Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1408: True or false

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Chapter 1408 True or False

"I am doing this, it's a hundred thousand miles behind you."

Chihuo shook his head and smiled bitterly, his face full of emotion.

"Brother Redfire, this is nothing more than luck."

Cheng Feng responded casually and asked: "Yes, brother, I remember you surrendered to a different fire called Jiugong Orange Fire."

"What grade did you get that strange fire?"

"Brother Cheng Feng, speaking of controlling different fires, I was hit by you again."

Chihuo smiled bitterly: "The **** melancholy you surrendered, but the ninth highest ranking exists on the different fire list."

"It's more than a hundred times stronger than my nine-house orange fire!"

During the talk, a red fire stretched out the palm of his hand, and an orange flame flickered, but the temperature around him soared.

"Oh, this nine-house orange fire, you look like a fake."

Seeing the orange-red flame, Cheng Feng's face changed.

It became cold and killed, and the look toward the red fire was more like a blade.

"Brother Cheng Feng, what do you mean ..."

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's attitude towards himself changed suddenly, and that red fire was confused.

"What do you mean?"

However, Cheng Feng sneered: "What do I mean, isn't it clear to you? Counterfeit goods?"

"Counterfeit goods ..."

Hearing the words, Chihuo said suddenly, "Master Cheng Feng, you are doubting me!"

"Think I'm not 'Red Fire', but someone else's fake?"

"Oh, still acting."

Cheng Feng sneered: "Okay, you've already done it, just stop and rest."

"I'll show you off when I'm done!"

"Brother Cheng Feng, you must have misunderstood, I am ..."

Upon hearing this, Chihuo's face changed slightly, and then an explanation was needed.

"Not dead?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng interrupted directly: "That being the case, then I will tell you, in the end, where did you expose the flaws and expose yourself?"

"First of all, you didn't dig into the resume of Red Fire."

"Brother Chihuo's practice now may have reached the level of Zulong."

"But in Qianxue's secret realm, it is absolutely impossible to reach the broken realm."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and said coldly: "Because of the entry conditions of Qianxue's secret realm, it must be repaired below the broken realm."

"If Brother Redfire's cultivation has reached a broken state at that time, he will never meet me in Qianxue."

Hearing that Red Fire's face changed.

But Cheng Feng didn't bother and continued.

"Secondly, the Jiu Gong Orange Fire in the hands of Brother Chihuo is a psychic fire, ranking more than 90 on the list of fires."

Cheng Feng said: "But the Jiugong orange fire in your hand, although it is also orange-red, the temperature is extremely high."

"But it is not a psychic fire at all, but some sort of fire."

"You want to hide my eyes with this inferior product, it is an insult to me!"

When I heard this, the face of that "red fire" turned into a pale white.

His mouth trembled, trying to argue, but he was speechless.

Immediately after biting his teeth, he performed a martial arts skill and fled to the horizon.

Regarding the 'red fire' that escaped, Cheng Feng did not rush to kill.

The light flickered in his eyes, as if contemplating something.

When he was clear, his eyes opened.

Skyline, ah ~~~

A scream sounded.

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and saw the fake red fire running away, and suddenly an orange-red flame lit up around him.

The flame was extremely hot, and the clouds that burned the sky were rapidly evaporating and disappearing!

The fake red fire, under the burning of this flame, screamed screaming, the hair turned into fly ash, and the whole person became a torch directly.

Falling from the sky, a human-shaped deep pit was smashed into the ground, and the flame was still burning.

Only that screaming continued, and then became weaker and weaker in the end!

"Jiugong Orange Fire?"

Seeing the orange-red flames burning the fake red fire, Cheng Feng frowned.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a young man who was exactly the same as a fake red fire, flying slowly from the sky.

The body was surrounded by orange-red flames, like a vulcan god, making the air scream.

"Brother Cheng Feng, it's been a long time."

The young man surrounded by orange-red flames soon approached Cheng Feng and greeted with fists in both hands.

"You are Brother Redfire?"

Cheng Feng asked weirdly when he saw the person.

"Yes, it's me."

Chihuo nodded and admitted, smiling bitterly: "I happened to pass by Heishui County, so I came to see the situation."

"I never thought that I happened to meet someone impersonating me ..."

"This person who faked me should be a killer."

"This killer is proficient in easy-going content, disguised as me, and intends to assassinate you."

"Fortunately, Master, you are alert, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Yeah, I thought the killer's assassination was nothing."

Cheng Feng sighed and sighed, "Now it seems that we need to pay more attention to it in the future."

"In case he gets confused, close to him, and attack at my weakest moment."

"I'm afraid, there is no death!"

"indeed so."

Chihuo nodded: "Fortunately, the counterfeit goods have been cleaned up by me."

"Hidden dangers around you can be removed!"

"Oh, really?"

However, Cheng Feng frowned: "But how do I feel that the hidden troubles around me have just emerged?"

"Master, what do you say?"

The red fire was a little puzzled: "Is there a killer lurking beside you?"

"Oh, you're right." Cheng Feng laughed.

"Oh, who is that man?" Chihuo asked.

"Far in the sky and near."

Cheng Feng's eyes fixed, staring at the red fire.

"Far in the sky, near?"

Red fire meditated on this sentence, his face changed slowly, full of indignation and puzzlement: "Master Cheng Feng, the killer in your mouth, does it mean me?"

"Yes, it's you!"

Regarding the red fire's resentment, Cheng Feng turned a blind eye: "Actually, your means are quite delicate."

"First use a fake red fire to draw most of my attention."

"Then you make your appearance as 'Red Fire' and kill the fake Red Fire yourself."

"It is estimated that more than 90% of people will be deceived by you, and then you will be approached and killed."

"It's a pity that you met me!"

"Brother Cheng Feng, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Chihuo ignored the words of Cheng Feng, and his face was full of indignation and injustice.

In the eyes, it was full of heartache.

"It seems you are very persistent, and you will never give up until the last minute."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said coldly, "Since this is the case, I will talk about your flaws!"

"First of all, your timing is too coincident."

"It happened to be running away under the pretense of red fire, and I was about to pursue it."

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