Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1507: Soul Conflict

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Chapter 1507 Confrontation Between Spirits and Souls

In the underground space, Haunting caused Yuan Kui to flee to the direction of the judge.

But will Cheng Feng let him succeed?

I saw Cheng Feng carrying a magic sword, and the dragon's power surged, and then he prepared to cut Yuan Kui with a knife.

But at this moment, the human judge held the pen.

Taking the divine power as the ink and the void as the paper, I wrote a big word of "kill".

Suddenly, the intention of killing in the underground space permeated, condensing into an invisible sword, attacking and killing Cheng Feng in all directions.

Shocking Cheng Feng, the dragon power in his body was recovered, and the sword strength of Yuan Kui disappeared immediately.

Taking this opportunity, the ecstasy caused Yuan Kui to immediately escape behind the judge and escape from death.

"what happened?"

Long Aotian thought that the ecstasy caused Yuan Kui to die under Cheng Feng's sword soon.

Unexpectedly, the human judge wrote a word "kill" in the void, and Cheng Feng was struck by lightning.

The blade of Cho Xiang Yuan Kui dissipated, showing pain.

"Haha, it's ecstasy!"

At the time of Long Aotian's incomprehensibility, the ecstasy made Yuan Kui happy: "Master Master has used the ecstasy technique, and Cheng Feng is dead."

Ecstasy, listening to the name knows that it is a magical martial art, specializing in human spirits.

The reason why Cheng Feng stopped killing Yuan Kui just now is that the spirit was attacked.

At that moment, Cheng Feng's soul was splitting with a knife and his head was cracking.

Even wearing the armor of war, it can't be blocked.

If Cheng Feng's spirit is far stronger than that of ordinary people, I'm afraid he will be killed on the spot.


Suffering from a headache, Cheng Feng suddenly used a sedative mark.

All of a sudden, all the spirits twisted together and turned into a mountain seal.

Those invisible swords shot from all directions can hardly hurt Cheng Feng at all.

"It's really dangerous to attack with spirits."

After blocking the numerous invisible swords, Cheng Feng exhaled with a sigh of relief: "If this is not the soul seal, I am afraid there will be big trouble."

The spirit is the soul of a warrior.

If a person's soul is destroyed, he will die completely.

For example, a master who climbed to heaven can cut off his arm and grow it again, and his heart can be regrown.

But the soul is not. Once the soul and the mind are destroyed, the giants who have reached heaven and earth will fall.

"Cheng Feng, stay tuned."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Soul hooking is a kind of attacking and killing spirit soul martial arts, which is fierce and poisonous."

"With the power of the ecstasy pen, the power can double."

"Although this **** gate judge is just an incarnation and the ecstasy pen in his hand is also a fake, it is not trivial."

"Once hit, the spirits will be hit hard!"

"Ecstasy, ecstasy?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "This should be the hallmark of martial arts in Hell's Gate!"

"Well, almost."

Nalan nodded his longevity: "It is said that there is a terror weapon dedicated to people and souls at the gate of hell, called the book of life and death."

"The book of life and death can judge life and death."

"Once the target person's name is written on the book of life and death with a graffiti pen, and then ticked off."

"That person will be broken and die instantly!"

"What? There are such weird weapons in the world?"

Cheng Feng was horrified: "If my name is written to the book of life and death by people in Hell's Gate, and then ticked off ..."

"Don't worry, the book of life and death is the treasure of Hell's Gate, and it is kept by Yan Jun, the two **** gates."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Every time you use it, you need the consent of the two big Yan Jun. You will be fine for the time being."

While Cheng Feng was talking to Nalan Changsheng.

A few kilometers away, the judge of the man saw Cheng Feng suffering for a moment, and his expression returned to normal.

The look could not help changing, surprised: "Cheng Feng, the little animal-born spirit, is so powerful?"

"Even the Attorney's Ecstasy can resist it?"

"No, the reason why Cheng Feng can block my ecstasy attack is to have a secret weapon to defend against the soul attack."

The judge's face was gloomy, and he bit his teeth: "But this judge's ecstasy has been practiced to the point of being in full swing. You must die this time!"

During the talk, the judge was stunned.

Grasping the ghost pen, and wrote another word in the void.

This is a word for "detention", detention, arrest!

When the word is formed, hum ~~~

On Cheng Feng's side, an invisible force suddenly appeared, like countless big transparent hands, and suddenly reached Cheng Feng's mind.

Actually want to grasp the spirit of Cheng Feng out of his body.

"Grass, detained!"

At that moment, Cheng Feng's spirit was shaking.

Even if it turns into a sacred soul, it has a feeling of being pulled out of the body.

In an emergency, Cheng Feng dare not neglect.

Directly exhibited the third layer of the town soul seal, allowing his soul to grow to infinity.

Just like the same Wanyue Juyue, she was in her head.

Suddenly, all the invisible large hands that captured his soul were shaken away.

Juyue Qingtian can never shake the slightest!

"what's the situation?"

A few kilometers away, the human judge was shocked, and his face was incredible: "Why did Cheng Feng's spirit suddenly become super heavy? Heavier than thousands of mountains!"

"Isn't Cheng Feng also proficient in a martial arts skill?"

"But even so, it can't make the spirit so strong instantly!"

The human judge was stunned, but he never expected that Cheng Feng would be unscathed in the case of using the method of detention of ecstasy.

As everyone knows, Cheng Feng just used the third layer of the Soul Seal.

The soul has turned into a giant seal, which can be sky-high.

Although the law of human detainees' detention is strong, it is difficult to shake!

"Since Cheng Feng's spirit can't be held, let's die!"

After the shock, the judge's intentions transpired in his eyes.

With a cold drink in his mouth, holding the Soul Pen in his hand, he directly used the most vicious killing trick of Soul Watch.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

In the breath, the human judge wrote a 'death' in the void.

This dead word is pale and cold, giving a strong taste of death.

And this word is shaped, hum ~~~

Not far away, Cheng Feng's spirit was weak.

Like a serious illness, the body was instantly weak, and even dizzy, there was a feeling of falling down.

"Not good, hellgate judges have used stronger ecstasy."

When the spirit was weak and his body was weak, Cheng Feng immediately responded.

Knowing that he was attacked by the horrifying spirit of a human judge.

Do not dare to neglect, and quickly run the soulprint to the extreme.

All the spirits are twisted together and turned into a giant imprint of the sky, emitting a billowing glory, blocking all invisible attacks.

However, the word ‘kill’ is an attack on the inside of a human soul, which cannot be stopped at all.

If the level of the soul seal is not high, and Cheng Feng has also trained it to the level of giant seal, I am afraid to die in an instant.

The most numbing thing is that after the human judge issued the ecstasy ‘killing’ method, he held the ecstasy pen and ran to Cheng Feng.

Prepare to make up the knife and kill Cheng Feng completely!

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