Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1561: Fifth Peerless Powerhouse

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Chapter 1561 The Fifth Peerless Powerful

After performing the magical steps, Cheng Feng's speed was super fast.

The blink of an eye has flown out more than 800 miles.

There are a thousand miles to the mark of the sky.

In addition, Cheng Feng was still in flight, causing a shadow kill in Xiaocheng's realm, and the whole person disappeared disappearing.

Suddenly, a few frowns of the savage elephant chasing behind him.

"Cheng Feng should have used some superb stealth martial arts."

Seeing this, the second elder of the Blood Gods infers: "The reason why Cheng Feng was able to kill twenty ascendants of the heavens in succession is to borrow the power of this stealth martial art."

"What is this stealth martial art?"

The monk looked carefully, but couldn't see the trace of Cheng Feng, and was very surprised.

"This is the inheritance of the Seven Killing Demon King."

Suddenly, a voice sounded out of thin air.

Then a middle-aged man dressed in white and holding a sword appeared quietly.

The person who stabbed Cheng Feng and attacked Cheng Feng just now must be this person.

"Seven Kills?"

His Majesty's brows raised a brow and asked, "It is said that the technique of the Seven Kills is a superb assassination martial art. As a peerless killer in Hell's Gate, can you crack this martial art?

It turns out that this middle-aged man in white is the strongest heaven judge among the three judges in Hell's Gate.

No wonder it is always good to be able to gain insight into opportunities.

"Seven kills are no small feat."

The heaven judge said: "According to my calculations, it should be a heavenly martial art."

"No process peak has only cultivated some fur at this time, and I can easily see through his hiding."

Between the words, the sky judge's eyes suddenly turned blue.

As soon as Cheng Feng disappeared, a blurry figure flew into sight.

"On the west side, Cheng Feng is one hundred and thirty miles west."

The judge of the heavens revealed his intentions: "There are less than nine hundred miles from the mark of heaven."

The voice does not fall, 嗤 ~~~

The long sword stabbed in the sky judge's hand.

A cold and glamorous sword went straight to Cheng Feng's heart.

Seeing this and the second elder of the Blood Gods, the pretty elephant Lord did not slow down at all.

A thick spear with a bowl mouth followed Qiba Dao's huge palms, followed behind the cold-headed Jianguang, and slammed into Cheng Feng.

"Doesn't it work?"

One hundred and thirty miles away, Cheng Feng saw Leng Maojian's light thorns in his swift flight, his face slightly condensed: "Since this is the case, then use some means!"

Cheng Feng had long anticipated that Sky Judge and others saw through his own shadow killing.

Because the technique of the seven kills is strong, after all, he only cultivates the first type of shadow killing.

Moreover, he hasn't cultivated to Dacheng yet, but he is only in the state of Chengcheng. He must not hide the seventh-best peerless powerhouse in the sky.

So Cheng Feng rushed, and took out seven black water overcast thunder from the soul ring, a sword light thrown to the thorn.

Black water overcast thunder is a kind of vicious real water, very powerful.

If the number is enough, even the seventh strongest person in the sky can be killed alive!

Pei Feng, the master of Heishui Palace, gave away a total of twenty Cheng Feng.

In the past, five were used in order to block the pursuit of the judge, and now there are fifteen left.

At this moment, seven were thrown out and pierced by Leng Yanjianguang.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

A terrible explosion rang.

The turbulent black light swelled, the sky broke instantly, the billowing influx, and no fingers were reached.

As for the pouring blood and snow on the sky, it was blown away and the blood and snow stopped suddenly!

Not only that, the cold-sword Jianguang stabbed by the judge that day was the first to be entangled in a large black light and blasted into fly ash.

And quite like the spear shot from His Holiness, the palm of the second elder is no exception.

They were all shattered by the explosion of seven black water overcast thunder.

All threats disappear in an instant!

"Hei Shui Yin Lei, Cheng Feng actually has a lot of Hei Shui Yin Lei!"

In the sky, the savage elephant patted the giant elephant under him, stopped him from rushing, and said with a somber expression: "Under this condition, Cheng Feng will probably escape smoothly and slip into the marks of heaven."

"He can't escape Cheng Feng."

The blood elder second elder turned black, but chased Cheng Feng's footsteps, and said coldly, "The black water overcast thunder can only be refined by the Black Water Palace, and it is very difficult. Cheng Feng's black water overcast thunder It must be from Blackwater Palace. "

"The number must be limited, I see how many times he can use it!"

Having said that, the second elder had crossed the Elephant Lord and plunged into the terrorist explosion zone.

As for the judge of the sky, he ate a loss of black water and overcast thunder not long ago.

This time it was bombed by the black water overcast thunder again, and it was even more angry.

Same footsteps, chasing Cheng Feng!

But it's late!

By the time he and the second elder passed through the explosion zone, Cheng Feng had already cast a shadow of a thousand miles.

The next moment, at the edge of the mark of heaven, the void shook slightly.

Immediately a person wearing a gold armor stepped out, and it was Cheng Feng!

"Damn, Cheng Feng has reached the edge of the mark of the sky."

Seeing this scene, Tian Jie's face condensed: "It will be very troublesome to let him escape into the marks of heaven!"

"Don't worry, Cheng Feng doesn't want to escape into the sky, but it's not so easy."

The blood elder second elder said coldly.

Immediately, a large hand stretched out at the edge of the mark of the sky and the position of Cheng Feng.

This hand appeared very suddenly, almost suddenly.

As soon as Cheng Feng got out of the void, the big hand grabbed it, and Cheng Feng was to be grasped.

Obviously, the Blood Gods had guessed Cheng Feng's plan and stayed behind!

"The fifth peerless powerhouse?"

Cheng Feng emerged from the void, and felt a formidable force on his way.

Without any delay, the Devil Sword in his hand slammed out.

Stabbing ~~~

Smash the void, and slash at the big hand grabbed.

But there was a wave of ripples around that big hand.

When Cheng Feng was cut off with one stroke, the void seemed to be stretched hundreds of times.

Obviously, his big hand is in front of him, but he can't get the slightest.

"Stretching in the void?"

Upon discovering this scene, Cheng Feng's face changed slightly: "Is this the fifth evil cult peerless, is it a copy of the Blood God Religious Promise King?"

The blood **** teaches the Promise King and is proficient in the way of the void.

You can stretch and shrink the void at will when you raise your hand, and you can reach it within a thousand miles.

Cheng Feng had played against him before, and was played between the palms of his hands.

If it weren't for the help of Qianlong College Shushanshan Zhu Qingshan, you wouldn't even be able to escape!

I never thought that in order to kill Cheng Feng, the blood gods actually invited this person again, which is a big trouble.

"King of Promise?"

Hundreds of miles away, the judge saw the scene that day, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, it is the Promise King."

The second elder nodded: "I taught Chen Taicang that Cheng Feng might escape to the mark of the sky, so please move the King of God to stay near the mark of the sky in advance."

"No matter where Cheng Feng flees, the God King can rush to his finger and intercept!"

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