Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1310: Kill the gall

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Chapter 1310 Killing the Gall


Dozens of ironwood **** tree trunk roots must be hit on Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng not only did not retreat.

On the contrary, those dozens of trunk roots, like wooden sticks hitting iron stones, were broken into dozens.

With sparks, splashes!

"What? How does Cheng Feng's Xiaowei Xiuwei get so strong?"

Not far away, when Tiemu Chaoge saw the scene, his eyes almost fell out.

Taking a sigh of coolness, he stunned, "What's going on, what's going on?"

"How can one's cultivation be soaring suddenly?"

"It violates the normal truth at all!"

At this moment, not only Tiemu Chaoge was scared.

The Tiemu Huang, and other surviving Tiemu family warriors, looked even more soiled.

Xiu Wei soared several realms in an instant, and they have never heard of such a thing.

Even if it is against the sky, the incremental martial arts cannot be achieved.

"Homeowner, Cheng Feng's Xiaoxiu's cultivation suddenly surged so much."

After a while, Tiemu Huang said: "I am afraid that the fusion of the Earth Spirit Flame and Hell's Black Flame is playing a role!"

"Well, it must be so."

Tiemu Chaoge nodded: "Otherwise, there would be no explanation at all."

"Homeowner, with the help of the integration of different fires, Cheng Feng has reached an incredible level."

Tiemu Huang trembled: "Also, the different fires are naturally restrained from the iron tree **** tree."

"Let's have a chance of winning?"

"Elder, the battle between me and Cheng Feng has just begun."

Taking a deep breath, Tiemu Chaoge said, "It's too early to tell the winner."

"I will first provoke the power of the **** tree, and launch a wave of attacks on the small animal!"

The words stopped, Tiemu Zhaoge slammed his hands together.

Towards Cheng Feng, pushed hard.

And with the movement of Tiemu Chaoge, wow ~~~

In the sky and the ground, a large number of strong roots of the ironwood **** tree must fly around.

Above and below Cheng Feng, front and back, and right and left, six wooden walls made up of the root and whiskers of the ironwood **** tree were formed.

Then, they slammed together and squeezed towards Cheng Feng.

These six wooden walls are very solid and thick, like six Dayues that have been translated.

Cheng Feng urged ten dragon powers containing billowing fire waves and blasted to six wooden walls, but only a small area of ​​burns was formed.

Once the six walls are closed, it is bound to cause horrible damage to Cheng Feng.

"Homeowner, your trick is really high."

Seeing this, Tie Muhuang relaxed his expression of tension and praised: "The trunk roots of a large number of **** trees must be twisted together to form an indestructible wooden wall.

"It's a coup to deal with the fusion flames, so that the power of fusion flames cannot be exerted."

"Under this situation, Cheng Feng is estimated to be crushed into a meatloaf by six walls!"

The method used by Tiemu Chaoge is to make ingenuity.

This method is simple and rude, and it is quite effective against fire attacks.

However, using this trick to deal with Cheng Feng, I am afraid not enough!

In the void, Cheng Feng narrowed his eyes suddenly in the face of the six wooden walls hit by brutality.

Wait until the source of the billowing fire is poured into the knife, hum ~~~

The slashing magic sword suddenly burst into flames of dozens of meters in length.

Then Cheng Feng grasped the sword, and the whole person spun up at high speed.

Immediately, the Devil Sword immediately followed by rotation, driving the Flame Blade and forming a sharp flame drill.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

When Cheng Feng suddenly made a force, he pushed the Devil Knife and shot at one of the hit walls.

The flame drill punctured.

Bang ~~~

After Cheng Feng's swords were united, he pierced into a wall where the roots of the ironwood **** tree had condensed.

All six walls crashed together.

It is estimated that even the sixth strongest person in the sky will not be able to withstand that terrible impact.

The void was directly knocked down, forming a fragmented black hole.

"Are you dead?"

Listening to the deafening impact, Tie Muhuang whispered, "Should be dead!"

"Even if Cheng Feng goes against the sky again, he will be the sixth-largest peerless figure in the sky!"

However, Tie Muhuang's voice has just fallen.

嗤嗤 嗤嗤 ~~~

The sound of a series of hardwood chopped by the blade suddenly sounded in Tiemuhuang's ears.

When Tie Muhuang looked up, the whole person suddenly looked like a duck with his neck stuck on his neck, his eyes widened, but he couldn't even say a word.

Because the scene he saw was really scary!

In his vision, a man in gold armor grabbed a black knife in his hand, like the same demon.

During the high-speed rotation of the body, the knife is continuously ejected and then ejected again.

Cut the roots of the ironwood **** tree in front of him one by one.

No matter how big the diameter of that trunk's root beard, no matter how hard it was, he couldn't stop him.

"That's ... Cheng Feng?"

After a while, Tie Muhuang trembled and said, "He wasn't dead? He successfully struck from a wooden wall composed of the roots and whiskers of the six Tiemu God Trees and escaped?"

"Is this little beast a human !?"

At this moment, not only was Tie Muhuang stunned, he was ashamed.

That Tiemu Chaoge, and other Tiemu family warriors, looked pale.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the extreme heartbeat of the other party!

What made their heartbeat faster was that Cheng Feng did not take the opportunity to penetrate the siege of the ironwood **** tree root after breaking away from the combined attack of the six wooden walls.

Instead, he looked at Tiemu Chaoge and others, and then rammed all the way.

It was Xiangmu Chaoge, who was hiding under the layers of ironwood **** tree roots and the like, who killed them outrageously.

"No, Cheng Feng's little animal is here!"

Seeing this, Tie Muhuang and others immediately panicked and panicked: "Homeowner, what should we do, what should we do?"

"What a panic!"

In the face of Cheng Feng's killing, Tiemu Chaoge was also frightened.

But he was pretending to be calm and screaming, "Everyone is hiding."

"The roots of the sacred tree are tens of thousands. Under the layers, the sixth strongest man in the sky cannot attack."

"Zhuo Chengfeng ..."

However, Tiemu Chaoge's voice has just fallen.

what! !!

Cheng Feng has opened his way with the Devil Sword, and has killed a warrior of the Ironwood family.

When he got his hands on the sword, the Tiemu family warrior had to make a short scream.

The next moment, the head fell on the ground!

"Oh, hurry up, let's go deep into the roots of the **** tree."

"Otherwise, no doubt!"

Seeing this, the remnants of the iron-wood family warriors dried up.

Rotating towards the roots of the Ironwood God Tree, he fled away.

Among them, even Tiemu Chaoge and Tiemu Huang are no exception.

The warriors of the Tiemu family flee quickly, but they are not as fast as the peak knife speed.

In particular, Cheng Feng's repair was that he was promoted to the third source of the ascension by Wang Pin Hell, the source of fire.

Each knife brings the double lethality of knife strength and fire.

The hard ironwood **** tree root must be under Cheng Feng's knife, just like rotten wood, and it can only slow the speed of Cheng Feng.

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