Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1526: Mingfujing

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Chapter 1526 Mingfujing

"Okay, it's mad to refuse me again."

Seeing Cheng Feng had to refuse, Pei Feng sank directly.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled bitterly and put away ten black water overcast thunder.

A warmth rose in my heart.

"Cheng Feng, when are you going to Shuicheng that day?"

At this time, Long Aotian asked.

"Go now."

Cheng Feng groaned: "The sooner I appear in Tianshui City, the sooner someone familiar with me can get out of danger."

"That being the case, let's go!"

Hearing that, Long Aotian greeted.

"You going too?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "This time I go to Tianshui City is extremely dangerous, you better stay here."

"Dangerous? Isn't Ben a dragon afraid of danger?"

Long Aotian yelled: "Furthermore, my injury has recovered 12 or 12, and I can fully compete with Dengtian's fifth-highest master."

"When I go to Tianshui City, I can help you!"

"forget it."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "I think you are here to help me even more."

"Fuck, you look down on Ben?"

Hearing this, Long Aotian was a bit frizzy.

But Cheng Feng had his mind set and ignored it at all.

When nodded to Pei Feng, he will use the shadow method, 遁 ~~~

The whole person disappeared.

"Hum, I must have left Ben Shao, no way!"

In the Black Whale Hall, Long Aotian turned his eyes and murmured, "After drinking Jiuyu Qiongfang, I will go to Tianshui City myself."


Tianshui City is a giant city covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles. It looks like a giant beast standing in the east of Heishui County.

Cheng Feng exhibited the shadow trick, and after a few minutes he appeared outside Tianshui City.

"Is this the Tianshui City? The martial arts essence stirs the sky, and there are many masters in it."

Cheng Feng looked at Tianshui City and whispered: "And I heard people say that Tianshui City is surging now, although it seems to belong to the Zhengdao camp."

"But the evil strong, the killer, the undercover who sneaked into it ... countless."

"In addition, the three big families in the city have ambiguous attitudes, making Tianshui City's owners difficult to clear the tumors in the city."

"It's a city, the right way is mixed with evil martial arts."

"I have to be extra cautious in this city. No one can easily believe it."

"Maybe some righteous person colluded with the evil faction."

"Once the news comes out, it will be the target of public criticism!"

The situation in Tianshui City is special and mixed.

This is also the main reason many killers forced Cheng Feng to this city.

"The purpose of my trip is to kill people."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Killing the jumper killers will attract the attention of the killer world and prevent others from being affected by me."

"Second, still kill!"

"Kill all those who are misconducted, kill them to the point of psychological breakdown, and never dare to use their brains!"

"But before I do, I need detailed intelligence."

Cheng Feng secretly exclaimed: "Killers are best at hiding. Without detailed information, everything is empty talk."

"So, I have to contact the Destiny Division first, and let Tian Zhao seniors send specific information over."

"At that time, we can carry out precise strikes and remove the targets one by one!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng immediately contacted Tianzhao Da Mingming.

With the help of Tianyan bracelet, Cheng Feng quickly contacted Tianzhao.

When Cheng Feng told the other party, after his own plan of action, Tianzhao's boss immediately tried to dissuade him.

But Cheng Feng's idea has been set, and no one can change it.

The ancestor of Tianzhao knew well about Cheng Feng's character, and persuaded him for a moment to have no effect, so he would no longer waste time.

I only told Cheng Feng that after he entered Tianshui City, he went to a tea house called ‘Mingfujing’ and went to the tea shop owner Gao Quan.

Cheng Feng will tell him all the information he needs.

"The boss of Mingfujing has high power? This person should be an intelligence officer of the Destiny Division."

Cheng Feng put away the Tianyan bracelet and groaned, "Since Tian Zhao's predecessor asked me to find this person, then this person must be trusted."

At this point, Cheng Feng runs Tianlong Golden Body.

啵啵 啵啵 啵 ~~~

The whole body's bones hunted suddenly, and the whole person suddenly changed.

His height has been shortened by ten centimeters, his face has become very popular, and he is completely a passerby.

Even if Cheng Feng's family was standing in front of him, they could not recognize it.

Not only that, Cheng Feng also exerted the power of God's breath to completely change his breath.

Huo Tuotuo became another person, without any contact with Cheng Feng.

"Let's go into the city first."

After doing this, Cheng Feng mingled with a group of people who entered the city and entered Tianshui City silently.

Due to special circumstances, there was not much tension in the decisive battle between Tianshui City.

The city is crowded with people, shops are open, and prosperity is in sight.

After Cheng Feng entered the city, he inquired casually and knew the location of Mingfujing Tea House.

As the street slipped up, an ancient attic quickly caught sight.

At Mingfujing Tea House, Cheng Feng stepped in.

This well-known tea shop is doing well, and some people are drinking tea in the middle of the night.

Cheng Feng entered it in the middle of the night.

"What do you want, drinker?"

The guy in the teahouse was very clever. When he saw Cheng Feng coming in, he ran over and asked.

"Give me a **** robe!"

Cheng Feng opened a chair and sat down casually.

"Big black robe?"

Dude stunned: "Guest, Da Heipao, this kind of tea, please forgive me, I have never heard of it, and I don't know if it is available in the store."

"Yes, I've had it before." Cheng Feng laughed.

But in fact, Cheng Feng didn't know any **** robes at all.

The reason why I ordered this tea called ‘big black robe’ was a secret word told by Tian Zhao Da Ming ’s life.

Order a cup of ‘big black robe’ at Mingfujing Tea House. The owner of the tea house has high power, and he will immediately know where Cheng Feng is from.

"Kaiguan, wait a minute, I'll get you some tea."

Seeing Cheng Feng have drank the so-called **** robe, the man is no longer tangled.

With a murmur in his mouth, he went away.

After the man left, Cheng Feng combed the next plan.

About ten minutes later, the guy came with a cup of black tea.

"Guest, your **** robe, please use slowly."

Dude put the tea on the table and turned away.

After the man left, Cheng Feng's gaze turned, looking at the cup of black tea.

I saw that cup of tea with a layer of finely ground tea powder floating on the surface, and it didn't take long for the man to leave.

That layer of tea powder changed quietly, and a line of text appeared.

"Go to the second floor of the tea house.

This line of text was obviously done intentionally.

Nine out of ten, from the hands of the tea shop owner.

"On the second floor of the tea house, is the elegant room on the third floor of the word A?"

After seeing the text on the tea, Cheng Feng had counted it.

I took a tea cup and took a few sips, then went up to the second floor of the tea house.

There are many elegant rooms on the second floor of the tea house.

Cheng Feng took a few steps, and Jia No. 3 Yajian came into view.

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