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Chapter 144: Fighting

The words of the second elder of the Blood Gods came to an end, and a large and sturdy hand lifted up.

I had to grab the Qianlong rupture and slam it ~~~

An overwhelming suction suddenly came into being.

A layer of defensive hood condensed from the Qianlong array, torn outward and finally burst open.

The place where Cheng Feng is located is the edge of the rupture mouth of Qianlong.

There is no difference between standing outside Qianlong's formation.

With the grasp of the second elder's palm, the whole person could not help but shot at the second elder.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng has always maintained a high degree of vigilance. As soon as his body moved, he immediately urged ten dragon forces to counter the grasping force of the second elder.

At the same time, the fifth floor of the walking step was exhibited, flying in a direction opposite to the gripping force.

Only then did I make myself stop.

However, Cheng Feng has just stabilized his body, and the second elder's other hand has been raised.

Like a five-finger giant peak with four fingers on the left and thumb on the right, he grabbed Cheng Feng fiercely.

"Grass, the seventh strongest person in the sky, is too strong."

Facing the successive attacks of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods, Cheng Feng's face condensed: "I am in his hands like an ant struggling to survive."

"As long as they are hit by the opponent's palm, at least they will be injured!"

Ascending to the seventh place, this is already the highest peak on the dome continent.

Many first class gates do not necessarily have one.

Three or four heavy masters can easily kill.

Although Cheng Feng was wearing the armor of war, as long as he was hit by these beings, he would be hit hard.

Serious ones will even die!

Therefore, when the second elder's palm was caught, Cheng Feng didn't hesitate.

The Zijin banner held in his hand was shaken vigorously, humming ~~~

Under his feet, billowing black and black waves swept up.

When he got caught up with Cheng Feng, he went straight up, and took Cheng Feng out of the grasp of the second elder's palm.

"Riding a dragon, Cheng Feng is really mighty!"

On the battlefield, Cheng Feng was rolled to the sky by the black-and-white huge waves.

From the outsiders' point of view, however, it was a turquoise black dragon, who proactively bowed down and placed Cheng Feng on the dragon's back.

He then skyrocketed and flew into Cangming.

That scene was particularly shocking, not only stunned countless powerful people.

Even many evil-armed warriors also opened their mouths and stunned on the spot!

"The power of Qianlong is a bit tricky."

Seeing Cheng Feng riding away with the black and black dragon, the second elder of the Blood Gods sank: "However, Cheng Feng must die anyway!"

The second elder made a real killing of Cheng Feng.

Actually completely let go of the attack on Qianlong, the divine power rushed, and the whole man rose into the sky.

Kill Cheng Feng who was traveling under the sky that day!

"Hit to heaven."

"Cheng Feng and the Second Elder of the Blood Gods Church are fighting in the depths of the sky!"

"I don't know, how long Cheng Feng can resist."

"After all, the second elder of the Blood Gods, but a peerless powerhouse that ranks seventh in the sky!"

Around the Qianlong battle, everyone saw the scene where Cheng Feng and the second elder killed the sky.

They all stared at each other, but they were too far away.

You can only see the loud noise and thunder in the sky.

From time to time dark clouds were scattered and the sky was torn by horrific forces.

As for who has the advantage on both sides of the battle, it is not obvious at all.

"Lao Wu, hurry up and repair Qianlong."

Qianlong burst into tears, and Mr. Shu scanned Mr. Glasses and said, "As for me, I will go outside to see."

"If Cheng Feng is in danger, it's better to help!"

After all, Mr. Shu flew out of Qianlong.

And outside the Qianlong battle, the four righteous strongmen who once fought with the second elder's four major clones also just got together.

After meeting Mr. Shu, they communicated slightly, and Qi Qi flew into the sky.

Because the evil faction at this moment, without the leader of the second elder, the offensive immediately diminished.

The Qianlong Academy warriors are completely able to block.

Mr. Shu flew up to the sky to help Cheng Feng fight against the second elder.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Above the sky, a black cyan dragon shuttled through the clouds.

The blade-like dragon claws are haunted by ghosts, piercing through clouds, and fighting with a giant.

The giant, ten thousand meters tall, looks like steel cast iron, wearing a red robe.

From a distance, it looks like a god.

It is the avatar fusion of the second elder of the blood god!

"Cheng Feng, die for this seat!"

Suddenly, the second elder of the Blood Gods screamed.

Both palms snapped, as if the two Da Yues were closed together, and bombarded at the blue-black dragon.

And Cheng Feng is right in the middle of the pinch.

If it is photographed by two giant palms, Cheng Feng will definitely be photographed as a meat pie!

"No, Cheng Feng is in danger!"

At this time, Mr. Shu arrived at just five.

Seeing behind the scenes, his face changed in tandem, and he was worried for Cheng Feng.

However, their concerns seem a little too early.

The second elder's palms were about to hit Cheng Feng.

The purple flag in Cheng Feng's hand waved, and it was raging ~~~

Then, as soon as the body of the blue-and-black dragon was shaken, the dragon's tail was like a giant whip, and it was severely drawn on two closed giant palms.

Hit two giant palms into two narrow trenches.

Then, the black and black dragon burst out from the grip of the giant palm.

Easily escaped the slap of the second elder!

"Escaped, Cheng Feng avoided the attack of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods."

Seeing this, Mr. Shu Changsong breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that after borrowing the power of Qianlong's formation, Cheng Feng's combat power has been promoted to the seventh level of ascending to the sky."

"As long as you are cautious and not attacked by the second elder, then Cheng Feng can continue to fight."

"Yes, if Cheng Feng can persist for two or three hours."

"After the Qianlong battle was repaired by Mr. Jing, this victory will belong to our Qianlong Academy!"

Looking at Cheng Feng in the battle, Ji Xianli and the other four Qianlong book strong men were excited.

Feeling victorious, he has begun to lean towards the right path camp.

I was praying in my heart, hoping that Cheng Feng could stay strong.

Just when Cheng Feng was fighting fiercely with the Second Elder of the Blood Gods.

Qianlong Academy broke up.

Mr. Jing directs hundreds of array mages and is speeding up the repair of Qianlong.

At this moment, due to the absence of the second elder's attack, Mr. Jing's work efficiency immediately improved.

The workload of one minute is more than just three or four minutes.

In particular, when Mr. Jing himself joined the ranks of the repair team, the repair speed directly reached a record high.

Almost the naked eye can see that the rupture of Qianlong's nearly a hundred miles quickly reduced to ninety miles, eighty miles, seventy miles ...

"Not good, the rupture of Qianlong's formation is about to be repaired soon!"

"Once the Qianlong battle is repaired, then we will not want to break through the Qianlong Academy again!"

"What to do? What to do next?"

"Oblique the second elder, you must quickly report the situation here to the second elder, and ask him to decide!"

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