Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1411: Chiyan Fire Energy

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Chapter 1411 Chiyan Fire Energy

"Oh fine!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's warning, the excitement of the new emperor fire weakened.

"Little guy, don't be upset."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng explained: "These delicious things will all be yours in the future."

"Also, you will be able to eat more delicious food soon, but keep your belly!"

"All right."

After being resolved by Cheng Feng, the new emperor suddenly felt good and nodded again and again.

Then Cheng Feng didn't delay, the spirit wrapped in the sealed fire bottle, and escaped from the soul ring.

"Huh? Seal the flask?"

Not far away, when Cheng Feng took out the sealed fire bottle, then Pei Feng had a sense of time.

A pair of eyes stared straight at him: "Cheng Feng, it is rumored that you have extorted the Holy Fire Sect's Supreme Seal Flask. I didn't believe it."

"It seems that the rumors are true!"

Water and fire are born to be opposites.

The Holy Fire Sect and Heishui County, although both are the first class gates of the Feathered Gods, but they are not in the least friction.

Therefore, Heishui Palace is very concerned about the situation of the Sacred Flame.

The torch of the Holy Fire Sect's treasure was taken away by Cheng Feng. Although very secretive, it was still detected by Heishui Palace.

"Senior Pei Feng, I just borrowed this flask."

Cheng Feng said: "After six months, the original will be returned."

In fact, this fire bottle has no effect on the current Cheng Feng.

At that time, Cheng Feng 'borrowed' it from the Holy Fire Sect, mainly to trap Earth Spirit Flame.

Now, Hell's Black Flame has successfully counterattacked and suppressed the earth's flames.

Even if it is returned to the Flame Sect now, it is perfectly fine.

"So this is ah."

Hearing that, Pei Feng nodded sternly, then asked: "Yes, Cheng Feng, do you have any plans to take out the sealed fire bottle at this moment?"

"In my observation, the imitation of King Chiyan was formed by a kind of super fire energy."

In order to prevent the news of the new emperor's fire from leaking, Cheng Feng casually said: "This fire bottle can not only devour different fires, but also fire energy."

"So I want to use this bottle to see if I can deal with the imitation of King Chiyan."

"Little beasts, this body of the gods is made of red fire energy."

As soon as Cheng Feng's voice fell, within the Qiankun Promise array, the voice of the God of Chiyan sounded: "Chiyan's fire is extremely stable, let alone a semi-holy artifact."

"Even if it is a real sacred weapon, you never want to hurt your god!"

"haha, really?"

However, Cheng Feng sneered: "I want to try it, is your body, which can be formed by red fire, as powerful as you brag!"

After speaking, Cheng Fengshi exhibited the flame control chapter.

Om ~~~

The sealed fire bottle in his hand suddenly produced a strong suction.

This suction is very strange when it acts on the earthy yellow gas wall formed by Qiankun Promise.

It actually seemed to have encountered a layer of air and penetrated the past directly.

But it fell on the imitation body of the King of Chiyan, but it was like a spatula.

Wisps of Qi and Blood from the King of the God of Flames were scraped from the body, forming a wave of red fire.

Then it was torn by suction, penetrated the earthy yellow gas wall, and flew towards the sealed fire bottle!

"Cheng Feng, it seems to be effective!"

Seeing this, Pei Feng, the master of the Heishui Palace, was overjoyed: "I feel the power of the imitation body of the King of Red Flames, and a small amount is sucked away."

"If it can be absorbed for a long time, it is estimated that the imitation of the God of Chiyan will be sucked alive."

"It ’s much more effective than Chi Yanpao and me."

At this point, Pei Feng couldn't help but praise it: "Cheng Feng, this fire bottle is really a good treasure."

"This time, you are making a lot of money!"

"The jerk, absorbing the power of Chi Yan's fire energy, is not a **** to seal the fire bottle at all."

Hearing Pei Feng's words, the King of Chiyan copied his body, and his face turned blue.

Roaring as he endured the massive loss of red flames.

"King Yan God, die hard before you die?"

A glance at the imitation body of the God of Red Flame, Cheng Feng poured oil on the fire: "At this moment devouring the power of the fire energy of Red Flame, if it is not a fire bottle, what is it?

"Little beast, what is that power, don't you know?"

The God of Chiyan irritably asked.

"You're right, I really don't know."

Cheng Fengyun was breeze, staring at the King of Chiyan, and asked, "Would you give me a pointer or two?"

At this moment devouring the fire power of the God of Red Flame God, the King of Red Flame God's imitation body is clear.

However, the imitation body of King Chiyan did not want to say.

The main reason is that the true deity of the King of Chiyan once suffered a great loss in the hands of the only Emperor, and suffered great humiliation.

Therefore, King Chiyan hoped that there would be a new emperor fire, and he could grow up without disaster.

This created a confidant to the sole emperor.

In this case, it can be regarded as an indirect revenge.

Therefore, in the face of Cheng Feng's question.

Although the king of Chiyan was so angry that his face was green, he still kept his mouth shut.

Just staring at Cheng Feng fiercely, in a cold, ice-like tone: "Little animal, I remember you."

"If you have a seed, you won't be out of the continent for a lifetime."

"Otherwise, even across thousands of planes, the deity of God will catch you."

"You cannot survive, you cannot die!"

"Oh, I am looking forward to that day."

However, Cheng Feng didn't care: "As of now, you still‘ dead ’in my hands!”

While speaking, Cheng Feng evoked the devouring power of the sealed fire bottle to the maximum.

The new Emperor Fire in the sealed fire bottle was completely covered, allowing it to devour the Chiyan Fire energy.

In the blink of an eye, the King Chiyan's imitated body face became thin, debilitated, and his condition became very poor.

"Cheng Feng, the effect of this fire bottle on devouring different fires is really amazing."

Seeing this, Pei Feng was pleasantly surprised: "If you can maintain the effect of this swallow, I estimate that it will take up to two to three days."

"The King of Chiyan who imitates the body will be sucked alive!"

"Senior Pei Feng, I try my best."

Hearing the words, Cheng Feng said: "However, during this period, you and Chiyanpao are still needed to suppress the Chiyan God King."

Although the new emperor's fire is strong, he can only devour the fire energy of the other side of the enemy when the imitation body of the king of the flames cannot move.

Once King Chiyan ’s imitation body is out of trouble, the new emperor fire can only escape!

"Cheng Feng, you feel comfortable manipulating the sealed fire bottle and devouring Chiyan fire energy."

Pei Feng confidently said, "I am with Chi Yanpao. The imitation of King Chi Yan is definitely not going to turn."

"Um." Cheng Feng nodded.

Immediately, the spirit rushed into the sealed fire bottle.

I saw that in the sealed fire bottle, the new emperor's mouth opened, and the whale swallowed the dragon's drink, devouring the red flame fire energy.

While devouring it, he also vocally praised Chi Yanhuo for being 'delicious'.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled, no longer worried at all.

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