Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1564: Judge and Killer

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Chapter 1564 The Judge and Kill the Emperor

The Promise King flew into the sky not long.

Thousands of miles away from the sky, 嘭 ~~~

A void burst suddenly.

Immediately, the second elder of the Blood Gods, the Judge of Hell's Gate, and the three savage elephants all emerged from the bursting void.

Because there is no sense of direction in the void sea, it is difficult to locate.

The second elder of the Blood Gods Church was anxious to chase Cheng Feng again, breaking a space barrier and leaving.

So they appeared directly thousands of miles away from the sky, a long way before they entered the sea of ​​void.

"The marks of the sky are in the north, let's hurry up!"

Flying out of the void, the second elder lifted his eyes and instantly knew where he was.

Say hello, and immediately rush to the direction where the mark of the sky is.

The second elder and the three were all seventh-ranked peerless powerhouses, flying at super fast speeds.

In the blink of an eye, the marks of the sky were already in sight.

But when they arrived, the entrance of Tianchen was quiet and silent, except for the howling wind, there was no trace of people.

"Cheng Feng should have entered the sky, I can feel it."

Looking at the entrance to the mark of the sky, the second elder of the Blood Gods gnashed his teeth: "It's a shame. We have enough five seventh ascendants to reach the sky. In the end, we failed to intercept Cheng Feng and let him successfully escape into the mark of the sky. ! "

The second elder at this time was filled with humiliation.

In fact, it is not only the second elder, but also the Judge of Hell's Gate, as well as His Majesty the Lord.

The cheeks were hot as if they were being baked.

"Second elder, shall we continue to pursue, or ..."

After a moment of silence, the elephant replied.

"Chasing, you must chase!"

The second elder Shen said, "It's so horrible that Cheng Feng hasn't yet entered the realm of ascension. What if he let him survive the disaster?"

"It must be strangled as early as possible, otherwise the consequences will be endless!"

After the words ended, the second elder took the lead and flew into the sky.

The judge later groaned slightly, and the whole person disappeared suddenly.

As for His Majesty the Lord, although there are some dangers in his heart that fear the marks of the sky.

However, the second elder of the Blood God Church has entered. As the guest Qing invited by the Blood God Church, he would not be justified if he did not enter.

So a bite of his teeth and a pat of the wild elephant under him also entered the marks of heaven.


"This Cheng Feng is really terrifying!"

"The joint killing of five peerless powerhouses failed, but it was a bit scary."

After the elephant and the like entered the scars of the sky, a figure suddenly emerged from the ground.

This man has five short statures, exuding a touch of earthy body.

Obviously proficient in a deep earth martial arts, integrated into the ground, even the seventh-best peerless powerhouse in the sky could not find.

"The reason Cheng Feng slipped is to blame your judge."

Shortly after the appearance of the five short-bodied people, a fuzzy shadow emerged out of nowhere, saying strangely: "In the rumor, your three heirs of Hell Gate Heaven and Earth people combined, and the combat power can increase several times.

"If you show up early and join forces with the Sky Judge, maybe Cheng Feng has been intercepted!"

This abruptly appearing fuzzy shadow spoke the identity of the person with five short stature.

Turned out to be one of the three judges of Hell Gate, it is no wonder that he is so proficient in the study of soil properties.

"Hum, you Mingyu killed the emperor lightly."

The magistrate glanced at the blurred figures, refuting in a cold voice: "Thanks to my self-cultivation, I am not Cheng Feng's opponent at all."

"Rushing out, it's almost death!"

"It's you and Wan Jue. Xiuwei seems to have reached the sixth limit of ascending the sky? Why not shoot?"

"I kill the temple and Cheng Feng, and I have no hatred, and it doesn't matter if I don't shoot."

This suddenly appearing fuzzy figure is Ming Yu killing the emperor, one of the four major killers of the temple.

There was a faint shadow on Ming Yu's side.

If you don't pay attention to observation, you will definitely be ignored. It is to kill another shrine to kill the emperor!

"You have no hatred against Cheng Feng and Cheng Feng?"

The local judge coldly said, "What was the knife that had been killed by Cheng Feng and Xinxin Hou before?"

"Jiedao and Chuanxin were killed, that is because they are not as good as others."

Ming Yu killed the emperor and said indifferently: "Unlike your **** gate, not only is the alliance relationship with the blood gods, but also Cheng Feng has killed a large number of top killers."

"Even a newcomer training base in Heishui County was destroyed by Cheng Feng. It can be said to be the same!"

"Huh, then what?"

The local judge said coldly: "This time, Cheng Feng was killed by my **** gate judge, plus four peerless strongmen who were strangled together."

"Even if there is any great hatred, it will be completely over!"

"Oh, that emperor is waiting for good news here."

Talking, Ming Yu's killing of the emperor disappeared slowly, and then re-hidden.

Obviously did not enter the mark of the sky, chase and kill Cheng Feng.

"Two greedy people who are afraid of death, and want to challenge this judge? Huh!"

Seeing this, the land judge gave a cold sigh, and then the whole person merged into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

I also don't plan to enter the marks of the sky, for fear that I won't be able to come out after entering.

At the same time, a few hundred miles away from the mark of the sky, a number of people began to appear, there are right and evil.

It is the detective who investigates the situation of Cheng Feng's pursuit.

These people overlooked the marks of the sky, and combined with the pictures they had previously seen hiding in the dark, they immediately made a precise judgment in their hearts.

That is, under the siege of five peerless strong men such as the Second Elder of the Blood Gods, Hell Gate Heaven Judge, etc., Cheng Feng still rushed into the sky.

It was a miracle that surprised everyone.

Then he did not dare to neglect, and passed the news back to the right and evil sides through various special means.

"What? Cheng Feng, despite the second elders of the Blood Gods and other five peerless powers, still successfully broke into the marks of heaven?"

Tianshui City, the city's main mansion.

When Hua Tianxiong received the news, his face was full of ecstasy and shock: "Unbelievable, really incredible!"

"In such a desperate situation, Cheng Feng can break the game."

"Maybe it is within the marks of the sky, and it will be good fortune!"


"Did you succeed?"

"Five full-time peerless powerhouses were introduced to the sky by Cheng Feng. Below this, the evil faction camp can be said to be a great drop in strength."

"At this time, if you launch a counterattack, it is the best choice."

Nakasu, Destiny Division.

Amaterasu looked at a secret letter, shaking with excitement.

Whispering: "Perhaps I should report to His Majesty the Emperor. The time for my counterattack to strike back ... is here!"


"Has Cheng Feng already started?"

Qianlong County, Qianlong College.

Mr. Shu raised a brow and said secretly, "It's okay."

"With five peerless powerhouses, after the end of Qianlong's plan, this long-lasting disaster of blood gods can be completely ended!"

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