Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1484: Mingxuanfang

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Chapter 144 Mingxuan Square

"Cheng Feng, are you really going to go to that Xuanfang to guard Yu Fang tomorrow night?"

After drinking the knives on both altars, Long Aotian asked while drinking local wine.

"Well, I'm going to try."

Cheng Feng nodded: "According to my speculation, it is very likely that Yu Fang will appear in Mingxuanfang tomorrow night."

"Well, anyway, nothing happens, Ben Shao will accompany you to stroll."

Long Aotian made a drink and yelled, "But before that, I have to find some good drinks."

"The wine here is so soft, it's too boring."

Cheng Feng ignored Long Aotian's complaints.

Gaze fixed, looking at an altar on the table.

I saw the altar, and suddenly a hole was opened in the altar, and then a large amount of liquor splattered out.

But the wine did not spill on the table, but disappeared inexplicably in mid-air.

After seeing this scene, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "Xiao Jin, what can you gain?"

Obviously, the jar of wine on the table was inexplicably broken, which was the handwriting of Xiaolong Tian Liao.

Cooing ~~ Cooing ~~

In order to be unobtrusive, Xiao Jin continued to remain invisible.

While drinking, he told Cheng Feng what he found.

"Oh? Did you trace the smell of Wanxiangcai?"

After listening to Xiao Jin's words, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "Where? Take me soon."

Xiao Jin obeyed Cheng Feng's words and drank the wine.

Turn around and lead the way and fly outside the restaurant.

Cheng Feng put the rest of the wine on the table into the soul ring, and dropped a few yuan stones.

Use the shadow trick directly and follow Xiao Jin behind.

Long Aotian was no exception, exhibiting a stealth martial art, and the whole person disappeared without a trace.

When everyone responded, they were already outside the restaurant.

"Go east."

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and saw the invisible Xiao Jin clearly.

Say Long Aotian, walk to the east of Ming Xuancheng.

In the meantime, he changed directions several times, and finally stopped in front of a magnificent building.


This building is luxurious and located in the center of Mingxuan City.

It is Mingxuan City, a commercial giant named Mingxuan.


At this time, Xiao Jin called out and flew into Mingxuanfang.

"Huh? The smell of Wanxiangcai is inside Mingxuanfang?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "Is it that night that I was planning to rob the stone monument?"

Xiao Jin is following the breath of Wanxiangcai, and Wanxiangcai is stuck on Yu Fang's green shield.

Since the flavor of Wanxiangsi is located in Mingxuanfang, it means that Yu Fang is also in Mingxuanfang.

Yu Fang is a nightmare pretender. She appeared in Mingxuanfang for one purpose, which must be for the Seven Killing Stones.

"Let's go in and see."

Long Aotian greeted him, and first followed Xiaojin into Mingxuanfang.

"Be careful, there are several experts in this Xuanfang."

Cheng Feng also entered Mingxuanfang, but his expression was condensed: "If it is found, although it won't hurt us, it will reveal our identity."

Mingxuanfang, as a business giant in the Mingxuan City, has a lot of relationship with the Tianxuan Business League and has a strong background.

In order to ensure that the Seven Kill Stones are auctioned smoothly, not to be snatched by experts.

It cost a lot of money and hired several masters.

At the same time, I also asked the Master of Formations to build a defensive formation in Mingxuanfang to protect the Seven Kill Stones.

Unless the top three or four strong men get out of the way, most people won't break it.

Under the leadership of Xiao Jin, the three Cheng Feng quickly arrived in the backyard of Mingxuanfang.

Here stands a two-story attic.

On the first floor of the loft, four masters who climbed to the heavens sitting cross-legged were the guards invited by Mingxuanfang.

On the second floor of the mezzanine, there are the seven treasures of Chongbao, which will be prepared for auction tomorrow night.

After Cheng Feng's three arrived, Xiao Jin cooed at the second floor of the attic.

Obviously, the breath of Wanxiangcai is located on the second floor of the attic.

"The night owl is on the second floor of the attic?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was quite surprised.

You know, there are not only four masters in the attic who sit in the town.

Outside the attic, there is a full triple formation.

The first is the warning array method. Once someone breaks in, a warning sound will be issued.

The second is the defensive formation, condensing into a formation cover, protecting the whole attic, and even the flies are dying to get in.

The third is the attack and kill formation, which is used to attack and break into the attic, and the level reaches seven grades.

Under such heavy defenses, Ye Di can also enter the second floor of the attic silently, which is a bit scary.

"Cheng Feng, isn't it right?"

Long Aotian's voice sounded: "The killer is proficient in stealth lurking, and it is understandable to escape the perception of the four ascension warriors."

"But if you want to be silent and break through the three seven-pin formations in a row, I'm afraid Ye Ye can't do it?"

If you want to break the seventh-rank formation, the worst achievement of the formation must also reach about seventh-rank.

And breaking three seven-pin arrays silently and silently did not shock four ear-conscious masters.

Even if Ye Di is a genius in formation, it cannot be done.

"That's what it says, but the aura of Wanxiangcai is indeed on the second floor of the attic, and Xiao Jin cannot go wrong."

Cheng Feng was also very puzzled, and had a strong fear of Ye Di, guessing: "Unless, Ye Di and Ming Xuan Fang are a group, deliberately set a trap to let us hook."

"But this trap is probably too low-level?"

"Cheng Feng, I don't know if you're in a trap, let's just go in and see?"

Long Aotian yelled: "I use my formation method to entertain and enter the second floor of the attic silently, as easy as playing."

"Well, that's fine!"

Cheng Feng groaned a little and nodded: "In case something bad is found, we will withdraw immediately."

At this step, Cheng Feng could not retreat.

In this case, we went directly into the attic to take a look.

Look at that night owl, what exactly is playing.

Just do what you want. After Cheng Feng decides, take out the empty pot and put Xiaojin into the pot.

Then he performed the Shadow Puppet Method to converge his breath to the extreme.

Then he followed Long Aotian and flew to the second floor loft.

Long Aotian, as an old churros who haven't known how many years, although usually careless, has a lot of means.

Performing a stealth martial art is much more advanced than the shadow puppet method.

Cheng Feng was standing beside Long Aotian. If he didn't use the god's eyes, he wouldn't notice it.

"Seven grades early warning formation, rough."

Soon, Cheng Feng and the two reached the second-floor attic.

When Long Aotian saw the Qipin early-warning formation, he swiped his mouth away, and criticized it for nothing.

In the crooked and crooked, Long Aotian's finger quickly poked.

The early warning formation was paralyzed, and Long Aotian stepped on the formation without any movement.

Then came the Qipin defense formation, which was still wildly criticized by Long Aotian.

Long Aotian's fingers poked wildly, covering the entire attic of the formation shield, and quietly opened a small hole two meters high.

Cheng Feng walked through and easily entered them.

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