Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1459: Ascend the Fifth Strongest

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Chapter 1459 Chapter Five Ascends to Heaven

Om ~~~

With Cheng Feng's voice, the Zijin banner suddenly shined brightly.

Its large flag swept across the top of the evil gang who just appeared.

Immediately, wow!

A black and white robe flew out of Qiankun Promise.

Immediately turned into a black and white fire wave, burned to the top master of the evil faction who was caught in the banner.

Those evil masters are all warriors who are above the fifth level.

Among them are some of the 6th most powerful superpowers.

But under the burning of black and white fire waves, they turned wild.

A weaker strong man accidentally caught his right arm by black and white fire waves.

During the breathing, the entire right arm was burned into coke.

Even the black-and-white fire waves wanted to burn down the evil strongman along his right arm.

Fortunately, the man took the initiative and cut off the entire right shoulder, cutting off the source of fire, and fortunately saved his life.

However, nonetheless.

This person died eventually, and was taken care of by the black and white fire waves, and the whole person was burned to fly ash.

Even the divine thoughts were burned out, it was called the soul flying away.

This left the remaining evil masters with dark faces, and quickly hugged the defense, only to barely block the burning of black and white fire waves.

But after a long time, when their power is exhausted, they still cannot escape!

At the same time, the other side of the sky.

Pei Feng, who had been playing with the protection of the corpses, suddenly surged in power.

Waiting fiercely to trigger the semi-holy black water flag, the combat power soared a lot!

In this case, only the corpse protection method was repeatedly exploded.

The claws were all broken and in danger.

In the end, he communicated with his old nest with divine thoughts and moved a corpse mountain to barely save his life.

Secondly, Long Aotian, after hearing Cheng Feng's applause.

Small stones appeared on the dragon claws.

These small stones are all hexagonal in shape, all of the same size and color, and are engraved with arrays of runes.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

When Long Aotian threw these small stones to the president of Tiansha.

Suddenly, all the small stones glowed, forming a glistening round cover.

President Sha that day, stiffly trapped inside.

Even if the president of the Tiansha Society fired full and bombarded wildly, it could not be broken.

As for Cheng Feng, after shouting, he stared at Qiankun Wuji.

Cheng Feng's eyes seemed to have a magical power, his eyes just stared at him, 嗖 ~~~

A big slap bottle exploded.

"Is that ... a fire bottle?"

At the horizon, the Lord of the Rain Demon saw this scene, his face changed slightly: "It is rumored that Cheng Feng sealed the Flask of the Holy Fire Sect and forced blackmail.

"I thought it was a rumor, but now it looks true!"

"But sealing a fire bottle is a natural way to overcome fire, and I specialize in rain magic, and I'm not afraid ..."

However, before the rain demon's voice fell, his face froze.

Because after Cheng Feng got the sealed bottle, he sent out a red flame.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

In the breath, it was a gigantic river that formed the magical power of the Lord of the Rain Demon, and it was directly dried up!

"Damn, what flame is that?"

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Rain Demon shivered.

A cold air from the soles of the feet, instantly hit the top of the head.

It's so scary, it's so scary!

The monstrous river condensed by his rain magic power, even the sixth strongest man in the sky, cannot be erased at will.

But the red flame was burnt out at once, it was incredible!

Cheng Feng didn't react at all to the shock of the rain monster leader.

Instead, he ordered the new emperor fire hiding in a sealed fire bottle to separate a small source of fire and attach it to the sword.

Next, Cheng Feng took the magic sword with his hand, and performed the fifth step of walking, 咻 ~~~

Kill the Lord of Rain Demons!

"Cheng Feng, die for this seat!"

In the face of Cheng Feng's killing, the leader of the rain demon, although he was frightened, did not believe he would lose.

Emperor-level high-level martial arts rain magic skills directly triggered to the extreme.

Buzzing ~~~

In the blink of an eye, the sky was overcast with clouds, and it suddenly started to drift.

Soon, the rain condensed into streams, rivers, lakes ... and finally formed a black ocean.

Set off a huge wave, rushing towards Cheng Feng.

However, in the face of raging waves, Cheng Feng was not afraid at all.

Grasp the demon sword surrounded by red flames in hand, and meet the rushing waves.

The sword fell with his hand and was severely cut off.

Stabbing ~~~

With the blessing of the new emperor fire, the power of the Devil Slayer was improved several levels.

With the giant waves condensed by the magic rain, you can easily shoot the third master of the sky.

However, the blade of the demon sword was cut in half like tofu!

Looking from a distance, Cheng Feng is simply cutting waves and rushing into the sea.

All the way to the end is unbeatable!

Breathing time spans more than half of the ocean.

This made the leader of the rain demon directly lose heart, and his face was pale.

Can only slay the rain magic power to promote the impact of the giant waves, with the intention of blocking Cheng Feng.

However, it didn't work at all.

The Rain Demon Lord almost watched Cheng Feng constantly approaching, approaching, and then approaching!

Finally, when Cheng Feng crossed two-thirds of the ocean, the leader of the rain demons collapsed.

Just throw everything away and perform a martial arts skill, and you will run away.

However, it was too late to escape!

In the black ocean, Cheng Feng looked up, and saw the rain demon lord who was about to run away, his eyes flashed cold.

Then use the shadow method for thousands of miles, 唰 ~~~

The whole person disappeared.

When it appeared again, he was already in front of the road where the Lord of the Rain Monster escaped.

"Cheng Feng, you ..."

During the flight, the leader of the rain monster saw Cheng Feng suddenly appearing in front of himself, and his heart almost exploded.

Is about to perform rain magic skills to defend, wow ~~~

A reddish light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"what is that?"

Rain Demon's eyes were wide, and he wanted to see what the crimson light was.

But with a burst of power, a whole body of pain came.

"What's going on ..." The rain monster leader was puzzled.

Looking down at the direction the pain came from, he found that he wasn't sure when a knife edge appeared.

The blade was deep and long, running through his entire body from top to bottom.

Surprisingly, Cheng Feng had been slashed by Cheng Feng, cutting off all vitality.

The reason for being able to speak at this moment is simply that the powerful vitality of the ascendant is playing a role.

Therefore, the rain demon lord has finished speaking a word.

The eyes of Cheng Feng with a resentful look turned his face unwilling, his body was broken, his thoughts broke down, and he died on the spot!

Hack ~~~

Rain Demon Lord is a fifth ascendant.

The existence of these deaths immediately triggered a vision of heaven and earth.

There was a flash of lightning across the clear sky, and then a muffled thunder rang out!

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