Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1509: Super Master Killed

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Chapter 1509 The Super Master Kills


"The soul lamp of a human judge is turned off?"

Seeing this picture, everyone in the room took a breath and raised a layer of goosebumps.

It took a while for someone to growl.

"Hurry up, report the news here to Destroy Yan Jun."

"Master Judge must not just fall like this, we must let the murderer pay for his blood!"

Roaring, several figures stood up and flew to Hellgate headquarters.

In fact, these people do not need to report at all.

Hell's Gate headquarters, the killing Yan Jun suspended in the sky, a pair of giant eyes sinking stunned.

The news of the fall of human judges is clear.

"Cheng Feng, what a Cheng Feng!"

Killing Yan Jun's intention to kill rises: "Actually killed several masters of this door."

"If it wasn't for Ben Jun's plan to pick the 'fruits', I really want to restrain your spirits and let you taste the taste of eighteen layers of hell!"

"Let's kill, let the magistrate go."

At this time, another giant in the sky said: "The deceased's clone has reached the seventh ascent to the sky, and he is proficient in the technique of heavenly kill.

"It should be no problem to destroy Cheng Feng!"

"I have awakened Judge."

Yan Jun nodded: "I'll send a message to him and let him leave immediately, so as not to be slipped by Cheng Feng's little thing!"

Just when the whole **** gate was boiling because of Cheng Feng.

Blackwater County branch, in underground space.

Cheng Feng looked at the judge who was in a different place with a look of dismay.

Just now, he almost died in the hands of the other party.

Fortunately, Long Aotian and Xiao Jin helped each other, and Chi Yanpao stood beside him, so that he could counterattack at the last moment.

The ecstasy killing method used by the human judge was shattered, and it was fatally cut.

However, Cheng Feng's knife did not completely kill the human judge.

It was only that the human body of the judge was cut, and the divine spirit was still alive, hiding in the broken body, with the intention of hiding the sky and the sea.

It's a pity that Cheng Feng knows the power of the strongest in the world.

Even though the whole person was cut in half, they were still swept away with the Soulprint.

Only then can the human judge be completely destroyed!

"Cheng Feng, you are so fierce."

While Cheng Feng was meditating, Long Aotian flew over and looked at Cheng Feng like a monster: "With a slashing sword, he can actually kill the sixth strongest man in Dengtian."

"I was just able to kill this person, and it was a bit of a fluke."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "If I really fight alone and don't use any big killer, I will definitely lose."

Although Cheng Feng now has the ability to kill the sixth strongest man on the sky, he still mainly borrows external forces.

Aside from Chi Yanpao and War God armor, Cheng Feng's combat power is still quite different.

"Right, are you okay?"

Cheng Feng looked at Long Aotian and asked.

Long Aotian was hit by a judge just now, and the scene was a bit scary.

A deep pit was smashed into the rock wall of the underground space.

"It's all right."

Long Aotian grinned, "Ben Shao is not a weak man now, although I can't beat the sixth heavy martial artist on the sky."

"But they want to kill me in one or two moves, but nothing is possible!"

"It's all right."

Cheng Feng nodded, and then glanced at the flying dragonfly Xiaojin.

It was found that Xiao Jin was unscathed, and her heart suddenly relaxed.

"Since it's okay, let's go now."

Cheng Feng gathered up the body and weapon of the human judge, and said with a calm look: "We have killed so many masters of **** gates, and **** gates will definitely move the fury of thunder."

"I already feel a terrifying breath, and I am coming here."

"In case it is intercepted, the consequences are unimaginable."

There are many masters in Hell's Gate, and the seventh peerless powerhouse in the sky is far more than one.

Especially horrible are the two great junior men of Hell Gate. The two avatars cultivated at the headquarters of Hell Gate are estimated to have reached the limit endured by the earth dome.

So it is easy not to go out, and once you go out, someone will fall!

And all are peerless strong!

Although Cheng Feng had several large killing devices in his hand, he did not dare to stay in the **** gate stronghold.

"Well, it's good to leave."

Long Aotian nodded: "I also noticed a horrific killing intention, and it seems to be locked here."

"It's so high, at least the seventh in the sky!"

While talking, Long Aotian turned and flew out of the underground space.

As for Cheng Feng, he was not in a hurry to leave.

Instead, the dragon dragon lice small gold was put into the empty pot, and then the spirits rushed to take out the sunstone obtained from the Serrated Eye Control Room.

Be careful next to that damaged teleportation array.

Then he groaned a little, and then took the ten black water overcast thunders given by Pei Feng, took out five in one breath, and placed them on the other side of the sun stone.

After doing this, Cheng Feng sneered.

Without saying a word, he took the shadow of the horror and flew out of the underground space.

Obviously, Cheng Feng placed Sunstone and five black water overcast thunders next to the teleportation array, and he had no intention.

Once someone teleports again, it will immediately detonate the Sun Stone and five black water overcast thunder.

The sixth strongest person in the sky will have to peel off the skin if he doesn't die.


Outside the underground space, above the ruins that have been razed.

There was a shock in the void, and then Cheng Feng stepped out of the void.

Not far away, Long Aotian just flew out of the underground space along the waste well.

"Cheng Feng, where are we going next?"

Seeing Cheng Feng, Long Aotian asked.

"Go to Mingxuan City first."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Lin Xuan, the owner of Mingxuanfang, was assassinated by Ye Xuan, and it is estimated that he has no clue so far."

"This matter is also related to me, I must give Mingxuanfang an account!"

"Okay, let's go quickly."

Long Aotian said: "I feel like the super master of Hell Gate is coming quickly."

"Walk slowly, maybe it will be intercepted."

"Your speed is too slow, let me take you!"

Cheng Feng also sensed the rapid crisis, so he grabbed Long Aotian.

The shadow dwarfed thousands of miles, and immediately cast out.

With a bang, the two disappeared without a trace!

The two left in Cheng Feng for less than a minute.

Under the ruins, in the underground space.

The dilapidated teleportation array suddenly lighted up.

When the light was so bright, a middle-aged man with a cold face appeared during the teleportation.

"Huh? There's a fraud!"

The middle-aged man is extremely tall and extremely sensitive to danger.

Immediately after the teleportation was completed, a strong crisis was felt rushing down the river and rushing towards him.

At that moment, the cold-hard middle-aged man didn't hesitate.

Tearing the void directly, jumped into the vast nothingness at once.

And he just left his forefoot, bang ~ bang ~~

Six consecutive horrible explosions swept the entire underground space.

In the blink of an eye, the underground space was blasted into fly ash.

The mighty force rushed out of the ground and flew straight up into the sky, penetrating Tiandong out of a huge cave.

It can be seen clearly after hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles.

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