Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1281: Elder Qian Qu

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Chapter 1281 Elder Qian Qu

"Cheng Feng, **** Cheng Feng!"

The light flickered in the blood elder's eyes and growled, "This **** little beast is actually located in the iconic temple of the moon and moon."

Behind the blood demon elder, stood a dozen blood gods.

Among them, Chen Taicang, the fourth guardian, Wushen the seventh guardian, Ao Xuantuo, the eighth guardian ...

At this moment he heard the angry roar of the elder blood demon, all frowning.

"Cheng Feng, this little beast, was really dead!"

The corpse guardian gritted his teeth and said, "I just don't understand why he went to the iconostasis?"

"The other thing is, why did we get a trial order from Tiancang, and it suddenly lost its effect?"

"Cheng Feng should have opened the void channel, caused space disorder, and was misinformed to the iconostasis."

At this time, Ao Xuantuo, the eighth guardian, said: "As for the invalidation of the Tian Cang trial order, I am afraid that there is a super existence, helping Cheng Feng's small beast in secret."

"It's extremely difficult for us to kill it!"

"Huh, no matter how difficult it is, Cheng Feng must die!"

The blood demon elder's intentions were violent: "Even if Cheng Feng is not killed, he will not be able to return to the feathered dynasty in the near future."

"This is simple."

Chen Taicang, the fourth guardian, interjected, "In the Temple of the Moon, Xuemei, a guardian of my holy religion, lurks."

"She can stare at Cheng Feng at any time, and once found that Cheng Feng left the Temple of the Moon."

"Or intend to use the teleportation array of the Temple of the Moon to return to Qianlong Academy and immediately inform us."

Chen Taicang said: "By then, we will ambush at the space node, keeping it lost in nothingness and never returning!"

"Chen Taicang, don't say too much."

The blood demon elder stared at Chen Taicang: "You have disappointed the elder once, and for this you have also joined Yu Cangfei and **** hands."

"Do you guarantee that this time will not disappoint the elder?"

"Elder Blood Demon, nothing is absolute."

Chen Taicang shook his head: "Especially Cheng Feng's life is so varied and difficult to be killed."

"But our ultimate goal is not to kill Cheng Feng, but to make‘ that thing ’happen smoothly.”

"So, we just have to try to hold Cheng Feng."

Chen Taicang said: "Second urge the Tiemu family to speed up their progress."

"Once 'that thing' is done, then our plan for the Holy Ghost will be done!"

"Well, just do what you say."

The blood demon elder nodded: "The order is given to the Tiemu family, and‘ that thing ’must be completed within half a month.”

"As for Cheng Feng, let Xuemei protect the law to pay close attention to this elder."

"You must not let Cheng Feng run back to Qianlong County.

Just as the blood gods conspired.

Iconostasis, Luna Temple.

Cheng Feng, led by Cheng Qingxue, soon came to a green mountain.

This mountain peak, shaded by trees and flowers, is completely without the smell of winter.

It's more like spring and summer, it makes people feel like spring.

However, Cheng Feng did not appreciate these flowers when he came here.

Instead, his eyes narrowed, his body tensely.

He could feel that there was a touch of God of War here.

Especially when a beautiful woman wearing a mink fur and a luxurious beauty appeared, the breath of God of War became stronger.

"Aunt Qu."

Seeing the beautiful lady, Cheng Qingxue smiled and said hello.

"It's Qingxue." Beauty Yongrong smiled slightly.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at Cheng Feng.

"Aunt Qu, this is my brother Cheng Feng."

Seeing this, Cheng Qingxue introduced: "You gave my brother a gift before. My brother likes it very much and wants to thank you in front of you."

"It turned out to be Cheng Feng."

The beautiful lady with a smile smiled: "I often hear Qing Xue mention that Cheng Feng is a talented person. Seeing today, it is true."

"Elder Qian Qu is polite."

Cheng Feng held a fist and went straight to the topic: "Dare to ask Elder Qian Qu, the gift you sent me from my sister, is it your own thing, or is it an accident?"

Cheng Feng is trying to elder Qian Qu, trying to figure out what the relationship between Elder Qian Qu and the God of War.

"That gift should be your own."

Elder Qian Qu smiled and said, "I wonder if Cheng Feng is satisfied with that gift?"

"Satisfied, quite satisfied!"

Cheng Feng's words are not false.

Although due to the appearance of the God of War helmet, Cheng Feng and God of War are more and more entangled.

But with the help of the God of War armor, Cheng Feng also survived several dangers.

It is a blessing or a curse, but it is really not conclusive.

"Since Cheng Feng likes it, I will give you another gift."

At this time, the elder Qian Qu spoke.

Cheng Feng listened, his eyebrows froze suddenly.

"Give me another present?"

Cheng Feng said in a low voice: "I'm afraid this gift is not easy to take, right?"

"Actually easy to get."

Elder Qian Qu laughed: "Just son Cheng Feng can do me a favor."

"In particular, this gift may allow Cheng Feng to quickly break the record set by the sky funeral."

"I think you should try it!"

"Oh? What is that gift?"

Cheng Feng blinked in his eyes and asked.

"One or two true dragons!"

"What, true dragon?"

Cheng Feng's brows frowned, a little surprised.

It should be noted that Long Yuan is divided into nine levels according to the Dragon family level.

Long Yuan is much more precious than Long Yuan at the previous level.

For example, Tianlong Longyuan is more than ten times more precious than the same amount of Shenglong Longyuan.

Especially after Tianlong Longyuan, it became more precious and rare.

This is because the true dragons are very scarce and extremely powerful, and even the saints who make the realm do not dare to regret it.

Long Yuan, who wants to get this level, usually picks up leaks.

While traveling through the hundreds of millions of planes, the Grand Canal encountered the falling true dragon, cramped the skin, and searched for Long Yuan.

If you want to catch a real dragon, don't even think about it!

As for Zulong Longyuan, it is in the rumors, and many people have never seen it before.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, these two true dragons and dragons were obtained by killing the true dragons that year.

Elder Qian Qu said: "At that time, the gods received thousands of catties of real dragons and dragons. After more than 100,000 years of consumption, they have very little left."

"But even so, with these two true dragons and dragons, it is enough to make your dragon power grow rapidly!"

True dragon, is the top existence in the dragon family.

Zulong cannot come out, that is the strongest!

These and other existing Long Yuan, one or two are more precious than a few hundred catties of Tian Long Long Yuan, the effect is greater.

However, Cheng Feng did not focus on the real dragon dragon.

Looking around, he asked, "Elder Qian Qu's" God ", must be the God of War?"

Hearing that, Elder Qian Qu smiled and said nothing.

"I want to know what is your relationship with God of War."

Cheng Feng asked, "Can you ... represent the God of War?"

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