Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1477: Killed again

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Chapter 147 Killed Again

"Cheng Feng, bring Ben Shao soon."

Long Aotian was proud for a moment, turning into a size of five meters, shouted proudly.

"You guy ..."

Regarding Long Aotian's show bag, Cheng Feng didn't care.

Shaking his head and smiling, he removed all the burning knives contained in the soul ring.

Grab an altar and throw it to Long Aotian.

"You guys, this is a painful killing."

Cheng Feng pushed the altar forward, and said loudly, "Everyone comes to the altar to relieve their fatigue, maybe there will be evil fighters coming to the door to wait for us to kill."

"Haha, this time is really refreshing."

Then Zhongzhou Xiao Jinyu laughed and said, "If the evil gangs dare to come again, I will come first."

Speaking of it, Xiao Jinyu pressed his divine power, grabbed an altar burning knife, and poured it into his mouth.

On his side, although Jianzong Yufang was a female celebrity that day, he was more bold than many men.

I put the long sword in my hand into the scabbard, and picked up an altar burning knife and poured it into my mouth.

Seeing this, Jin Quan, Long Aotian, and Pei Fenghao were angry.

All grabbed the jars and started to drink.

Even Tianlong Liao Xiaojin took the opportunity to grab four or five wine jars, took a peek at Cheng Feng, and then hid and drank.

Killing a large number of evil masters, Cheng Feng was happy and didn't care about Xiao Jin's small actions.

When he saw a rush, he took off the Ares helmet.

Then he grabbed an altar burning knife, patted the altar lid, and drank most of it in one breath.

"Hoo ~~~"

"Happy, really special!"

When the fiery liquor is like a flame, it is poured into the abdomen along the mouth.

Cheng Feng was full of excitement, and a heartfelt feeling poured into his heart.

Let him take a long spit of wine, and even happy!

Because of this wave of killings, it can be said that it has severely damaged the evil camp.

Although the foundation of the blood **** religion has not been shaken, it has dealt a heavy blow to its morale.

Once the news of the demise, Qian Cang, Yu Wushen, the second Wupi, the master of toxic drugs ... etc. Spreads, it will inevitably cause great turmoil in the evil camp.

A bad one will even have a chain effect, causing the entire war to collapse!

"Cheng Feng, it's all because of us that we were able to kill the blood of the evil warriors."

After drinking for a while, the bearded Jinquan grabbed an altar to burn a knife and came to Cheng Feng: "For this great victory, I Jinquan respects you!"

"Brother Jin, this big victory, I just played a matchmaking role."

Cheng Feng laughed: "The main thing is everyone working together."

"Without everyone, I wouldn't be able to do it alone."

"So, I should respect Brother Jin and everyone."

Said, Cheng Feng grabbed a bottle of wine again, patted the lid off, and walked away to everyone, drinking directly.

"Cheng Feng, happy!"

Jin Quan and others met, not much nonsense, grabbed an altar wine, and drank in one breath.

"Cheng Feng, you were everyone."

After everyone drank, the bearded Jinquan picked up an altar wine again and held up to Cheng Feng: "This time, I Jinquan respects you alone!"

"Okay, let's touch two!"

Seeing Jin Quan insist on toasting himself, Cheng Feng was very simple.

He grabbed another bottle of wine, touched Jinquan, and poured it into his mouth.

A few meters away, Jin Quan looked at Cheng Feng to pour into his mouth, and could not help but praise him.

Then he raised the jar of wine in his hand and poured it into his mouth.

"Jinquan, who looked timid before, didn't expect such grandeur."

Seeing this, then Zhongzhou Xiao Jinyu laughed: "It was the first toast to Cheng Feng."

"I'll be alone when he's done ..."

However, after Xiao Jinyu's words were not finished, he got stuck directly in his throat.

Because when Jinquan raised the altar and poured wine into his mouth.

噌 ~~~

The jar was suddenly smashed, and a white blade pierced out of it.

At a terrifying speed, headed straight towards Cheng Feng's throat.

"No, Jin Quan is a killer!"

"Cheng Feng quickly hide, quickly escape!"

Seeing this sudden attack, several people in Yu Fang were stunned.

After waking up, quickly reminded loudly.

But it's late!

Because at this moment, Cheng Feng has taken off the helmet of the God of War, and his throat is just open because he wants to drink.

It just gave Jinquan a great chance to assassinate.

In this case, the immortals must all win!

However, just when everyone thought Cheng Feng was in distress.

Huh! The wine jar that Cheng Feng grabbed was suddenly crushed by him.

A pair of eyes stared at the stabbed white blade, and the hand wearing the armor of War God had stretched out like lightning, grabbed the white blade.

Huh! Cheng Feng shot like electricity.

It is as if the white blade's stabbing route has been calculated in advance.

With his right hand extended, he just grabbed the white blade.

It is only an inch away from the throat.

Buzzing ~~~

Even though the handle of the white blade trembled violently, it was hard to move forward.

A near-perfect assassination has been resolved!

"What? You're defended?"

Seeing this, then Jinquan froze, with an incredible expression on his face: "How is this possible, how is it possible !?"

At this moment, not only is Jinquan dumbfounded, but Yu Fang is also staring at the boss.

You know, Jin Quan ’s assassination was just a textbook-level assassination.

Not to mention that Cheng Feng was unaware that he would be exposed outside.

Even if you notice it, you may not be able to stop it.

But Cheng Feng ... blocked it stiffly!

What a hell!

"Your assassination is truly seamless."

Cheng Feng grasped the white blade and gave a glance at Jinquan: "It's a pity that you're wrong."

"I miscalculated a little? Which one?"

Jinquan was puzzled and asked.

"I trust you."

Cheng Feng said: "You thought you have gained my trust through the previous series of events."

"But in fact, I have always been skeptical of you."

"This suspicion doubled when you insisted on toasting me."

"So when I was drinking, I opened my throat and faced you, but I secretly took precautions."

"So it is."

After listening to this speech, Jin Quan suddenly realized that he was about to take action.

He heard a bang, and a blade radiated from his throat.

Makes his eyes instantly dissipated and died on the spot.

And that blade is the white short knife he stabbed at Cheng Feng just now.

"Hold grass, killer, this Jinquan is actually a killer!"

"It's so scary, it's too deep!"

"But by comparison, I still admire Cheng Feng the most."

"Under such a mortal assassination, I can still save my life, it's just a god!"

Not far away, a few Long Aotian looked at this scene, and his whole scalp was numb.

At the same time, Cheng Feng looked a little higher.

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