Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1447: Kill clean

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Chapter 144 Kill A Clean


The **** gate gravekeeper escaped with the help of Arcane ‘Hell’.

Not the process peak also fulfilled its vows, making it pay the price of 'blood'!

This scene directly shocked everyone present.

"Holding a grass, the gravekeeper at Hell's Gate was injured by Cheng Feng when he used the treasure hell!"

"If there is no 'Hell' to stop it, wouldn't the gravekeeper at the gate of Hell be killed by Cheng Feng?"

"Oh my god, that's a real seventh ascendant!"

"It's too fierce, Cheng Feng is so fierce!"

At Qianlong College, the sound of the discussion evaporated like boiling water.

In fact, in the heyday of Qianlong's formation, it was enough to compete against the seventh-best extreme power in the sky.

At this moment, Cheng Feng borrowed all the power of Qianlong from the Zijin banner.

The combat strength is the worst, and it is comparable to a seventh-ranked high-ranking powerhouse.

It is not a problem to bombard the ascendant who is sixth in the sky or the seventh-ranked peerless powerhouse.

Of course, this power is only 'borrowed'.

Cheng Feng's actual combat power is far worse than Dengtian's seventh strongest.

But at this moment, Cheng Feng, who is blessed by Qianlong, is invincible.

Let all righteous martial arts shock and worship, and let all evil martial arts lose heart and heart.

When the martial arts skills are brought to the limit, they flee to the distance.

"Are you afraid now?"

In the sky, Cheng Feng saw the scattered evil warriors fleeing, his eyes flashed coldly: "It's a pity, it's late!"

"Since you dare to invade my Qianlong Academy, leave all your lives!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng was decisive.

Raised his hands, grabbed the fleeing evil martial arts.

On the sky, the ever-changing cyan dragon, a dragon-like mouth opened.

Suddenly sucked, wow ~~~

Countless fugitive warriors, no matter whether they are repaired or not, fly like scarecrows towards the mouth of the dragon.

In the dragon's mouth, the violent howling wind howled, and the god-grain steel could be cut into powder in an instant.

As soon as the flesh flew into it, there was no dead body instantly!

In the blink of an eye, a small half of the evil martial artists died on the spot.

"Fuck, Cheng Feng is invincible!"

"With the power of Qianlong's formation, killing evil fighters like killing ants."

"It's so good, it's so good!"

At Qianlong Academy, everyone saw the scene, their mouths widened and stunned.

Even Mr. Shu, Mr. Jing ... and even the great Confucian Ji Cang were moved.

It feels that Cheng Feng is really a ‘wonder’, a witch who can continue to create miracles!

But when everyone was shocked, Cheng Feng didn't show the slightest weakness.

The action of harvesting the life of the evil martial arts ceaselessly.

Even if some evil martial arts mentally collapsed, kneeling down for mercy, Cheng Feng ignored it.

Because these people have all committed numerous crimes.

A pair of hands, I don't know how many innocent people were killed.

Cheng Feng killed them without any psychological obstacles.

There are fewer such people in the world, but it will be even better!

That's it, about a few minutes later.

Around Qianlong Academy, it was finally quiet.

Almost all evil warriors, no matter how high they were repaired, were cleared by Cheng Feng.

"Is it cleaned up?"

After killing all the evil warriors, a smile appeared on the corner of Cheng Feng's mouth: "This battle will at least make the blood gods teach the pain for a while."

"From now on, I will never dare to remember my Qianlong Academy."

In this battle, the blood gods can be called heavy losses. .

Except for the **** gate gravekeepers who fled, all other evil warriors.

Including the four avatars of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods, all were killed by Cheng Feng on the spot.

Such losses, even if the blood gods have great careers, they must breathe hard.

"After this battle, the blood gods must kill me, it will reach an unprecedented height."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Next, I need to be careful to guard against the counterattack of the evil faction!"

"But even then, the things to do are still to be done, the people to be killed are still to be killed!"

At this point, Cheng Feng's hands closed.

With that, the cyan dragon in the sky began to disintegrate and fade.

Eventually it turned into a swell of heaven and earth, rushed to Qianlong Mountain, and merged into the mountains and trees.

After doing this, Cheng Feng unloaded the armor of war **** and put it into the soul ring.

Long Li urged to fly to Qianlong College.

"Cheng Feng! Cheng Feng! Cheng Feng!"

At this time, Qianlong College was in the midst of boiling.

Numerous college warriors looked at Cheng Feng and shouted Cheng Feng's name.

The billowing sounds twisted together, causing ear pain.

Cheng Feng flew to Qianlong Academy and was planning to land. After seeing this scene, his scalp was numb.

Footsteps immediately stopped in the air, fearing that they would be overwhelmed by excited people after landing.

"Cheng Feng, now you can become the idol of the entire academy!"

At this time, Mr. Shu's five Qianlong Academy strong men arrived.

Looking at Cheng Feng, smiling

"It's not just the disciples of the academy. Many elders of the academy also became admirers of Cheng Feng."

The strong scholar Ji Xianli sighed, "Even my bad old man, when Cheng Feng killed the second elder of the Blood Gods, could not help but swell with blood!"

"It's so brave, it's incredible!"


Mr. Shu felt the same way: "This scene is unlikely to be reproduced for many years."

"It is said to have made history, and it is not inferior to the rumored peerless male Emperor Tianfu!"

"Mr. Shu, senior Ji, you hold me so much."

However, Cheng Feng was not intoxicated, and his head was extremely clear-headed: "The reason why I was able to kill the four avatars of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods was just the strength of the Qianlong team."

"If I dropped Qianlong, I would be nothing."

"It may even be killed by the Second Elder Fusion within a few strokes!"

"Being able to achieve such achievements, we can also keep a clear head."

Mr. Shu admired his face, "This is very good!"

"It's really good."

Ji Xianli also praised: "Many so-called geniuses think that they are amazing once they get a little achievement."

"The result will just fall from the sky and become a waste!"

"Mr. Shu, senior Ji ... you are here again."

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I just used the power of Qianlong to kill the four avatars of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods."

"Maybe at this moment, the second elder of the Blood Gods has given birth to four avatars."

According to rumors, the second elder of the Blood Gods has already exceeded the limit of the earth dome continent.

So he made a clone and entered the continent.

The number of its avatars, I do n’t know how many, killing one can fill one, and killing is invincible.

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