Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1431: The rise and fall, everyone is responsible

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Chapter 143: The rise and fall of the world, the husband is responsible

Cheng Feng's state of mind is that it was originally the fifth peak.

It is only one step away from the sixth floor.

However, this step, like the same nature, Cheng Feng hit many times, all ended in failure.

But at this moment, with the death of the Ironwood Walker, the Cheng family and the Ironwood family's grievances came to an end.

Cheng Feng's state of mind suddenly produced a violent fluctuation, rolled up a raging wave, and rushed to the sixth level of state of mind.

Bang ~~ Bang ~~

As the big waves swept through, a silent loud noise roared.

After a while, click!

Rolling waves, Huo Ran smashed the yoke on the sixth floor of Cheng Feng's state of mind.

Let Cheng Feng's state of mind be revised and successfully entered the sixth floor.

"Is this the sixth floor of the state of mind?"

After the state of mind was promoted to the sixth floor, Cheng Feng felt enchanted and suddenly opened his heart.

There is a qualitative change in the perception of everything.

This is a baptism of the soul, but also a sublimation of wisdom, which makes Cheng Feng introverted.

It seems ordinary, once it breaks out, it will make the world change color!

"Oh, this is a pleasant surprise."

Cheng Feng grinned: "I killed an iron-wooden walker, which actually made my mood change and entered a new world!"

"Cheng Feng, your state of mind is to be promoted, but it is not because you killed the iron-wood walker."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "But because your accumulation has reached that stage."

"As for the iron-wood walker, it's just a lead."

"A catalyst to make your mood change!"

Nalan's analysis is very accurate.

In fact, after this period of hardening, Cheng Feng's state of mind has been repaired to an explosive point.

However, due to the pressure in Cheng Feng's heart, he never broke out.

It was not until the death of Tiemu Xingqi that Cheng Feng's state of mind was detonated.

"So this is ah……"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng suddenly realized: "It seems that the state of mind is repaired, and there is no short cut to go."

"If you want to improve, you must be real hardening and accumulation."

The state of mind is the inner cultivation of the warrior.

The heart is not strong enough, and it is easy to get into trouble.

Serious people will even go crazy and become a lunatic!

Many people disagreed and turned into a demon, and all efforts were futile!

Cheng Feng knows the importance of mood repair because of the threat of the summoning sword.

Therefore, I often meditate silently and practice the Heart Sutra presented by Xu Yan from the Ancient Array Master.

The state of mind cultivation is several grades higher than the martial arts in the same state.

In particular, this state of mind has entered the sixth floor, and it has thrown off a large group of warriors.

Perhaps only the reincarnation of the saint, or the genius of the Buddhist monk, could barely overcome the peak of the process!

"Xiao Feng, you seem to be different."

In the small courtyard, after Cheng Wutian killed Tiemuxing, his gaze swept over Cheng Feng, his eyebrows suddenly raised.

Although Cheng Feng's appearance has not changed at all, his temperament and spirit have undergone qualitative changes.

Like a sword in a scabbard, the blade is hidden!

"Well, I also feel Xiaofeng is a little different."

Not only Cheng Wutian, Cheng Xinghe also noticed, and whispered: "It seems to have become much more mature and more stable than before!"

"Grandpa, father, my heart was touched just now and my cultivation has improved."

After hearing the words of Cheng Wutian, Cheng Feng woke up from contemplation and explained with a smile: "The changes in my body may be caused by cultivation!"

"The improvement of Xiuwei can indeed change a person's energy and spirit!"

Cheng Wutian nodded suddenly, and then said: "Xiao Feng, since you are improving Xiu Wei, then hurry up, don't miss the inspiration."

Cultivation of martial arts, fleeting inspiration.

After you miss it, it's hard to catch it again!

"Grandpa, I have finished my promotion."

Cheng Feng laughed: "I'm just a small breakthrough this time, the process is very fast."

"Really? That's fine!"

Cheng Wutian put his heart down, while processing the body of the iron wooden walker, he asked, "Xiaofeng, how long are you going to stay this time?"

Regarding this issue, Cheng Xinghe and Jiang Xue both cared very much and listened.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid I can't stay too long."

After a little groaning, Cheng Feng only said, "You may have heard of it, the outside is not quite flat recently."

"Grandchild, I need to go out and do something for the world!"

In the past two years, Cheng Feng has been on the road, spending almost no time with his family.

This makes Cheng Feng feel a sense of guilt.

Although he came back this time, Cheng Feng also wanted to stay at home, to accompany Cheng Wutian and his mother Jiang Xue, whom he had not seen for years.

But ... this can only be imagined in Cheng Feng's mind!

After all, there are things that someone needs to do.

And some things must be Cheng Feng's ability to do it!

Cheng Feng now seems to be alone.

But in fact, every move of him has already affected the direction of the whole war of righteousness and evil, and it has also affected the fate of the entire Feathered God!

He is not only a person, but also a banner!

The younger generation of the righteous camp, the banner against the invasion of the blood gods!

"Xiao Feng, is it critical outside?"

Cheng Wutian was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Although Star City has almost cut off all contact with the outside."

"But I haven't gotten confused. From the" moving house "of Star City twice, I can see some clues!"

"Well, it's really critical outside."

Cheng Feng knew that there was something he couldn't hide from Cheng Wutian, so he admitted frankly: "Or, it's time for the decisive battle."

"Our right camp and blood gods, whoever wins or loses in the end, will probably see in half a month!"

"Is the situation ... at this point?"

Cheng Wutian raised a brow: "If so, you really should go out, Xiaofeng, even my entire Cheng family, go out!"

"Grandpa, don't the family need to go out?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Going out alone is enough!"

In Cheng Feng's opinion, staying at Qianlong Academy is the best choice.

After going out, not only the mortality rate was extremely high, but Cheng Feng was also distracted.

The effect played is completely negligible.

"The rise and fall, everyone is responsible!"

However, Cheng Wutian resolutely said, "My Cheng family is the Cheng family of the feathered dynasty."

"The country is in trouble. No one can be a seed, and my Cheng family is even worse!"

"The rise and fall, everyone is responsible!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng was smashed by his head and suffered a huge shock in his heart.

Indeed, the world is the world's world, the feathered dynasty is the feathered dynasty of all people.

When the feathered dynasty encountered the invasion of the blood gods, everyone has a responsibility and obligation to contribute to the peace of the world.

At the same time, there is no reason for anyone to stop others from contributing this power!

This is a righteousness, a pursuit, a courage!

It's a person, why it's called a 'person'!

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