Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1316: Amazing conjecture

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Chapter 1316 Amazing Conjecture

"Oh my god, the ironwood of the ironwood family is invincible, but it has been killed once by Cheng Feng."

"So, isn't Cheng Feng's combat power surpassing the fourth highest?"

"In addition, the dead ironwood is invincible, but it was actually brought back to life by the ironwood **** tree!"

"Can there really be a super master hidden in the crown of the ironwood **** tree?"

"If that's the case, it would be terrifying!"

It should be noted that the invincible ironwood came out of the crown of the ironwood **** tree.

The breath emanating from the body is almost the same as the breath of life of other stocks in the canopy.

This situation is not difficult to make people associate.

In fact, at this moment, it's not just that everyone is thinking.

The center of Cheng Feng is also tumbling.

"Most ordinary martial arts can make ordinary people resurrect from death."

Cheng Feng whispered: "But the resurrection of the ascendant from the ascension of the heavens is helpless, even if it is a power to create the realm."

"However, Tiemu Shenshu did it bluntly!"

Cheng Feng horrified: "If the blood gods use this ability, the masters of the blood gods who have died in battle will be resurrected one by one."

"That's almost ..."

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid the Blood Gods are already doing this."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The breath of life hidden in the crown of the Ironwood God Tree, I am afraid that it is those martial art masters who have fallen from the blood gods!"

"Grass! According to that, what the ironwood **** tree produces is not **** at all."

Cheng Feng's face was pale, and he said boldly: "It is the top master of the blood gods!"

"This time, I'm having trouble with the right camp!"

Cheng Feng was really shocked at this moment, and he couldn't calm down.

It should be noted that the masters of the blood gods have not known how many statues they have had since ancient times.

If Tiemu Shenshu resurrected all these masters.

That is not only the feathered dynasty will suffer, but the other eight dynasties of the earth dome will also be affected.

As the number one enemy of the Blood Gods, Cheng Feng must bear the brunt!

At the moment of Cheng Feng's turbulent waves.

At the top of the Tiemu Shenshu, the Tiemu Invincible has already held his wide palm and strode towards Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, how dare you cut the old man's body!"

Temu invincible walked and said: "This time, I will make you pay the price of blood!"

"Iron Dome fingerprints, give me a boom!"

Tiemu's invincible killing was decisive, and there were dozens of miles away from Cheng Feng. When he lifted his wide palm, he blasted into Cheng Feng.

After the iron wood was invincible and resurrected, it was repaired to a higher level.

Surprisingly, he has passed the fourth heaviest calamity and entered the fourth heaviness of ascending the sky!

At this moment, the power is more powerful than before.

However, Cheng Feng's repairs were soared by four small realms under the infusion of Hell's black flames.

Reached the terrible third ascent!

Tiemu Invincible wants to get back through the battlefield again, it's a bit of a stone hit!

"Ironwood is invincible, now that you are dead and raised."

Facing the invincible Iron Wood, Cheng Feng said coldly: "Then I will kill you again until I kill you completely!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng raised his right fist.

When the source of the billowing fire erupts, bang ~~~

Hit a punch at will.

Cheng Feng's punch was indeed a casual punch.

However, it was this fist that was overbearing to a scary level.

With a punch, Nether was punched out of a flame trench.

When this fist hits the iron dome fingerprints of Temu invincible, 嘭 ~~~

The irony black palm that was so huge that burst into the air suddenly.

It was actually a blow by Cheng Feng!

"Wow, what did I see?"

"Tiemu Invincible casts his signature martial arts iron dome fingerprints, which was hit by Cheng Feng's fist!"

"Is that ... this is Cheng Feng's real combat power?"

"It's too fierce, too strong, and too cruel!"

When he saw the picture of Cheng Feng punching the iron dome with a punch, all the people present were frightened.

It never occurred to me that Cheng Feng, who had just turned 17 years old, was so strong.

Absolutely violates the normal truth, just like a monster!

However, this is just the beginning.

I saw Cheng Feng's fist, and after breaking the iron dome's fingerprints, there was still some punch left.

With the billowing waves of fire, went straight to the invincible iron and wood.

It only scared Temu's invincible complexion, and he went backwards madly.

At the same time, Temu's invincible palms slammed together.

Om ~~ Om ~~

Both sides of the black giant palm appeared out of thin air, pinching left and right, and fiercely slammed into the invincible boxing power of Tiemu.

Suddenly, a terrible explosion rang out.

As the two mountains collided, the force of the force leaped wildly, and the void appeared with a giant palm-like impression.

Finally, Cheng Feng gave the punch a hand, and reluctantly strengthened the solution.

However, waiting for Tiemu invincible to breathe a sigh of relief.

Dozens of miles away, Cheng Feng has twisted his waist, the second, third, fourth ...

The storm was torrential and blasted towards him.

The horrible energy made the void oscillate, and the night sky was illuminated by the flames of fist.

This scene alone can scare many people alive!

"My God, is this Cheng Feng's real strength?"

"I feel that it will be able to kill the fourth-ranking Temu invincible in minutes, which is too scary!"

"His cultivation should be far more than the top of the broken world!"

"At least it is the fourth and even fifth!"

All around, everyone saw this scene, and the sound of discussion rang.

I have a deep understanding of Cheng Feng's strength.

As for the Tiemu Chaoge, the scalp was tingling for a while.

At the same time as hand-printing, he shouted at Temu invincible.

"Grandfather, speed back!"

"Cheng Feng, a small beast, was cultivated to achieve a metamorphosis with the help of the fusion of the Earth Spirit Flame and Hell Black Flame."

"I'm afraid you're not your opponent alone."

Tiemu Chaoge yelled, "Wait for the grandchild to unravel the seal of the **** tree and release the other masters that the **** tree gave birth to."

"Catching Cheng Feng will be easy!"

Tiemu Chaoge's words revealed a huge message.

It directly proved the correctness of Nalan Changsheng's inference just now.

The object produced by the iron wood **** tree is indeed not the fruit, but a master of martial arts.

As for those masters, it is still unknown whether the blood gods have fallen.

"Chaoge, I don't need help from others."

However, the invincible Tiemu had a hard temper, and Shen said, "I will kill Cheng Feng by myself, and even catch it alive!"

During the conversation, Temu's invincible body suddenly spit out an emerald green divine power.

After these divine powers burst out of the body, they quickly condensed into green roots.

These roots must be connected with the roots of the Ironwood God Tree.

Om ~~~

Tiemu's invincible body, like an inflated air, skyrocketed.

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