost impossible.

"Here, he's here!"

As I was talking about, that iron chain that was shot from the plane prison was approaching Cheng Feng.

The savage spirit of iron blood rushed forward, letting Cheng Feng involuntarily, so he cast a magic sword to smash the waves, and slashed across.

Folding waves to kill, you can stack the knife strength instantly dozens of times.

And Cheng Feng's repair today has reached the top level of Zulong. At this time, the power of stacking waves is horrible.

However, such a forceful slash on the iron blood chain did not even respond at all.

Instead, a force of perseverance poured into Cheng Feng's body along the cutting magic sword.

Cheng Feng trembled his arms, his internal organs trembled violently, and Long Li spread out all at once.

At this time, the speed of the iron chain suddenly increased sharply. When the tip of the chain was rolled, Cheng Feng would be rolled up and pulled out of the dome continent.

"It's over, Cheng Feng is going to be arrested into the prison of the plane by the iron chain."

Seeing this scene, countless righteous warriors turned pale.

As for the evil warriors, they were all joyous.

Especially the yin-yang rudder master, blood-hand protector, Xuanting protector, and others, their faces even showed bright smiles.

However, just when everyone thought the big picture was set.

A cold, violent drinking suddenly burst into the air.

"The demon star is in troubled times, cut it for me!"

With the violent drinking, a tens of meters thick daomang suddenly rushed into the sky.

At the same time, a big star shines in the night sky, shooting down a starlight.

When the starlight and the sword are integrated into one, hum ~~~

A horrible knifelight slashed down from the night sky, and severely chopped on the iron blood chain.

He chopped the iron blood chain and stopped in the void.

This allowed Cheng Feng to escape from danger!

"This type of sword is so good. It actually stopped the chained prison."

"Who will be the warrior who can use such knife skills?"

Everyone at the scene was shocked to see the scene of cutting back the iron and steel chain with one sword.

Afterwards, they looked at the place where Daomang rose.

Even though Xuan saw, a middle-aged man stood upright on the top of a mountain of one million mountains.

This middle-aged man, holding a large long knife in his hand, looked indifferent. It was the only sword in Qianlong College's knife tower peak!

"Swordmaster, it's the swordmaster!"

"Hahaha, the sword master has arrived, Cheng Feng has been saved!"

Seeing the only moment of the knife, Tailong and others shouted in excitement.

As for the evil faction warrior, his face turned black.

In particular, Xuan Ting's law protection, he originally thought that Cheng Feng was about to be arrested into the plane prison, but was only destroyed by the sword.

This made him clenched his hands and his knuckles were white.

"The only sword, the lesson a few months ago, hasn't there been any lesson for you?"

Xuan Ting's law guard said coldly, "The injury has not been so good, but he has jumped out of bad things. Could he really want to die?"

"There are many people who can kill me, but they never include you."

The only knife said indifferently: "In addition, thanks to the surprise attack you made a few months ago, I successfully survived the fifth hegemony."

"I want to kill you now, up to ten moves!"

"What? We've survived the Fifth Devastation?"

Hearing the words, Xuan Ting's eyelids jumped.

He knew very well that the sword was the only one.

When he reached the fourth level, he could easily defeat him.

Now that he has survived the fifth heaviest calamity, Xiuwei has reached the fifth heaviest ascent to the sky. If he wants to kill him, it will be easier.

So he turned around and yelled: "The only sword, you've crossed the line, do you know?"

"According to our prior agreement, this battle can only be solved by Cheng Feng and Yu Cangfei, and no one else can intervene."

"At this moment, you suddenly stepped in, what does that mean?"

"Oh, are you embarrassed to question me?"

The only knife sneered: "This battle originally belonged to Cheng Feng and Yu Cangfei, but now, you have used speculative methods to borrow the power of the plane prison."

"If you cross the line, you cross the line first!"

At this point, the knife is too lazy to care about the protection of the Xuanting.

I saw the Emperor Cang's knife held up in his hand, and directly towards the iron chain that rolled towards Cheng Feng, cut it again.

Swept the iron blood chain and dissolve it again.

And at the same time, the knife only drunk: "Cheng Feng, speed back to the academy."

"At the Shushan Mountain of the Academy, the power of the plane prison will be isolated."

"So that you can completely eliminate the danger!"

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