Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1419: Undercover

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Chapter 1419 Undercover Bane

"This old thing is a scourge!"

With a chant, he actually attracted many enemies.

The corner of Cheng Feng's mouth was drawn, and he was resentful to the gray-haired old man.

"Cheng Feng, don't act lightly."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The current situation is more subtle, you'd better change your appearance first, and mix it into Qianlong Academy."

"In case of identity exposure and being targeted by evil masters, it would be dangerous."

In recent times, Cheng Feng has frequently given blood gods a heavy blow.

Regarding the blood gods who hate the righteous camp most, Cheng Feng will undoubtedly come first.

If Cheng Feng's identity is revealed at this moment, in all likelihood, he will be attacked by a group of masters of various evil factions.

Even if Cheng Feng had three heads and six arms, he would be killed on the spot.

"Uncle Naland, changing your appearance may not be effective."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Not long ago, the evil warrior who had just besieged Dragon City collapsed, causing countless deaths and injuries."

"Blood gods probably already know the news of my return to Qianlong County."

"Furthermore, I still have a faint **** killing order on my body. As long as the evil masters look closely, I can guess who I am.

Cheng Feng, who was once defended by the Xuan Ting Law, the Blood Hand Law, and others, jointly issued a five-star blood word hunting order.

Although the blood hand protection method, Xuanting protection method ... and others, have been killed by Cheng Feng.

But there are one or two promoters left, and they are still alive.

Therefore, the order of chasing and killing Cheng Feng's body, although dimmed a lot, still exists.

Perhaps after the initiators of the two remaining hunting orders were also killed, Cheng Feng could completely get rid of the entanglement of the five-star blood word hunting order!

"Cheng Feng, don't worry about that much."

Nalan Changsheng said: "How long can you hide it, it is better than being recognized by the evil martial arts at a glance."

"OK." Cheng Feng nodded.

Then cast Tianlong Golden Body to change his body frame.

Hearing only the scream of a screaming bone, Cheng Feng has gone from a one-nine-nine-footed lad to a two-foot-two, muscular man.

A face, even more densely packed, looked extremely vicious.

And Cheng Feng simply judged two people!

"Well, not bad."

Seeing this, Nalan Changsheng praised and urged: "When the meeting starts, try not to use the signboard martial arts so as not to be recognized."

"Understand." Cheng Feng signaled that he had something in mind.

And at this time, on the battlefield.

Three half-step ascended martial arts soldiers, combined with a second ascended master of ascended heaven, have flew towards Cheng Feng quickly.

At the same time, there was a sixth ascendant who climbed to the sky. While facing a Qianlong Academy superior, he hit the range peak with the light of his eyes.

Obviously, the gray-haired old man who did not kill Cheng Feng with one eye just now has attracted the attention of the sixth strongest man in the sky.

Because it can stop the gray-haired old man's eyes from attacking and killing, the worst combat ability is comparable to the ascendant warrior!

"Let's go into the academy before talking."

After changing his appearance, Cheng Feng swallowed a few hidden gods, and further covered up the killing order.

Then his eyes swept away at the Qianlong Academy, where Long Li urged him to rush away.

Today's Qianlong Academy is very different from before.

The surrounding mountains and rivers were completely destroyed by the aftermath of the battle of the superpowers.

Even the interior of Qianlong Academy was slightly destroyed, and the mountain peak Dayue collapsed.

The main reason was the defense of Qianlong Academy ’s super formation 『Qianlong Dazheng』, which opened a gap.

At this moment, a lot of evil masters attacked the rupture of Qianlong's formation.

Attempting to follow this rift, enter Qianlong Academy, and flatten this martial arts shrine that has stood for thousands of years!

Fortunately, there are still many strong guards at Qianlong College, which blocked the rift.

However, if the rift cannot be blocked as soon as possible, then Qianlong College may be in great danger.

"What happened in the end? Dignified Qianlong battle, actually opened a gap!"

Cheng Feng frowned as he flew towards the rift: "As far as I know, Qianlong's formation is a true royal formation."

"Once it is fully opened, it will be enough to block the attack of the seventh strongest man on the sky!"

"Does that gray-haired old man have used Hell's Gate Treasure 'Hell' before attacking Qianlong before I come?"

"Cheng Feng, the rift in Qianlong's formation was not caused by hell."

However, Nalan's life was rejected.

"Not caused by hell?"

Cheng Feng stared at him: "If it wasn't hell, who would it be?"

From Cheng Feng's point of view, the only evil-haired warrior who could break the Qianlong battle at the scene was the gray-haired old man who supported Hell.

Now the suspicion of the gray-haired old man is ruled out, and Cheng Feng has some thoughts in his mind.

"I observed that the rupture of Qianlong's formation was broken from the inside."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The only person who can do this is Qianlong College!"

"What? The person who broke the Qianlong battle is the person from my academy?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's face changed: "Uncle Nalan, if your guess is true, wouldn't it mean that someone at Qianlong College has betrayed him?"

Traitor, this is the kind of person most hated and disgraced.

Now, Qianlong Academy seems to have this kind of scum that has been cast aside by thousands!

"Cheng Feng is not necessarily a mutiny of the Qianlong Academy."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng proposed another possibility: "It may be undercover."

"Since the blood gods are planning to invade the feathered dynasty, they will definitely be undercover in Qianlong Academy, the Royalized Royal Family, and the first-class gates."

"Wait until the critical moment erupts to lock in the victory!"

"Undercover? It's quite possible."

Hearing here, Cheng Feng bit his teeth: "As long as you carefully plan, you can sneak into the vital part of the academy undercover."

"Critically fatal at the critical moment!"

Undercover is a profession full of mischief and conspiracy.

Especially the confrontation between the big forces will inevitably put a lot of undercover in the opposing camp.

Some were even undercover and sent to hostile camps from an early age, eliminating all doubts.

After lurking for decades and finding out the key points of the hostile camp, it suddenly broke out, and that would definitely be fatal!

For example, when the Qianlong array of Qianlong Academy was broken, it may be the undercover of a blood **** in Qianlong Academy who had been lurking for many years.

The people of Qianlong Academy have no doubt about it, so they can succeed in one fell swoop!

"Cheng Feng, don't think about undercover things first."

Soon, Cheng Feng was approaching within two hundred miles of the Qianlong array.

At this time, the three half-step ascension martial warriors and one ascendant second master had already reached Cheng Feng.

So Nalan Changsheng reminded: "Next, deal with these evil warriors first."

"After mixing into Qianlong Academy, think of other things."

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