Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1517: Sky Box

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Chapter 1517 The Sky Magic Box

Seeing the fleeing night owls, Cheng Feng looked pale and light.

It seems that the escape of the night owl has been expected.

"It's all this time, you don't have to struggle, just obey it!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng's ten dragons rolled.

The hands of Emperor-level martial arts are exhibited, humming ~~~

A flamboyant palm appeared on the side of the fleeing night owl and grabbed it directly.

Stayed on the ground and collapsed!

One of the bones of Ye Di shattered, and the eight acupuncture points in the body were destroyed half on the spot.

Xiu was destroyed instantly and became a waste.

"Cheng Feng ... did you actually abandon my practice?"

After Xiu was abolished, the appearance of the night owl suddenly changed.

From a mediocre middle-aged person, he quickly became a young man in his twenties.

The young man was thin, with a dry and determined face, and should be the true deity of the night owl.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth were **** and he yelled at Cheng Feng: "I am the named disciple who killed Yan Jun, and Lord Yan Jun values ​​me very much."

"You abandon my practice, Lord Yan Jun will crush you to death."

"Named disciple who killed Yan Jun? So what?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and didn't take it to heart, and said coldly: "Dare to strike me, even if it kills Yan Jun himself, I will let him pay the blood!"


Ye Yan said coldly: "Master Yan Jun's capture of the heavens and the earth is a great power to create the environment."

"Killing you is easier than crushing an ant!"

"Oh, dare to threaten me when you die?"

Cheng Feng's face sank and his intentions rose: "Since that is the case, then I will send you to the real **** now!"

Said, Cheng Feng was ready to take action to completely kill the night owl.

"Cheng Feng, don't worry."

At this moment, Long Aotian interjected suddenly: "I have something to ask about Ye Di, and I'll do it later when I'm done."

To stop, Long Aotian drank fine wine while holding a black iron box in his hand, looking at the night owl.

"Night, do you know this stuff?"

Long Aotian was holding the black iron box in his hand, which was exactly the night owl.

When Ye Xi saw the black iron box, he immediately said angrily: "This day the magic box ... it really fell into your hands."

"Tian Mo Box?" Long Aotian frowned.

"Heaven box, there is a ray of heaven spirit in it."

Ye Yan resentfully said: "Once it is opened, it releases the spirit of the demon, and the seventh-highest peerless figure in the sky will be eroded by the magic and become crazy crazy!"

"It's hateful. It wasn't opened in advance."

"Otherwise, I would not fall into this field!"

"The spirit of the demon? Even the seventh strongest man in the sky can erode?"

Hearing that, Long Aotian's eyes shone, "Yeah, how does this iron box open?"

The magic box is tightly closed and cannot be opened at all.

Long Aotian tried many methods without effect, just like a solid iron ingot.

"Hey, do you think I will tell you?"

Ye Yan smiled coldly, and his face was full of irony.

"Don't tell me? It's a bit difficult."

Long Ao stunned for a moment, then immediately said, "Yeah, why not?"

"Tell me the correct way to open the Sky Magic Box, and I'll let Cheng Feng give you a good deal. What do you think?"

"Otherwise, you will suffer a lot of sin before you die!"

"Suffering is just a routine thing for me."

Ye Ye didn't care: "If you want to torture me, you can do it."

As a top killer, you will definitely be trained to torture.

Threatening night owls with torture has no deterrent effect.

"I heard that your gate of **** has a criminal law called eighteen floors of hell."

At this moment, Cheng Feng interjected suddenly: "The eighteen levels of **** are a slaughterhouse built by combining the most cruel criminal laws in the world.

"It is rumored that no matter how strong the will, he will not be able to walk through eighteen layers of hell."

"Because even if his physical body can bear it, the spirit will collapse, and it will be alive and painful."

Hearing Cheng Feng's mention of eighteen layers of hell, Ye Di's body trembled.

Obviously I have heard of such torture and even experienced it myself.

At that time, Ye Yan was young and full of vigor and just became a killer in order to show his courage and willpower.

Please take the initiative to go around the 18th floor hell.

The result was only to the third floor, and the soul almost collapsed and escaped.

Since then, Ye Di has never been to eighteen floors of hell, leaving a psychological shadow.

"Eighteen floors of **** is the only means of my **** gate."

Taking a deep breath, Ye Di calmed the disorder, and said lightly, "You use it to scare me. You can choose the wrong object!"

"Scare you? Hehe ~~"

Cheng Feng sneered: "I remember the first floor of the eighteenth floor of hell, called Xiayouguo."

"Put a person in a hot oil pan and fry it, and taste the taste of being slowly fried by the oil."

"I happen to have a lot of spirit oil in my hand, and fry your spirit hundreds of times without any problem."

During speaking, Cheng Feng took out a big tripod.

A layer of transparent substance was poured in the tripod, which was extremely clear.

Then Cheng Feng evoked a **** black flame, baked under the tripod, and after a while, the transparent substance in the tripod swayed into oil.

A scent of fragrance erupted, but it made Ye Wan's face suddenly change.

"Spiritual essential oils, do you actually have them?"

Soul soul oil is a kind of oil squeezed from the soul.

This thing can nourish people's spirits, and has many benefits to the spirits and spiritual thoughts of warriors.

But using this oil in the "oil pan" is a form of torture.

It will constantly nourish people's spirits and keep people in the most awake and perceptive state.

The main thing is that with the soul spirit oil, the soul of a person will not easily collapse to death.

There are enough essential oils to torture people for tens of thousands of years.

"Night time, I have not only my soul oil, but also a large stock."

Cheng Feng smiled lightly: "Keeping your spirits alive for a hundred and eighty years!"

"Enough for Cheng Feng, I'll tell you how to open the Sky Box."

At this moment, Ye Yan knew that Cheng Feng had a way to make him suffer the torture of eighteen floors of hell.

He twitched his mouth and finally succumbed, Shen said, "But you swear, after I tell you everything, you promise me a happy life."

"I said Cheng Feng absolutely!"

Cheng Feng said: "As long as you don't cheat and play tricks and do tricks in the way to open the magic box of the sky, I will give you happiness."

"Hope you say it!"

Ye Di knows that he must die.

After talking to Cheng Feng about the conditions, there was no nonsense, and the way to open the sky magic box was explained.

"Watering the magic box with magic blood, can you open it and let out the magic of magic?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "Yeah, didn't you lie to me?"

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