Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1615: Situation reversed

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Chapter 1615 The Situation Reverses

Compared to Cheng Feng's three shocks and retreats, the Promise King is one of them.

Because he had talked to the second elder before and learned that all the silver moon thunderstones in the other hand did not have thirty.

After the consumption just now, not even one is gone, how could they end up with Cheng Feng with 30 Silver Moon Thunderstones at this time?

In shock, the thoughts of the Promise King turned sharply, and he quickly thought of a possibility.

That is the second elder detonating the Silver Moon Thunderstone, and Cheng Feng's three moves to the same end, is only a cover.

The purpose is just to scare Cheng Feng back and save his life.

as expected.

When Cheng Feng's three retreated a few hundred miles all the way, those dozens of "Silver Moon Thunderstones" did not explode.

In the end, they fell directly from the sky.

"No, I'm afraid we've been fooled."

Seeing this, the imperial clam in retreat stopped.

His face turned blue: "The miscellaneous fragmentation of the Blood Gods did not throw out Silver Moon Thunderstone, only dozens of silver-white stones."

"Jackling things, actually cheating?"

The eight-faced ghost spider also reacted at this time, his footsteps paused, his teeth gritted.

"Hey ~~~"

Thousands of miles away, the second elder shattered the entangled spider silk and sneered: "In fact, this is not to blame the elder for cheating. You must blame it, but you also blame yourself for being stupid!"

While talking, the second elder stirred up his divine power, stopped the wound on his body, and allowed the blood to freeze and scar.

"Di Cang Sword Art, cut me!"

Seeing Zhang Kuang's second elder, Cheng Feng said nothing, throwing the devil sword in his hand, and launched a critical strike again.

Today, Cheng Feng has lighted 128 stars.

The fifth form of Emperor Cang Sword will be able to borrow the power of 128 stars.

Cut out with one stroke, the power has improved more than before.

Seeing the second elder, the sneer on his face solidified immediately, and he hid to the side of Wuji King.

Because his hands were beheaded at this time, the heart part was bombarded with a sonic air column by the emperor clam, which had been severely damaged.

To face this knife in this state, it is impossible to stop it, and it will be killed on the spot.

"Promise, Promise!"

Fortunately, the Promise King stepped forward and pierced the iron ruler in his hand.

This iron ruler, which was previously blasted into fly ash, has the ability to heal itself and has grown again.

Its power is not diminished, even slightly better than before!

When this iron ruler pierces, hum ~~~

In the area cut by the sword, the void is stretched infinitely.

Apparently, the sword light is only a thousand miles away from the Promise King, but it seems to be separated by tens of thousands of miles.

Dao Guang flew for a while, and couldn't reach the Promise King.

"Emperor's sword, cut again!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng cut another horror sword light.

Kakaka ~~~

As this blade of light cut into the area covered by the infinite ruler, the void that was stretched infinitely was immediately burst by the cutting power of two blades of light.

Subsequently, the two sword lights imprisoned in the void flew out, and severely beheaded at the Promise King.

Let the Promise King's face change wildly, and the Promise Ruler lay in front of him.

But it's late!

The Promise King means high strength, blocking these two sword lights.

But Cheng Feng had another record of the sword light, and he could no longer block it, only on one side of his body.

Stabbing ~~~

Cut his half shoulder directly, blood splattered everywhere!

"Retreat, retreat!"

After eating Cheng Feng's knife, the Promise King immediately knew Cheng Feng's arrogance.

In the face of great changes, he shouted: "The strength of the small beast Cheng Cheng has become stronger again, enough to pose a threat to us.

"We have to step back and avoid fighting against it."

Shouting, the Promise King had retreated backwards.

The blood elder second elder originally wanted to use the power of the Promise King to deal with Cheng Feng one or two.

Never thought that, just fighting a few moves, the Promise King was injured and retreated.

This caused him to twitch his cheeks, but he could only hold back the sullenness, and began to run away.

However, Cheng Feng managed to seize the opportunity and forced the two of them into danger. How could he easily let them slip away?

"Di Cang Sword Art, cut me!"

I saw Cheng Feng holding a magic sword with his hand, the tip of the blade pointed to the sky, and the stars in the sky flashed.

When the starlight fell from the sky and turned into a bladeless light, they were cut off from the fleeing Promise King.

At the same time, the two emperor clams were not idle. They exhibited their strongest killing moves and attacked the two kings.

For a time, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly.

From the previous Promise King and others, chasing Cheng Feng and attacking them became Cheng Feng chasing and killing Promise God and others.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

The knife light in the sky shone, and the deafening explosion sounded one after another.

The tyrannical force raged around, smashing the mountains.

In the dust of the sky, the second elder of the Blood Gods and the Promise King fled wildly.

Behind him, Cheng Feng held the magic sword in his hand, the tip of the blade pointed to the sky, and drew thousands of stars.

The strength of the stars was coped with and turned into a bladeless light, and the two elders were critically attacked.

At the same time, the two emperor clams also opened fire and attacked wildly.

Until the Promise King was in danger, the injuries were getting worse and worse.

"King of God, do you still have a powerful hole card?"

After being chased tens of thousands of miles by Cheng Feng, the second elder was extremely angry.

There was even a kind of fear in my heart, for fear of being attacked and killed by Cheng Feng, and falling directly.

So he asked: "We must fight back against Cheng Feng, otherwise we will be attacked like this, the consequences will be unthinkable!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng and their courage became more and more brave, and their momentum was getting stronger and stronger, and their attack power was getting stronger and stronger.

On the other hand, the two elders were exhausted, and their warfare was low.

It is not impossible for the second elder to be beheaded.

"Second elder, I'm just a fake. I don't have a lot of cards to kill."

The Promise King looked pale and felt a strong threat, and replied, "I barely counted as a hole in the hand of the void power, which was already used up."

"Are there no cards?"

Hearing that the expression of the second elder was soiled.

The deeper the sense of crisis in his heart, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Instead, it was Cheng Feng, who actually performed the Emperor Cang Sword to attack and kill the second elder, while sending out spirits to communicate the stars in the sky.

Suddenly, hum ~~~

A starlight lit up inside him.

The next moment, a big star in the sky shone, bringing the total number of big stars in the sky to one hundred and twenty-nine.

In this way, when one hundred and twenty-nine stars fell from the sky, it turned into a pair of swords that fell to the second elder.

Suddenly, the two of them were on their backs. Dao Guang was not close, and his heart was cold.

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