Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1395: Add new hole cards

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Chapter 139 Adds New Hole Card

It takes time.

The red mass at the corner of Chiyanpao was swallowed up by black and white.

Let Chi Yanpao become bright and restrained, simple and heavy.

Although it looks a lot more 'vegan' than before, when it comes to power, it adds more than one grade.

"Hell black flames, you swallowed the remaining half of Chiming extremely hot?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked with delight.

"Well, swallowed."

Hell and He Yan said: "After I have thoroughly refined it, my strength will grow a lot."

"Furthermore, on the counterfeit of the God of Akamiya, the worst can be evenly divided!"

"Really, that's not bad." Cheng Feng nodded with a smile.

"By the way Cheng Feng, I will stay in this Chiyan Robe in the future."

Hell, Heiyan said: "In this way, I can refine the Chiming polar fire and devour the immortal true spirit of the earth's flame."

"At the same time, it can also urge Chiyan Robe, and help you when you need help!"

"Haha, that's good!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng showed great joy.

You must know that after the Chiming blaze in Chiyan Robe was divided up, Cheng Feng needed a super strange fire to make Chiyan Robe a new impetus.

Cheng Feng originally wanted to talk to Hell Heiyan about this.

Unexpectedly, Hell Heiyan spoke first.

"Cheng Feng, the current Chiyanpao, the distance is completely yours, and it is still the last step."

After Cheng Feng was happy for a while, Hell Heiyan said, "That is to clear the sacred thoughts of the **** Chiyan who imitated in the Chiyan robe."

"I remember you said just now, do you have a solution?"

"Yes, there is a way."

Cheng Feng said from his own words: "I just need to show the Soul Seal and bombard the inside and outside of Chiyanpao."

"The God of Chiyan's imitation body will be cleaned up directly!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng communicated with Hei Heiyan a little.

Then the Soul Seal was triggered, hum ~~~

A big sweep of Chiyanpao was launched.

The original god's imitation of the imitation body of the God of Chiyan was hidden deep in the Chiyan Robe and was very strong.

But under the bombardment of Zhenhunyin, he could not hide at all.

Even if it was hidden deeper, it was hit by the soul-seal and turned into dregs.

Waiting for Cheng Feng to show his soul mark, he bombarded Chiyanpao inside and out.

The God of Red Flame God's imitation of the body has nothing left, all turned into flying ash!

"Cheng Feng ..."

This time, within the Qiankun Promise array, the imitation body of the King Chiyan was no longer angry.

It was just those eyes that looked towards Cheng Feng, but they were full of killing intention.

In fact, hissing and roaring at a person has not yet been hated to the extreme.

Like King Chiyan, it is even more terrible.


Just when the King of Chiyan copied the body, he was aggressive against Cheng Feng.

Qiankun Wuji was out, and the last hidden danger of the red flame robe was vigorously thrown away.

The black and white robe swept across the sky.

Breathing, covering the scorching sun in the sky, so that thousands of miles and thousands of miles, suddenly fell into darkness.

After Chiyanpao recovered, Guangming returned to the sight of the crowd.

"Too strong, this Chiyan Robe is simply too strong!"

"A robe, but it's ever-changing and omnipotent."

"Cheng Feng got this weapon, and his strength will be greatly increased. It can be said to cover the sky with one hand!"

It's no exaggeration to describe Cheng Feng at the moment with ‘only one hand covering the sky’.

Because after holding Chi Yanpao, Cheng Feng shook his hand and indeed could cover the sky.

If you want to darken the sky, you have to darken it.

In the eyes of ordinary people and even many warriors, Cheng Feng is God.

A **** who can control the weather and the sun and the moon!

"Cheng Feng, the God of Chiyan in Chiyanpao has been cleared by you."

Out of Qiankun Wuji, Hei Hei Yan said: "Next, you only need to leave a trail of your own spirit in the Chi Yan Robe."

"In this way, Chiyan Robe can be completely used by you."

"Good!" Cheng Feng nodded with a smile.

Then the spirits urged, separated a ray of spirits, and sent them into the red flame robe.

In Chiyanpao, there was a soul mark left by Cheng Feng.

When this ray of spirits entered the Chiyan Robe, it merged with the soul seal.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng had a kind of intimacy towards Chi Yanpao.

As if on the body, an arm grew out of thin air, a feeling of flesh and blood flew into my heart instantly.

"Did you succeed?"

Perceiving this feeling, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up.

Then I lost my mind, wow ~~~

Chi Yanpao immediately obeyed his mind, exuding an overwhelming force.

The hem of the robe struck the void and made a hunting sound!

Like a tight bow, it can burst out at any time, killing enemies thousands of miles away.

And just then.

Five hundred miles away from Cheng Feng, several blood gods came to hear the news.

They stopped to look into the distance. When they saw the picture of Cheng Feng holding Chiyan Robe in hand and besieging the King of Chiyan, they were all shocked.

But relying on the distance is far enough, all kinds of swear words in the mouth.

They thought that after a distance of 500 miles, Cheng Feng would definitely not hear it.

As everyone knows, after Cheng Feng's repair reached the pinnacle of the Broken Realm, Ear Cong's eyes were clear.

Even if he was six or seven hundred miles away, he could hear it clearly if he wanted to.

At this moment, Cheng Feng just audibly circulated, listening to the swear words of these blood gods and martial artists.

Then his frown froze and he shook Chiyanpao in his hands.

Wow ~~~

Chiyanpao shot a heavy black-and-white fire wave across the sky.

"That is……"

Five hundred miles away, the eyes of those blood gods taught martial arts.

Just saw a heavy black and white fire wave coming.

Then, before they finished speaking a word, the whole person was directly blown into the sky.

The body was burned by the fire waves, and even the **** did not leave a little bit.

"Holding the grass, you can kill Zulong-level warriors in a span of five hundred miles?"

"This Cheng Feng is so strong that it's terrible!"

"I look at the ten bright paths of the bright path recently, the ten true stories of the blood gods, and the ten killing stars of Hell Gate.

"Even the old masters must sigh for themselves!"

See the picture of Cheng Feng's spike killing blood gods.

The righteous martial arts fighters in the surrounding area, despite being repeatedly acted by Cheng Feng, were shocked and numb.

At this moment, it was moving again.

In fact, it's not just these upright martial arts.

Pei Feng, who had just returned from the Heishui Palace, had a scalp tingling.

Exclaimed: "What a terrifying flame power!"

"If it is fully triggered, it will be enough to burn the sixth strongest man to the sky!"

Pei Feng is the host of the Black Water Palace, although he specializes in water attributes martial arts.

But the martial arts of fire is no stranger.

Even know more than many firefighters.

So the surprise in my heart is far more prosperous than others.

As soon as he arrived at Qian Dingfeng, he immediately looked at Cheng Feng, and asked in shock: "Cheng Feng, what is going on?"

"Why is the black and white robe in your hands so scary?"

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