Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1379: Summoner Level 4

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Chapter 1379 Chapter Four

"Power of Demon, punch me!"

The big palm chased after him, and the violent air waves hit him, such as Dayue's bombardment.

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and pushed the body's demonization process forward again.

Let the area covered by the black scale armor spread from the legs and calves to the knees.

As for the two arms, they also spread to the elbows.

Under this situation, a majestic force erupted from Cheng Feng's limbs.

Pushing Cheng Feng, like a big golden arrow, sprinted from the palm of the palm of the sky to the edge of the palm.

Then, following the gap between the thumb of the big palm and the index finger, it suddenly shot out.

Dangerous and dangerous, escaped again under the bombardment of the sky!

"Escaped, Cheng Feng actually escaped again?"

See the picture of Cheng Feng flying out from the fingers of the sky.

The divine incarnation of the Chiyan **** king turned his face blue.

"Damn it, **** it!"

The God of Chiyan was sullen to the extreme, remorse, "I really looked down on Cheng Feng a bit, and couldn't close my palms."

"Otherwise, even if Cheng Feng had three heads and six arms, he would never have escaped from my attack."

The reason why Cheng Feng was able to escape twice in a row was indeed related to the King of Chiyan.

If the King of Chiyan bombards Cheng Feng's huge palms, the palms of his hands are closed.

Perhaps at this moment Cheng Feng has been injured under the palm of the sky.

The main reason is that the King Chiyan is somewhat arrogant.

This led to two consecutive falls in the same place!

"Cheng Feng, the same mistake, I will never make a third time."

King Chiyan bit his teeth and said, "This time, I will send you back to the West!"

After saying that, the palm of the **** Chiyan turned over.


The big palm of the sky also flipped along, palm facing Cheng Feng, and came again.

"Did the third wave of attacks begin?"

As soon as Cheng Feng flew from the big palm of heaven, the arrogant breath rose behind him.

Like a giant wave, it hit his back.

The pores in his body couldn't help being locked up, and his scalp was violently numb.

But in my heart, it was quietly relaxed a little.

Because of the previous two escapes, Cheng Feng's confidence has greatly increased.

At the same time, he also found that the power of the giant palm is weaker than before.

This is obviously the result of the Xinming Emperor engulfing the Chiming Arctic Fire.

A glance of Cheng Feng's eyes revealed that the Chiming blaze in the 108 veins of Chiyanpao had been drained by the new emperor fire.

That is to say, the huge palm bombardment that Cheng Feng faces at this moment is only equivalent to the combined attack of the ninety-ninth fifth masters.

There are nine fewer positions than before.

And this reduction will continue over time.

"In my calculations, I have had the most difficult time."

Cheng Feng's eyes became sharp: "Next, I just need to hold on for a while, and wait for the **** incarnation near the Chiyan **** king."

"The time of his death is almost here!"

Cheng Feng escaped these two times and seemed to have no rules.

But in fact, it was quietly moving closer to the incarnation of the God of Chiyan.

At the beginning, Cheng Feng was more than 1,500 miles away from the incarnation of the God of Chiyan.

After two 'escapes', this distance was suddenly reduced to a thousand miles.

At most once or twice, Cheng Feng can approach the incarnation of the God of Chiyan.

At that time, Cheng Feng will show his soul mark, and Cheng Feng will be able to send him back to the west in one hit.

"Continue to escape and strive to get closer to the **** incarnation of the God of Chiyan as soon as possible."

Cheng Feng whispered a word, and then the fifth step of the walking step turned to the extreme, and fled to the edge of the big palm.

"Little beast, you don't want to escape this time!"

Seeing the fleeing Cheng Feng, the king of Chiyan shouted coldly.

The finger that controlled the big palm of the hand was moved close together and pressed hard.

The previous two loopholes have been eliminated, and Cheng Feng intends to completely resolve them.

However, King Chiyan has experience, why is Cheng Feng not?

I saw Cheng Feng in flight, the direction changed continuously, so that the king of Chiyan could not understand Cheng Feng's escape position.

That big palm can only change position.

The trickiest part is that Cheng Feng's flight speed is constantly soaring.

It can even be said that the speed increase has never stopped since Cheng Feng exhibited the magic sword decisive method.

It seems that Cheng Feng's speed has been able to improve so endlessly.

In reality, this is not the case.

Cheng Feng's speed is increasing, and he is almost at the limit.

It should be noted that the speed of Cheng Feng's increase at this time mainly depends on the power of demonization after the body is demonized.

This power is only related to the degree of demonization of Cheng Feng.

However, the degree of demonization is controlled by the Summoning Knife Decency.

Cheng Feng has only practiced summoning swords for the third time.

The exercises at this level can only demonize Cheng Feng's body to the limbs.

At this moment, Cheng Feng's feet, black scale armor has spread to the thigh.

As for the two arms, they also spread to the roots of the arms.

"Have you reached the third level of the Summoner Blade?"

Cheng Feng whispered: "It seems my ultimate speed can only reach this level."

"If you want to go one step further, unless you advance the Summoner Knife Decisiveness chapter to the fourth level."

"By then, my body will be demonized except for my head."

There is a corresponding enchanted area on each floor of the Conjuring Knife Decisive Method.

The first layer, for example, will only show signs of enchantment.

The second layer, demonize the palms and feet of people.

The third layer, demonized limbs.

The fourth layer, the demonized torso.

The fifth layer, the demonized skull.

The sixth layer is to demonize the five internal organs.

Cheng Feng has only practiced the Summoner Knife Decisive Method to the third level.

So the enchanted area can only reach the top of the limbs at most.

But even so, it's pretty scary.

The power of the demonization rushed into Cheng Feng's body, doubling Cheng Feng's flying speed.

At this time, Cheng Feng was flying wildly, actually letting the huge palms behind him bombard, there was a feeling of catching up.

And when you chase near Cheng Feng, 咻 ~~~

Cheng Feng's flight direction changed suddenly, and flew straight to the edge of the big palm.

"Little beasts, die for the god!"

But at this moment, King Chiyan launched a killing move.

I saw the palm of his hand congeal, and the five fingers closed together were bent.

With that, that big palm changed.

It turned out that the entire sky was turned into a big buckle bowl, and Cheng Feng hooded.

Obviously afraid of Cheng Feng escaping again under the slap of the big palm, he took a conservative approach and prepared to catch Cheng Feng first.

However, although the thought of Chiyan Shenwang is good, Cheng Feng seems to have expected it.

When the slamming palms suddenly changed.

Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

The next moment, wow ~~~

On Cheng Feng's limbs, the demonization that had reached its limit actually rushed through the thigh roots and arm sockets.

The dense black scale armor spread directly to Cheng Feng's torso.

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