Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1474: Mandai Giant

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Chapter 147 Million Giants

"Qian Cang marksmanship, thunderstorm!"

In the rolling Black Sea, Qian Cang's face was gloomy like water.

Facing the attack of the huge waves, he did not dare to hesitate to show his strongest martial arts Qian Cang marksmanship.

Breathing, Qian Cang people guns into one.

Bang Bang Bang ~~~

Like a thunderous shot.

Penetrate through the huge waves, blasting out of the Black Sea.

"Qian Cang, leave it to the old man!"

But at this moment, Pei Feng burst into a cry.

Immediately, the Black Sea created a super vortex out of thin air.

This vortex is very large. From a distance, it is a thousand miles long, which is exactly blocked on the way of Qian Cang.

The Qiancang people's guns were unified, and they just shot into the whirlpool.


The giant vortex spun up at a high speed, producing an unmatched tearing force.

Forcing Qian Cang as a whole, he stopped forcibly and flew into the vortex.

"Qian Cang marksmanship, electropuncture!"

In a critical moment, the spear in Qian Cang's hand suddenly shot a cold light.

The next moment, the light burst.

It was dragging Qian Cang, tearing from the Super Vortex, bursting out abruptly.

However, Qian Cang just flew away from the Super Vortex.


Cheng Feng has rushed forward, starting with his sword.

After several consecutive horror swords, they slashed down towards the top of Qian Qian.

"Thousands of guns, thunderstorm!"

In the face of the slash of the horrific sword light, Qiancang's scalp was numb.

Quickly evoked divine power, using Qian Cang's spear to block.

However, in a hurry, Qian Cang couldn't stop Cheng Feng's slashing.

The whole person was counted in a row, and returned to the Super Vortex again.

At this time, the Super Vortex has expanded to two or three thousand miles, and the black giant wave spins and dances.

After Qian Cang fell into the vortex, his whole body was cut by a knife.

As if there were tens of thousands of big hands, we grabbed his body and dragged him to the bottom of the vortex.

With all his strength, he barely resisted the tearing of this power and stopped at the vortex exit.

But this is not the solution at all, because the tearing power of the Super Vortex continues to increase over time.

After a long time, Qian Cang will surely be dragged into the bottom of the vortex, and will be shredded by the tearing force.

For the sake of today, he wants to survive, only to break out of the super vortex.

However, outside the Super Vortex, Cheng Feng was holding it with a knife, Qian Cang wanted to escape, it was almost impossible.

What's more troublesome is that a small vortex was born in each direction from east to west, north and south of the vast Black Sea.

Once these four vortexes have grown to a certain degree, then they merge with the super vortex that traps Qian Cang.

The death of Qian Cang has come!

"Did I have been in retreat for decades, Xiuwei has just reached the sixth ascent to the sky, but am I going to die here?"

In the Super Vortex, Qian Cang was desperate in his heart, and hissed, "I ... don't believe it!"

In the roar, Qian Cang burst into a powerful force.

The next moment, Qian Cang grabbed the spear, and the whole person suddenly turned into an electric light. He just broke away from the tear of the super vortex and ran out of the vortex.

"The Emperor Cang Sword Art, Seven Stars Gather!"

But outside the Super Vortex, Cheng Feng has been waiting for a long time.

The fourth style of Di Cang Sword in the brewing process is split into Qian Cang who burst out.

"Qian Cang marksmanship, clone!"

At this moment, Qian Cang in the burst suddenly split into two.

Turned into two identical Qian Cang, fled to two completely different directions.

"The avatar?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

Opening the eyes of the good fortune to observe, but found that the two Qiancang are the same.

It seems that they are Qian Cang himself, but his breath is weak.

"Since it's hard to tell the truth, just choose one!"

Cheng Feng whispered: "Anyway, this time, you cannot escape."

After speaking, Cheng Feng's eyes were staring at Qian Qian who fled eastward.

The next moment, boom ~~~

A bladeless sword was cut off, and the Qian Cang was chopped into a puppet, then the body burst open and disappeared.

"Is it fake?" Cheng Feng frowned.

"Cheng Feng, it's not fake."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "The other self separated by Qian Cang should be formed by some secret technique."

"The two can be said to be both true and false."

"Oh?" Cheng Feng was puzzled.

"The death of either of these two Qian Cangs will not cause Qian Cang's body to die."

Nalan Changsheng explained: "So no matter you choose to kill that Qian Cang, you will eventually not be able to kill Qian Cang."

"Unless you can kill both Qiancang in a flash."

"Of course, dying a Qian Cang, although it will not let Qian Cang's body die, it will cause great harm."

"Even if you can successfully escape in the end, cultivation will fall out of a realm."

"So it is!"

Hearing words, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

After waiting, he looked up at another Qiancang who fled west.

Sure enough, when I saw this Qian Cang's face was pale and bloodless.

As if suddenly hit hard, the speed of the flight plummeted.

Obviously, the aftermath of another Qian Cang was beheaded by Cheng Feng.

"Repair for a realm ..."

Cheng Feng whispered: "The cultivation before Qian Cang is the sixth most important thing to ascend to the sky. If you drop a realm, it is the fifth most important thing.

"Where else can you run?"

At this moment, Qian Cang's hope of escape is indeed slim.

Not to mention Cheng Feng, the **** of killing, Pei Feng even used the black water to supplement the sky, so that the other four vortexes in the black ocean surrounded him.

Even more terrible is the super vortex that Qian Cang just fled.

Suddenly disappeared from the previous location, wow ~~~

When it appeared again, Qian Cang had already arrived.

This makes Qian Cang's face as white as paper!

I thought I had escaped, but I didn't know that it was a turn around the gate of Hell, and he walked to the gate of Hell again.

Death seems completely doomed!

At the time of the blood god's sixth guardian Qian Cang was in despair.

On the other side of Qian Dingfeng, the fifth guardian of the blood gods suddenly burst into a godlessness.

I saw him hissing and roaring, and then, his flame-burning flamestone body suddenly rose up.

In the blink of an eye, it turned out to be a high-flying giant.

"Drive me!"

After the atheism turned into a giant of Manchurian, both hands were raised, and propped up toward the Chiyan Robe covering the sky and the sun.

It is astonishing to use a pair of hands to stretch out the Chiyan robe that trapped him and Chen Taicang.

In order to break free and defeat defeat!

Chiyanpao was originally a copy of the ironwood **** tree based on the personal weapon of King Chiyan.

The original power was not very strong, which was about equivalent to the sixth-highest-level first-stage powerhouse.

But after he settled in Hell, the power has increased tremendously.

At least now, it has reached the sixth highest level of the sky, and even the top.

Even so, however, Yu Wushen used the power of terror to open the gap of the Chiyan Robe covering the sky.

Seeing this, Chen Taicang immediately flew out along the gap.

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