Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1466: Undercover again

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Chapter 146th Meets Undercover Again

The spies martial arts spied on are not high.

Yu Fangtang was the third master of the sky and proficient in kendo.

Strike five, divide two, and kill all the spies.

Then he took a long sword and took the initiative to stay in Qiankun Wuji array.

The other five people met and learned something.

Pick a position to defend it, and all are far away from Qiankun Promise.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't say more.

A punch to six of Yu Fang and flew to Qiankun Wuji.

"Cheng Feng, the problem is solved?"

Grand Canyon, inside the purple flag rolled up.

Long Aotian was poking at the dragon's claws, using the golden banner to trap the five evil strong men.

When I saw Cheng Feng flying, he asked casually.

"It's solved!"

Cheng Feng replied: "But I feel that those six people still have problems."

"Fortunately, those six people are all hundreds of miles away. If there is any wind or grass moving, you can be alert in advance and you should not be in trouble.

After speaking, Cheng Feng observed the situation inside the Zijin banner.

I saw that the five evil masters who were trapped were all well trained.

One of them reached the sixth level of ascent.

However, under the attack of Heihei Yan and Pei Feng, they were in danger.

Cheng Feng observed for a moment, without any nonsense, immediately joined the battle.

Attach the new emperor's fire to the Devil Sword, then perform the Emperor's Cang Sword, and its killing power is ascending to the fifth strongest in the sky.

After a while, ah ~~~

A strong fourth ascendant from the sky, unprotected, was rubbed into the body by Hell's Black Flame.

In the breathing, half of the man's body was burned.

In the scream, Divine Hurry rushed out of his body.

However, Cheng Feng exhibited the Soul Soul Mark, and blasted on that ray of divine thought, blasting it instantly.

A magnificent fourth ascendant to heaven, suddenly fell!

"Damn little beast!"

The death of this evil strong made the other four strong strong trembling.

Among them, the sixth strongest man who climbed to the sky was angered and yelled at Cheng Feng: "This law swears that you must smash your corpses!"

The sixth strongest evil ascendant, tall, with wide shoulders and wide shoulders.

It is the sixth guardian of the blood gods, Qian Cang, who has been retreating at the Blood God Mountain, and only recently broke through.

Originally preparing to show the big picture, he was trapped in the banner of Zijin and was in danger.

This makes him very sullen and hate Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng did not respond to this.

More people have sworn to kill him, and he is still alive today.

Therefore, Cheng Feng coldly swept the sixth protection method Qian Cang, the Emperor Cang Sword technique became more and more fierce.

At this moment, there are only four remaining trapped evil strongs.

Under the attack of Heihei Yan, Pei Feng and Cheng Feng, the situation is even more critical.

In a few minutes, hey ~~~

Another evil strong fell.

The fallen evil faction strongman, Xiu Wei reached the fifth ascent to the sky.

Immediately after his death, a vision of heaven and earth was triggered, and thunder and lightning increased, and the blood and snow were even greater.

The cry of the sky spread, making people cold.

A hundred miles away, Yu Fang, the guardian of the Quartet, listened, all shocked.

Full of curiosity about Cheng Feng.

Why does an ordinary young man have such terrible means?

Killing the top four or five strongest men is as easy as slaughtering chickens!

"Brother Pei, Long Aotian, you have a little bit of a moment."

After killing the fifth ascendant in the Zijin banner, Cheng Feng suddenly said, "Someone touched it and wanted to sneak in on us."

During the battle, Cheng Feng's eyes were open all the time.

Just glanced a moment ago, it was found that several warriors sneaked in from the west side, less than ten miles from the Zijin banner.

"Someone came in?"

Long Aotian was puzzled: "Isn't there six masters on the right track? How did those people come in?"

"Just because someone is guarding, those people can come in so easily." Cheng Feng smiled coldly.

"Uh, is someone putting water?"

In fact, some people are indeed putting water.

This person was among the six in Yu Fang who guarded the north.

With such master defense, anyone will think that it is foolproof.

It's a pity, it's an undercover!

"Watch out, I'll go out."

In the banner of Zijin, Cheng Feng told them to Long Aotian.

Lifted the Devil Sword and flew out.

Immediately after breaking away from the Zijin banner, the Devil Sword blasted out a red blade of light, and then blasted down to several stealthy martial arts.

These stealth warriors are not very tall.

It is mainly proficient in the formation method, intending to sneak into the Zijin banner and break the formation of the sixth protection method of the siege blood god.

With Cheng Feng's slash, there was almost no resistance.

All the array mages died on the spot.

There were only two evil-armed martial arts defenders of the Array, who, due to their distance, were lucky to escape.

In a frightening battle, he suddenly knew that he was exposed.

Without saying a word, run away!

However, they have been eyeed by Cheng Feng.

Haven't escaped a few hundred meters, stabbing ~~~

A red blade of light fell from the sky, chopped on them, and instantly lost all consciousness.

Amazingly cut by Cheng Feng, he couldn't die anymore!

After killing the infiltrated martial warrior, Cheng Feng turned his gaze and looked at the "right way warrior" guarding here.

I saw that the person responded quite quickly. When Cheng Feng started to kill, he already knew that the situation was not good.

Without hesitation, he burst into the sky.

However, he responded quickly and others were not slow.

"Yu Qianfan, don't want to escape!"

The man had just flew up into the sky, and a refreshing drink sounded.

Then there was a sword light that cut through the sky and stabbed Qian Qian.

At the same time, Xiao Jinyu from Zhongzhou did not react slowly.

Immediately after Yu Fang, a punch came out.

Like a golden Da Yue, he slammed into Qianfan.

The two jointly attacked and immediately stopped the fleeing Yu Qianfan.

When Cheng Feng arrived, Yu Qianfan soon couldn't resist and was beheaded on the spot.

"Cheng Feng, I'm really sorry."

After killing Qian Fan, Yu Fang apologized: "I didn't expect to have two evil factions hidden in my wave."

"Yeah, these **** evils are so messy, they're almost invincible."

Xiao Jinyu scolded: "Even among the remaining people, there are still unclean ones."

"Dare to ask the two, how did the seven of you meet together? Did you meet before?"

Cheng Feng's face paled and asked.

For the seven people Yu Fang, Cheng Feng was just a few embankments before.

Unexpectedly, there were not only problems, but also problems.

Next, you must carefully investigate one or two, and stifle the potential hidden dangers in the cradle.

"The seven of us are not very familiar."

Yu Fang replied, "I have been following Gao Fei. Not long ago, Gao Fei met Xiao Jinyu, and then rushed to Heishui County."

"So I got in, and came all the way."

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