Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1335: Promise King

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Chapter 135: Promise King

"Seven powerful imitations?"

Cheng Feng's eyes looked at the crown of the Tiemu God Tree.

I saw the entire ironwood **** tree collapse, a section of the tree like a large mountain rolling down from the sky, just like the end of the world.

But the seven mighty imitations were unaffected.

From a distance, the Seven Powers imitated a seven-star divine power within an individual.

When the seven divine powers are connected, they form a colorful divine shield.

Just stopped the wrath of the three great Confucians!

"Seven Star Power!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes glared: "The seven powerful imitations have all reached the seventh ascent to the sky."

"In addition to its rich fighting experience, high-strength martial arts ... I'm afraid I have already stood at the pinnacle of the martial arts road of the mainland!"

"Suddenly, the blood gods have received these seven strong aids, and they will probably have a huge impact on the whole battle."

"Cheng Feng, in fact, this is relatively much better."

Nalan Changsheng said: "If you fail to discover this huge conspiracy, let the ironwood **** tree continue to breed these seven powerful mimics."

"Wait until the cultivation of the seven mimics reaches the seventh limit of ascending to heaven, or barely ascends to the eighth."

"That is the real disaster for the Feathered God!"

"Well, I can do the best I can."

Cheng Feng breathed out a breath: "Next, look at the means of the academy and the royal family!"

While Cheng Feng was lamenting, the four gave up attacking Ao Xuantuo after the wind and flew behind the three great Confucians.

At the same time, Qin Yushi, the owner of Yihai, also collected the Phoenix Guqin in his hand and returned.

Obviously, after the wind, several people all felt the arrogance of seven powerful imitations.

With their cultivation, they are not opponents at all.

It is best to evacuate the battlefield as soon as possible, so as not to be affected by the battle between the seven powerful imitators and the three great Confucians.

"Cheng Feng, we can't get started in the current battle."

When the sword was evacuated, he transmitted a voice to Cheng Feng: "So, evacuate!"

"Give up the battlefield to the academy and the blood gods to imitate the power."

"Understand." Cheng Feng nodded.

Even if you want to cast a thousand miles, stay away from the collapsed ironwood **** tree.

However, just then.

噗 ~~ 噗 ~~

The sounds of two voids being pierced suddenly sounded in Cheng Feng's ear.

Cheng Feng was shocked, without any hesitation, and immediately exerted the God of Control, prompting the armor of war to the extreme.

At the same time, the fifth turn of the Tianlong gold body was run, so that his body surface showed five kinds of golden dragon patterns: gold, white gold, blue gold ...

Then I mentioned the sword, 刀 ~~~

The blade was chopped on a stylus made of an unknown metal.

The stylus poking at his eyebrow was cut off in one direction and fell through.

However, more than one stylus was used to kill Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng slashed one of them, and the other did not have any obstacles at all, and he was firmly on Cheng Feng's heart.

This sum is very fierce and tricky.

Even if Cheng Feng has the fifth turn protection of the God of War armor + Tianlong Jinshen, the heart is still tingling.

It was as if an iron cone penetrated the armor of War God and was nailed to Cheng Feng's heart.

Let Cheng Feng's face freeze for a moment, and the thousands of miles of shape suddenly destroyed.

"No, Cheng Feng was attacked by the two heirs of Hell Gate!"

Flying behind the three great Confucians, the faces of the only few people in the sword changed dramatically.

Obviously, the two stylus pens that attacked Cheng Feng were the weapon judge pens of the two heirs of Hell Gate.

The two judges were previously repelled by Zhu Qingshan, and then Cheng Feng made up the knife.

After escaping, he immediately disappeared into the void and became invisible.

This method of stealth is very subtle, and it is a unique method created by the Lord of Hell.

The hellgate killer is able to kill people invisible, which is the effect of this method.

The two Hellgate judges have practiced this stealth method to the point where they are in full swing.

Even though Cheng Feng had been opening the eyes of the God of Creation, he could not detect the slightest sign.

However, Cheng Feng's defense can be described as solid.

The sneak attack of the **** gate judge, although it is enough to easily kill a fifth master.

However, under the sneak attack of the two judges, they failed to cause much damage to Cheng Feng.

It was just that Cheng Feng's heart was struck by a judge, and the blood violently tossed, blocking Cheng Feng's departure.

"It's a **** gate, there's really a lot of enthusiasm for not killing the target!"

In the horizontal flight, Cheng Feng quickly calmed the writhing qi and blood.

Gaze swept away and immediately saw a dark shadow that had appeared on his side.

A hooked stylus poked directly at his brows.

At the same time, another dark shadow flashed to the right of Cheng Feng and continued to stab Cheng Feng's heart.

Not only that, the eighth guardian of the blood gods, Ao Xuantuo, and the fourth guardian Chen Taicang, also stared at Cheng Feng.

Murderous, ready to make up for the knife.

Even the top of the ironwood **** tree, the seven powerful imitations, cast a look of concern.

"Grass, things are a little troublesome!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's scalp was a little numb.

In particular, the eyes of the seven powerful imitations seemed to be scraping the bones of a blade, which made Cheng Feng's sweaty hairs stand up.

Cheng Feng at this time did have some troubles.

Directly became the focus of the evil strong!

Once these strong players, Qi Qi shot against Cheng Feng.

Even if Cheng Feng's repairs surged dozens of times, I'm afraid there is no way out.

Fortunately, the three great Confucians coincided with each other, and angered and drank seven killing words in a row.

The next moment, the seven killing words rose in the wind.

With unparalleled killing power, went straight to the seven powerful imitations.

Pulling his attention to Cheng Feng's eyes, he pulled away stiffly.

And at the same time, the owner of the book mountain wished Tsing Yi, and the sword of the sword in his hand swelled!

It was like a blast of blazing magma, suppressing the third guardianship of the Blood Gods and backing down again and again, there was no fighting back.

At this time, if Zhu Qingshou continued to attack, he would be able to seriously damage the third law.

However, Zhu Qingshan suddenly withdrew and withdrew. With the throwing of the sword by the club, hey ~~~

The tumultuous sword spirit went to the two judges who besieged Cheng Feng.

Forcing the two judges at the gate of hell, he had to abandon the siege of Cheng Feng and avoid the attack of Jianqi.

The danger of Cheng Feng was quickly resolved!

"Cheng Feng, go!"

After repelling the two judges, Zhu Qingshan held the She Jian sword and glanced at the three of Ao Xuantuo.

Deterred the three men's impetuous minds.

However, Cheng Feng was about to leave a thousand miles.

A horrible gaze stared at him.

Let Cheng Feng's body froze.

Because the owner of this gaze is exactly one of the four great gods of the Blood Gods, the imitation of the Promise God!

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