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Chapter 1550 Seckill

Just when the entire feathered **** dynasty was shocked by the picture of the falling starlight.

The huge Tianshui City fry the pan.

Almost everyone shivered, staring at the sky without blinking.

Looking at the stars falling from the sky, they finally fell into a black knife in the hands of a man in a gold armor in Tiandu Square.

The person with the golden armor is Cheng Feng!

"Grasp the grass, what is Cheng Feng doing here? It's so loud!"

Tiandu Square, Long Aotian saw this scene, his eyes were dull and a little stunned.

"Cheng Feng is performing a martial art, a martial art that can borrow the power of the stars!"

Not far away that day, Hua Tianxiong, the main city of Shuicheng, gathered up the colorful waterdrops, and his eyes narrowed into a seam: "This martial art is so powerful.

"I feel that once all the stars are gathered, the sixth strongest person in the sky can also be spiked!"

"What? Spike the sixth strongest?"

Hearing this, the rest of the powerful ascended the heavenly realm could not help but swallow a spit.

Although they have a deep understanding of Cheng Feng's strength.

But at this moment, still shocked.

Eyes were staring at Cheng Feng, looking like monsters!

In the sky, Cheng Feng ignored the shock of the crowd.

All his mind was infused with the Devil Sword in his hand.

Om ~~ Om ~~ Om ~~

Cheng Feng held up the Devil Sword, and as the stars fell from the sky, they fell on the blade.

The dark blade suddenly glowed, and the sharp edge was as cold as ice.

Especially when there are fifty-eight stars, they all sink into the blade.

The light on the Devil's Sword was extremely bright.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a strange round of the sun, exuding the light of cold and cold killing.

"Wanxing Tonghui, cut!"

All the stars of the day are incorporated into the Devil Slayer.

Cheng Feng's gaze stared at the north of Tianshui City, the middle-aged man who had flew out of Tianshui City.

At the next moment, he held the knife in his hands and split down.

Stabbing ~~~

A mighty sword light flew away from the Devil Slayer.

He chopped down the blood and snow, screamed violently, and smashed away at the big middle-aged man.

"So strong, really strong!"

"But I will never die, never!"

Outside Tianshui City, the big middle-aged man was creepy.

He looked at the horrific sword light cut from the center of Tianshui City, and stopped suddenly.

After taking a deep breath, he suddenly began to glow.

All the six star powers in the body were urged out and poured into the thick iron rod in the bowl.

Immediately roaring, he hit the iron rod in his hand to the horror sword light.

Bang ~~~

When a huge iron rod hit the horror sword light, a loud noise spread.

Then the violent shock wave oscillated, causing the void to collapse, causing Tianshui City to tremble, and breaking a big gap in the sky.

Then the horror sword light became a little brighter, and the trend of slashing kept on.

Huh! The iron rod in the hands of the middle-aged and middle-aged man was cut into two in an instant.

Then the slashing of the horrific sword light continued, banging ~~~

When slashing the strong middle-aged man.

Even if the strong middle-aged man was a top-ranked sixth-best powerhouse, he was immediately cut from the top of his head by Dao Guang and cut the spot.

Later, the force of the sword was released along the ground, and a narrow and long knife mark was cut out outside Tianshui City.

It was not until a mountain that was thousands of meters long was broken up, and the power in the sword light was exhausted and dissipated!

"God, what did I see?"

"Slash the sky with one sword, and explode a sixth ascendant who ascended the sky?"

"How tall is the man standing in the gold armor of the void? Is it too scary?"

Seeing Cheng Feng slashing the middle-aged and middle-aged man, the scene was silent first.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the mountain-like tsunami-speaking boomed.

Even Hua Tianxiong, Long Aotian, etc. have mouths wide, and their writhing hearts can't be calm for a long time.

In fact, not only everyone, Cheng Feng himself was quite surprised.

It was cut with a knife, and even the sixth strongest man in the sky was killed.

"Di Cang, it is truly a strong swordsman."

Cheng Feng exhaled a long breath and whispered: "The fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword, I only lighted 58 stars, and the power has reached this level."

"If the borrowed star power reaches one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand ... the seventh and even the eighth-largest antiques on the sky, I am afraid they will change color!"

Emperor Cangdao's swords and stars are indeed not trivial, and their power can be continuously developed.

As long as the spirit of the practitioner is strong enough, the will is strong enough, the physique is strong enough, and the star icons lit up are enough.

Then the power can continue to increase, reaching an appalling level!

No wonder Emperor Cangshu has only five types, because the fifth type directly contains everything possible!

"Cheng Feng, are you too fierce?"

At this time, Long Aotian woke up to God and said to Cheng Feng: "Without resorting to the technique of seven kills, even by his own strength, he can even kill the sixth strongest man in the sky."

"It's not human, it's not even possible to reach the seventh-best peerless powerhouse!"

"Not so exaggerated."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's gaze flashed: "I use Wanxing Tonghui's knife technique, although I can kill the sixth strongest man in the sky, but it can only be used as a hole card."

"Because this move consumes too much, the load on the body is extremely high."

"Even if he is infused with the source of fire by Hell's melanoma, I can only perform it three times in the short term."

"Once the limit is exceeded, the strength in the body will be drained directly, the meridians will break, and there will be no power to bind the chicken."

"You can only do it three times in the short term? That's awesome too!"

Long Aotian is full of envy: "You can kill three sixth-ranked peerless powerhouses between your hands, which is a bit scary to think about."

"Okay, don't say this anymore."

At this moment, Cheng Feng's eyes turned, looking towards Xicheng District of Tianshui City: "You first assist Hua Tianxiong's predecessors and appease the people in the city."

"I go to the other side and do the final finishing work."

The words came to an end, and Cheng Feng took a step forward.

Huh! It turned into a big golden arrow and flew towards Xicheng District.

In Xicheng District, two invisible figures are constantly fighting.

These two invisible figures, one with a diamond-shaped sharp knife in one hand, shot fiercely and sharply, which is one of the eight major killers of the temple.

Another invisible figure is holding a wooden frame in the right hand, with strangely shaped rag dolls inserted in the wooden frame.

He held four pointed needles in his left hand, and constantly confronted Jue Hou with the pointed needles in his hands.

The point of the needle pierced the diamond-shaped sharp knife, making a rattling impact.

Seems to be a master of the Destiny Division!

However, as Jie Dao Hou opened his mouth and said a word, his speculation that he was a "Master of Shadows" was immediately overturned.

Because Jue Hou called this person a "grimace"!

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