Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1354: Great Walk

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Chapter 1354 The Great Walk of God

Feathered dynasty, the junction of Qianlong County and Heishui County.

Long Aotian supported Cheng Feng and flew over a savage mountain.

"Long Aotian, let's stop here."

Suddenly, Cheng Feng opened his eyes with closed eyes: "This beautiful mountain and clear water show is a good cultivation place."

"Since it happened, I happened to practice here."

"Cheng Feng, are you wrong?"

Long Aotian was speechless: "Your primary goal, but 'fishing', OK!"

"How come, at this moment, you put all your thoughts on cultivation?"

"Long Aotian, be calm and restless."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "The matter of fishing can't be anxious, anxious can only be bad."

"I'm the best choice while I'm practicing and waiting for the fish to hook themselves."

Cheng Feng's arrangement is reasonable.

While practicing, while waiting for the fish to hook, the practice is correct.

And after the strength has been improved, when the ‘fish’ is hooked, it will have the power to kill it!

"Yes, then stop here."

Long Aotian pouted: "It just happened that I took the time to set up a 'Kunkun Promise Array'. Once the seventh strongest man to the sky arrives, he can be trapped for half a day."

While speaking, Long Aotian followed Cheng Feng and landed on top of a steep mountain.

After Cheng Feng landed, he glanced inadvertently somewhere on the north side.

Immediately, she sat down cross-legged, took out the wings of a pair of ground-level birds, and began to practice the fifth step of walking.

As for Long Aotian, he was equally busy.

And on the north side of the steep peak, Aoxuan Tuo saw this scene, his frown could not help.

"Looking at the movement of Cheng Feng's small beasts, it seems that he has to retreat hard."

Ao Xuantuo was shocked: "Don't be aggressive and rush into the sky."

"Otherwise, it will be a super bane for my religion!"

"No, I have to urge Chen Taicang again."

Speaking, Ao Xuantuo also sent a letter to Chen Taicang, the fourth guardian of the Blood Gods.

Tens of thousands of miles away, on a battlefield, Chen Taicang was fiercely fighting a righteous strongman.

When he received the message from Ao Xuan Tuo, he was also shocked.

"Damn, Cheng Feng's repair is actually going to be promoted again!"

Chen Taicang clenched his hands: "It seems that I must take the time to go to the border of Heishui County and find more helpers."

"Strive to eliminate this hidden danger as soon as possible!"

For Cheng Feng, Chen Taicang wanted to kill him earlier than anyone else.

Because he had experienced deeply, Cheng Feng's scary growth rate and tenacious vitality.

Therefore, even at this moment, the blood gods and the righteous camp have begun a battle of life and death.

He also intends to do it himself, and will also need to deploy several masters to act together.

In his opinion, Cheng Feng alone is more threatening than a dozen of Zhengdao ascendants to the heavens!

At the same time, the junction of Qianlong County and Heishui County.

Cheng Feng is slowly refining the wings of a pair of ground-level birds.

This pair of horrible birds has reached the third grade, which is equivalent to the three strong players such as Dengtian.

If Cheng Feng can successfully train the pair of wings into the body, then the fifth step of the walking step will be completely completed.

By then, Cheng Feng's speed will be able to soar to twelve times in an instant.

Much faster than many masters of heaven!

"Coming soon, the wings of the sky giant eagle will soon be pierced into my body."

The sky giant eagle is the overlord in poultry.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to find by martial arts.

In one, the sky eagles soared above the sky above Jiuxiao.

Secondly, the sky giant eagle is ferocious and brutal, and almost all warriors encountered by it are killed by it.

Cheng Feng's pair of winged giant eagle wings is also stained with the light of the feathered royal family.

Buzz ~~ Buzz ~~

With the wings of the two giant eagles, they slowly took root on Cheng Feng's back.

Suddenly, strong winds blew around, and it seemed that the entire mountain would be rolled into the sky.

Moreover, this situation continues to increase over time.

"Fuck, what kind of martial arts is this Feng Cheng guy practicing? The movement is so big!"

In the empty space, Long Aotian was blown around by the strong wind that appeared from nowhere.

The gravel and dirt dangled in front of its eyes, making it rather gray-faced.

Until a divine power was evoked, and condensed into a divine shield to protect himself, it was better.

Dozens of miles away.

Even though Ao Xuan Tuo was far away, his face was splashing with dust.

However, compared to the shock in my heart, this point is nothing.

"Damn, Cheng Feng must be practicing a very superb martial arts skill."

Ao Xuantuo's face was gloomy: "If you let him train this martial arts skill, if he wants to kill him, it will at least increase the difficulty.

"I have to take a step first and disrupt Cheng Feng's cultivation process."

Thinking of this, Ao Xuan Tuo is about to start.

Om ~~~

The two strong winds suddenly rose from the ground where Cheng Feng was located.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng was wrapped in two strong winds, like a large humanoid arrow, shooting towards the depths of the sky.

That speed was reaching a terrible speed.

When Aoxuan Tuo heard the wind, he looked up, but only saw the faint tail disappearing into the sky.

The next moment, the whole person disappeared completely!

"Damn it, **** it!"

Cheng Feng suddenly disappeared, which made Ao Xuan Tuo extremely angry.

However, after a short period of anger, Ao Xuantuo calmed down quickly and secretly said: "Cheng Feng should have just practiced that martial arts skill, not escape."

"So he will definitely come back."

Sure enough, after about ten seconds, 咻 ~~~

The squealing sound of an object rubbing air suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a golden arrow burst out.

It is Cheng Feng wearing the armor of war!

"I didn't expect to walk on the fifth floor, so it was so easy to practice."

After falling to the top of the mountain, Cheng Feng smiled: "With this type of martial arts, if I meet an unbeatable master, I will be a life-saving weapon for me!"

The fifth step of the walking step can increase the speed of the warrior twelve times.

This growth rate will play a key role in critical times!

"However, no matter how superb martial arts practice is, it is impossible to surpass the peerless powerhouse who is six or seven."

Cheng Feng groaned: "So next, I need to devote my energy to attacking and killing martial arts."

"It is best to practice the fourth style of Emperor Cangdao in a short period of time!"

Emperor Cang sword art was pioneered by Emperor Cangdao.

Not long ago, Cheng Feng was able to become a third-style monster star.

Rescue Cheng Feng several times in the fire and water, Cheng Feng is currently the strongest attack and kill martial arts!

And the fourth style of Emperor Cang Sword, called Qixing Convergence!

This martial art is very similar to the third type of demon star in troubled times, and it is a killing sword that can use the power of the stars.

However, in terms of power and difficulty in training, the seven-star gathering is more powerful than the monster star in troubled times!

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