Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1580: Sky Sword vs Wanxing Tonghui

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Chapter 158 Heavenly Sword VS Wanxing Tonghui

"Compared to humans in white, King feels that human with a knife is more sinister and terrible."

The Eight-faced Ghost Spider said: "The black and white fire that it caused was very strong. It is estimated that it won't take long before the nine days of cold water will be directly dried!"

"What's going on recently? Why are so many powerful humans suddenly popping up in our world?"

The emperor clam was puzzled: "Are these guys all for the soul soul?"

"pretty close."

The eight-faced ghost spider said in a deep voice: "Do you remember when a human in white was hiding, a voice suddenly told us where the other person was hiding?"

"Of course I remember." The emperor nodded.

"I guess, the owner of that voice is this knife human who is fighting white humans."

The Eight-faced Ghost Spider analyzed: "The reason why it told us the hiding place of humans in white is that we want to kill people with a knife and use our strength to kill humans in white.

"At that time, he will wait for the opportunity to move away and steal the earth soul tree that was stolen by humans in white!"

"Well, that must be the case."

After hearing the words of the eight-faced ghost spider, the emperor clam scolded: "These **** humans are really treacherous."

"Eight faces, let's take a hard note and kill these two sinister humans?"

"No rush, let them kill each other first."

The Eight-faced Ghost Spider said coldly: "When they lose each other's injuries, let's do it again. Not only can we easily kill it, but we can regain the soul tree.

"Haha, it should be."

The emperor clam laughed and continued to watch the fire across the bank.

Meanwhile, above the poisonous lake.

Cheng Feng and Tian Judgment fought a hundred strokes, always in a passive beating situation.

Although not seriously injured, it was very boring.

After all, speed, strength, fighting experience, and so on are all suppressed, and no one can be happy.

"The Emperor Cang Sword Technique, the Demon Star is in trouble!"

After reaching 100 strokes, Cheng Feng looked for a way to break the game.

The third style of Emperor Cangshu was exhibited, using the power of the stars to attack the sky judge.

However, it is useless at all. The evil star can only borrow the power of a star. The increase of this power is no different than the tickle of the judge.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was fierce and directly exhibited the fifth style of Emperor Cangdao.

At this moment, Cheng Feng had already lit seventy-nine stars in his body.

Using this type of knife technique, you will be able to borrow the power of 79 stars.

Om ~~~

When this trick appeared, seventy-nine stars in the sky lit up one after another.

Keep the emperor clam and the octagonal ghost spider discolored.

He even moved the heaven judge, his expression condensed, his sword stabbed the sky, and he yelled, "The sword of heaven, breaking the sky!"

As the Sky Judge used the "Sword of Heaven", the sword in his hand instantly lit up a brilliant sword light.

Then a sword stabbed, daringly greeted the horrific sword light cut from the sky.

Bang ~~~

Dao Guang and Jian Guang were together, and a thunderous voice spread.

The next moment, the forces of terror surged towards the Quartet.

Actually, the solid void in the mark of the sky was cut open dozens of narrow cracks.

As for the poisonous lake that was frozen into ice by the cold water for nine days, it was instantly split apart under the cutting of strong forces.

"So strong, those two humans are very strong!"

Hundreds of miles away, the emperor clam looked condensed: "It has the power to kill the existence of the seventh grade."

"Well, you can't be underestimated."

The Eight-faced Ghost Spider felt the same, and said coldly, "So we have to stay a little longer, and wait for them to lose each other before we go and send them on the road!"

Compared to the Emperor Clam and the Eight-faced Ghost Spider, the other remaining giant monsters are frightened.

They took a deep look at the battlefield with swords and swords, and then swept the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider, and went directly to their respective lairs.

Because they have realized that the earth soul fruit has no part of it.

Staying is nothing more than death, it is better to leave early.

Just when a large number of step giant monsters were scared away.

On the battlefield, 噔 噔 噔 ~~~

Cheng Feng grabbed the Demon Sword in his hand, and the whole person took dozens of steps back, but a smile appeared on his face.

Because that day the judge stepped back a thousand steps, his body was a little shaken.

Obviously he just fought against Cheng Feng and failed to take advantage.

"Good results!"

Cheng Feng cut the magic sword with a hand and smiled, "By borrowing the power of 79 stars, I can use the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu to fully compete with the seventh-best peerless power in heaven."

"It even has a slight upper hand, and it feels great!"

Whispering, Cheng Feng's sword in his hands was raised, and he was about to perform the fifth style of Emperor Cangdao again.

On the other hand, the heaven judge, but the heart is agitated.

"How can Cheng Feng, the little beast-blade, be so strong?"

The judge of the sky was horrified: "Even my sword of the sky has been suppressed, which is contrary to common sense."

The sky judge of the sky judge, but a half-day martial arts, is separated from a sky-level swordsmanship, profound and profound.

However, they could not fight the sword of Emperor Cang, and were in a disadvantage.

"As far as I know, Cheng Feng's sword technique should be the sword technique created by Emperor Cang, an ancient sword-path strongman."

The judge of the sky whispered: "This sword technique looks like a high-level emperor ..."

"Can it be said that the level of this sword skill is far more than the high-level emperor?"

In fact, Emperor Cangshu is indeed an emperor-level advanced martial art.

The reason why it is so arrogant and able to overpower the half-level martial arts sky sword is mainly the fifth form of this sword technique is too abnormal.

The fifth style of Emperor Cangshu has strong ductility, and its power can change continuously with the number of stars it senses.

The more stars you sense, the more powerful you are.

If the sensed stars reach hundreds or even thousands, the power is not inferior to some heavenly martial arts.

The ability to overpower the half-level swordsmanship sword is completely normal!

唰 ~~~

At the time when the judge was shocked, Cheng Feng had already been killed.

The dreadful daggers were turbulent, and the scene was particularly scary when the vast void broke.

Even if the magistrate had already taken a knife just now, he still looked greatly at the moment.

Lift up the long sword in your hand, and quickly use the half-day sword skill sky sword to resist.

Huh! The decisive sound of the swords struck.

The next moment, the whole judge was shaken back by the tyrannical force.

Stepping on the void, a series of cracked footprints appeared in the air, unable to disperse for a long time.

"Judge, pick me up again!"

However, Cheng Feng's second shot came to an end, and his momentum rose.

The third knife then cut out and went straight to the sky judge.

Not only that, but the fourth, fifth, sixth ... the consecutive judges.

Until the Judge Tian retreated, the hand of the sword holding the tiger's mouth shattered, and the blood was mottled.

Even the internal organs were slightly injured, and his face was pale and withered.

If you come back with dozens of knives, there will definitely be a big problem!

Shows the terrifying power of the fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword. No wonder it is capable of overwhelming martial arts!

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