Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1524: Little Shadow

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Chapter 1524 Little Shadow

At the main gate of Heishui Palace, masters gathered and were heavily guarded.

In the early hours of the day, people are most susceptible to fatigue and fatigue, but the soldiers stationed at the main gate of Heishui Palace are full of energy.

A pair of sharp eyes kept sweeping across the main door.

Even a fly can see and see clearly.

Obviously, they are masters who have perfected pupillary surgery, and they have never thought of hiding them.

Not only that, there were two masters who ascended to the sky sitting above the main entrance.

These two ascended martial arts warriors, the divine mind has been in a state of emanation, flooding all corners of the main entrance.

The ants moved, the wind was blowing, the plants were sprouting ... all of them were clearly displayed in their minds.

In this case, let alone someone sneaking in and out, you ca n’t even get close.

However, under this kind of copper wall iron wall monitoring.

Wow ~~~

A breeze blew, causing a few small trees to sway slightly, and a few gravel to shake slightly.

Then, there was an invisible shadow, covered by the shadow of the small tree and gravel, and passed silently through the main gate of Heishui Palace, which was guarded against death.

The pupil masters, as well as the two ascendants of the heavens, did not notice anything.

One after another thought that the shaking of the small trees and the gravel was caused by the breeze, and there was nothing unusual.

But in fact, one person has stood outside the main gate of Heishui Palace.

Take a closer look, it is Cheng Feng!

"Entry-level shadow killing, I've gotten to the point where I'm in full swing."

Outside Heishui Palace, Cheng Feng whispered, "Next, it's time to break it into Xiaocheng."

"Only by reaching the level of Xiaocheng can the power of Shadow Kill be truly demonstrated."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's figure faded and disappeared.

When it appeared again, it had already returned to the Black Water Palace, under the shadow of a small tree.

This time, there was no wind or grass at all.

When sneaking, the shakiness of the shadow completely disappeared, and the covert skyrocketed for more than a star.

In this case, let alone a master of ordinary pupillography, even those who are born with pupils are not aware of any clues.

"Shadow Kill ... finally small."

Under the small tree, Cheng Feng's joyful voice sounded: "The hard work of this day has not been in vain."

"Next, check the results to see if you can quietly approach a top master and retreat successfully."

"As for the target person, take Long Aotian to experiment with Brother Pei!"

Whispering, Cheng Feng looked at the Black Whale Temple.

At this time in the Black Whale Hall, Long Aotian and Pei Feng were still drinking.

They each held a small wine glass, and a small half glass of transparent wine was poured in the glass, and they sipped a little.

Fear of drinking too fast, drink up the wine.

"Elder Pei, as the first-class sect's head teacher, you should have more than one altar in your hand, right?"

Long Ao Tian shouted, drank the wine in the glass, and laughed, "You take out a few more altars, let's have a good drink."

"It's so boring to drink such a small cup!"

"You guys are talking lightly."

Pei Feng cursed with a smile: "It should be noted that Jiuyu Qiongfang was also a very sought-after treasure a hundred years ago, and I managed to get the three altars.

"Two of the altars have been drunk long ago. This is the only one."

"If you think it's boring to drink in a small glass, I happen to be alone!"

"Hum, beautiful."

Long Aotian laughed lowly: "Before drinking Jiuyu Qiongfang in this altar, Ben Shao will not leave."

As he was talking, Long Aotian's gaze swept away and he found an ant crawling out of the Black Whale Hall.

"Elder Pei, it's time to clean your hall."

Long Aotian pouted and said, "It's estimated that all the ants' nests are under the main hall?"

"who said it?"

Pei Feng looked up: "I have an array in the Black Whale Hall, let alone ants, and no worms can come in."

"No, what's going on with that ant?"

Long Aotian asked the little ant near the gate of the temple.

"Ant? Are there any ants?"

Pei Feng looked along the direction of Long Aotian's fingers, his face suddenly changed: "No, this ant has a problem!"

"Any problem with the ants?"

After hearing the words, Long Aotian's eyes disappeared and asked, "Will this ant be a wicked warrior?"

Whispering, Long Aotian stretched out his right hand and grabbed the ant.

In order to prevent accidents, Long Aotian grabbed his hands and used the Tianlong clan of martial arts skills.

It was easy to catch the ant in his hand.

After holding it carefully, the ant was no different from the ordinary ant.

Just a few hundred times stronger than an ordinary ant.

"No problem!"

Seeing this, Long Aotian looked to Pei Feng: "Old Pei, you guy is a fuss."

Said, Long Aotian pinched the little ant to the ground and threw it to the ground.

However, Pei Feng was suddenly tense when Long Aotian threw the ants to the ground.

The divine power in the body was rolling and gushing, and a divine power shield was condensed on the body.

And the shield just set, biting ~~~

A crisp and loud sounded.

Long Aotian turned his head and found that it was the sound of a weapon striking the divine shield.

"Someone attacked?"

Suddenly, Long Aotian's scalp became numb.

I dare not think about it, we must restore the dragon form to prevent someone from killing.

But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Long Aotian, Brother Pei, don't be nervous."

"I was just joking with you just now, and by the way check out a martial art I just practiced!"

The words came to an end, and next to the little ant's body, a fuzzy figure appeared.

Then, it became Cheng Feng's appearance.

Holding an iron rod in his hand, he smiled apologetically.

"Cheng Feng? What the **** is going on with you?"

Seeing Cheng Feng, Long Aotian stopped deforming, and said unhappyly, "It sneaked into the hall silently, and even the original and the little ones were gone."

"It's the Seven Kills."

After waiting for Cheng Feng to answer, Pei Feng took the lead to say, "If I didn't guess wrong, the means Cheng Cheng had just sneaked into the hall must be the technique of seven kills."

"Only this kind of martial arts that is good at assassination can conceal your perception and sneak into the temple quietly."

"Seven Kills?"

Long Aotian raised a brow and was surprised: "Cheng Feng, you can, ah, in such a short period of time, he actually practiced the technique of seven kills."

"I did use the technique of seven kills just now."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But it is only the first kill of the Seven Kills and Shadow Kills. For the whole set of Seven Kills, it is only a primer."

"Grass, it's so amazing right after getting started?"

Long Aotian exploded: "You know, you were very close to me just now, even in front of you."

"Anyone can escape from this distance?"

"Absolutely kill me!"

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