Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1371: False holy

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Chapter 137: Pseudo-Holy Artifacts

"Kimi's imitation body seems to be really exerting force."

Under the tear of horror suction, he couldn't help but retreat to King Chiyan.

Cheng Feng's face was dignified, and he deeply felt the gap between himself and the peerless master.

"You have to work hard and try to stay as far as five hundred miles from the King of Chiyan."

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth: "Once less than five hundred miles, I will be very dangerous!"

Thinking about this, the ten dragon powers in Cheng Feng's body began to boil violently.

The next moment, gushing out of Cheng Feng's body.

When he got into the Devil Sword, the fourth style of Emperor Cang Sword was immediately cast out.

The fourth style of Emperor Cang Sword, called Qixing Convergence.

Can borrow the power of the Big Dipper.

With Cheng Feng's use of this trick, one, two, three ... the big stars suddenly flashed in the north of the sky covered by the red robe.

Then, buzzing ~~~

The seven bright stars separated from the seven stars one by one, and shot at the red robe covering the sky.

"Can you borrow the martial arts of the power of the stars?"

Seeing this scene, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the immortal King Chiyan.

"Cheng Feng is not so ordinary."

King Chiyan's eyes flickered: "It seems that‘ someone ’can help in the dark by borrowing such strong star power.”

"It's no wonder that teaching masters continuously attacked this child, but repeatedly failed to succeed."

It is not uncommon for warriors to use the power of the stars to kill enemies.

But the power of the stars borrowed, as strong as Cheng Feng, is unique.

In the daytime, the dippers are summoned stiffly, and the light almost covers the sun.

This is probably the first case in the history of the entire dome continent.

In all likelihood, ‘someone’ is helping in secret.

And can make the Big Dipper star shine in the daylight.

At the very least, it is also a peerless man who can go hand in hand with the deity of the king of Chiyan.

Even better than the deity of Chiyan God!

"Cheng Feng is not easy now."

The King of Chiyan copied the body, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes: "However, this son has repeatedly badly taught me blood gods and must be eliminated."

"Otherwise, it will definitely be used by the Fang family in the future, and will be a stumbling block to teach me to harvest the" fruit "!"

Thinking about this, the King of Chiyan's killing of Cheng Feng has not decreased but increased.

Then he grasped the red light net that surrounded Hell's black flame with one hand, and clasped the red robe tightly with the other hand, shaking with violent force.


The big red robe flew up to the sky.

Enveloped in seven stars from the Big Dipper, and then twined quickly.

It was actually the strongest attack of the seven stars that Cheng Feng cut out, and they got caught up in the red robe and forcibly resolved.

Not only that, the King of Chiyan also resolved the seven red stars, seized the rolled red robe, and swept Cheng Feng across the air!

The red robe stretched for hundreds of miles and rolled together, it was a big red stick.

As the Chiyan King's imitation body swept across, the red stick immediately hit Cheng Feng.

The mighty force surged, breaking the gap in the void.

"Mad, what kind of material is the big red robe in the hand of King Chiyan?"

Seeing that the red robes are so varied, they can be long or short, and can even be rolled together to beat people.

Cheng Feng's face sank, revealing a touch of jealousy.

"Cheng Feng, that big red robe should be a holy weapon!"

At this time, Nalan's eternal voice sounded: "However, this sacred artifact is not an entity, but an` `false holy instrument '' imitation by the ironwood **** tree according to a certain sacred artifact.

"Not one-tenth the power of a real holy weapon!"

"A fake artifact?"

Cheng Feng's brow was raised: "No wonder this thing is endlessly useful and indestructible."

The toughness of the scarlet robe is indeed no small matter.

Just now Cheng Feng cut out a gathering of seven stars, and the seven stars fell from the sky, but were rendered invisible by the red robe.

If it is another object, even the top Taoist device, it must be cut directly!

After understanding the origin of the red robe, Cheng Feng took a deep breath.

Grab the Devil Sword, urge ten dragon powers, and make a note of the Demon Sword to smash the waves to the red robe that hits him.

铿 ~~~

When the Devil Sword was chopped on the stick formed by the Dahong Robe, a clash of iron and stone was actually made.

A strong force followed the cutting magic knife and passed into Cheng Feng's body.

Cheng Feng's arms shuddered, and the whole person sank down.

And at this time.

The big red rod turned into that big red robe suddenly softened and bent from the middle.

Its tip turned into a whip and hit the falling Cheng Feng.

"Grass, this red robe change may be too much, right?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's cheeks twitched.

It feels like a big red robe can be turned into an eighteen weapon, and it can't be defended.

At this time, Cheng Feng had a sense of defenselessness.

It seems that no matter how he defends, the red robe can be changed to kill!

"Break me!"

The whip formed by the red robe was drawn to Cheng Feng's cheek.

Cheng Feng didn't dare to neglect, raised the Devil Sword, and quickly slashed away.

But when the slashing sword cuts the whip, it is not at all weak.

It was as if he fell on the waterfall with a slash and fell directly into it.

Wait until the whip is entangled with force, wow ~~~

The Devil Slayer was entangled in the red robe.

Cheng Feng tried his best to extract, but he couldn't extract it, as if he had taken root.

Not only that, the big red robe swept around with Cheng Feng after engulfing the Devil Sword, and came to Cheng Feng.

At this time, if Cheng Feng gave up the Devil Sword and performed the fifth step to escape, he might be able to escape.

However, the Devil Sword followed Cheng Feng for a long time and never left.

Although I haven't said anything like "the sword is in people, the sword is ashamed".

But let Cheng Feng drop the demon sword and run away alone, but it was difficult for a while.

And it was this hesitant time, the big red robe twisted together had spread out, like a sea of ​​red.


Cheng Feng was directly wrapped in the robe.

"Cheng Feng!"

A thousand miles away, above the Grand Canyon.

When Long Aotian saw the scene where Cheng Feng was caught in the red robe, his face suddenly condensed, and he yelled, "Damn, what should I do next?

Cheng Feng and Long Aotian are a duo. Cheng Feng is a well-deserved backbone.

When Cheng Feng encountered danger and was taken away by the red robe, Long Aotian suddenly panicked and had no idea.

As for Hell's melancholia, it was even more violent.

I saw a low roar, a huge body dancing for tens of thousands of meters.

Rumbling ~~~

The whole hit the red light online.

The red light net was violently deformed, and the red light was a little dim.

The imitation body of the King of Chiyan had to temporarily recover his energy and specialize in stabilization.

So as to avoid the big net of red light being directly knocked down by **** melanoma!

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