Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1254: Lose heart

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Chapter 125: Lost in Heart

"It's too strong, it's too strong!"

"It takes only one stab to kill the first strongest man in the sky!"

Looking at Cheng Feng's breathing, he killed three people in succession.

All the evil warriors present were numb and savage.

At this moment are prayers, Cheng Feng must not stare at himself.

Otherwise, there must be no doubt!

As for the righteous martial artists, they shouted loudly.

"Hahaha ~~~"

"Cool, really cool!"

"The **** evil gangs are fragmented, just arrogant to the sky, and now they continue to jump?"

"Those dogs, two words, it's time to kill!"

Under a wave of mad killings by Cheng Feng, the war will of the righteous warriors was arbitrarily stirred up.

Especially after Tyrone yelled, grabbed a giant six-meter knife, and killed the horrified evil warrior.

The other righteous warriors immediately responded, all fired at full power and re-killed the evil warriors.

At this time, the evil warrior was frightened by Cheng Feng, and his warfare was down.

Many people fled on the spot, and were immediately dominated by the righteous camp, launching a wave of crazy slaughter.

As for Cheng Feng, he did not stop to rest.

A pair of murderous gaze turned around, and once again stared at an evil faction ascending the heavens.

Then, the Devil Sword lifted, and fiercely beheaded him.

In less than a minute, the evil faction who ascended the heavenly realm died again under Cheng Feng's sword.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng continued to kill the next ascendant power ...

Just when Cheng Feng opened the killing ring.

Blood gods headquarters, inside the soul lamp hall.

"It's gone, it's gone!"

The caretaker of the soul lamp looked inside the hall. The soul lamps that went out one after another turned from pale to shameless, and then turned blue, purple, and miserable!

It's too scary. In just a few minutes, not only the first true story of the blood gods fell.

Then there were several soul lamps of the ascendants of heaven, which went out one after another.

There is simply a tendency to teach the blood gods to all the ascendants of the heavens and kill them all!

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

The Soul Lamp Caretaker startled: "When did the Ascend the Heavenly Strong become a Chinese cabbage? Can it be beheaded?"

Ascend to heaven, every respect is a peerless genius.

In addition, we must overcome the thorns from an early age, eliminate many young talents, and experience hardships before we can survive the calamity and step into the sky.

But such existence, was beheaded by Cheng Feng.

In particular, Cheng Feng's Xiuwei only shattered the top of the realm. This is probably the first time I've seen it in the history of the earth's dome continent.

"No, I must send these messages to the Blood Elder Elder immediately."

The voice of the Soul Lamp watcher trembled: "If my holy religion ascends to heaven, it will continue to fall like this, the consequences will be unthinkable!"

However, the obituary of the Soullight Caretaker was a little late.

Because at the edge of a million mountains, Cheng Feng slayed and killed five evil factions ascending the heavenly powerhouse one after another.

The entire evil faction ran out of confidence.

First, the only three remaining ascendants of the heavenly realm lost their hearts and hearts and fled.

Immediately afterwards, other evil martial arts forces retreated their opponents and flew wildly towards the millions of mountains.

Cheng Feng is too fierce, too scary, and cruel!

Everyone has a kind of **** to kill God, and the Buddha blocks the power of killing the Buddha.

If they continue to carry it hard and wait for Cheng Feng to kill all the ascendants of heaven, then it will be their turn!

"I just want to run away now, don't you think it's a little late?"

Looking at the evil fighters in flight, Cheng Feng's intentions were unabated.

I glanced at him, staring at the strongest one of the three ascending masters.

唰 ~~~

Casting a walk, immediately chasing the past.

"Specially, Cheng Feng's dog mess is actually eyeing Lao Tzu!"

In the emptiness, the runaway evil strong found that Cheng Feng chased after him, and his face suddenly turned black.

Because of the lethality that Cheng Feng just showed, once he is overtaken, it is definitely more formidable.

Even though, he is the third strongest man in the sky!

"Escape, you must flee."

The third strongest evil fighter in the sky was filled with deep fear in his heart: "You must not let Cheng Feng catch up."

During the conversation, the man was fired up, throwing all his strength into running away.

And also exhibited a martial arts skill, 嘭 ~~~

On his spine, two wings extended.

These two wings are very wide and their feathers are long and slender.


A forceful impulse emerged, pushing the man to slam forward.

The speed actually skyrocketed by two or three times.

In this case, there is actually a tendency to escape from the scope of Cheng Feng's pursuit.

"Running fast."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "However, you will die under my sword after all!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng chased, and the sword in his hand was thrown.

Om ~~~

The third style of Emperor Cangshu was immediately cast out.

In the breath, a mighty knife light suddenly condensed under the night sky.

Wait until it is fully formed and slash down from the sky.

boom! !!

The third ascendant who was ascended to the sky was cut by the sword on the spot.

From heaven, it was cut directly and fell down.

Fortunately, before the man was chopped by the sword, he took out something resembling a turtle's shell and pressed it on his back.

The material of this turtle shell is very sturdy. Under the slash of Emperor Cang's Sword Art, it only cracked a small opening.

Thereby let that man escape from danger!

"Cheng Feng, the turtle shell that the man used to protect himself should be a 100,000-year-old tortoise shell."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "This tortoise shell absorbs the essence of the mysterious turtle for 100,000 years, and it is dozens of times harder than the **** pattern steel!"

"You want to break it, without a knife of three or five, I'm afraid it's hard to do!"

"Is it three or five?"

Cheng Feng whispered: "At this moment, there must be a lot of strong blood gods, and I know that I have not been arrested by the warden of Tiancang Holy Prison."

"So, I don't have much time to deal with this person."

At this point, Cheng Feng said coldly: "I'd better give him some ruthlessness!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng rushed.

A soul ring appeared in his hands, waiting to open it.


Hundreds of human-sized fiery red stones flew to the third ascendant who was chopped to the ground.

"Grass, is actually hundreds of ground fire crystals!"

More than a dozen miles away, the ascendant who had just ascended the heavens had just digested the powerful slashing power of the evil star.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw hundreds of fiery red stones flying towards himself, and his face was suddenly white.

Because of the ground flames, it is a very scary thing.

Hundreds detonated at the same time, let alone him, the fourth strongest man in the sky must be disabled if he does not die!

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