Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1620: Runaway

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Chapter Sixteen Thousand Flees

Time passed, another four or five hours.

Finally, Cheng Feng and they approached a space barrier.

"Master, the smell of Acacia is in this space barrier."

Xiao Jin circled for a moment near the space barrier, said.

"The breath of Acacia is within the barriers of space?"

Upon hearing that, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "So, the Promise King may be in the plane wrapped in this space barrier."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng raised the Devil Sword.

Buzzing ~~~

The endless vastness, the big stars lit up, the number actually reached 140.

In the pursuit of the Promise King, Cheng Feng was obviously not idle.

The soul radiates, communicates the nine-day stars, and lights up the stars.

The stars that allowed him to communicate reached 140.

Therefore, when Cheng Feng once again performed the fifth style of Emperor Cangdao, Boom ~~~

It was cut with a single knife, and that space barrier was immediately cut open.

Then Cheng Feng closed the magic sword and immediately entered the space barrier along the breach.

The plane covered by this space barrier has a wide area and few people.

Cheng Feng entered, his gaze swept around, and the general situation of the entire plane was clear.

"This plane should be just a small plane inlaid on the dome continent."

Cheng Feng groaned: "There are no humans in it, only some monsters."

"It seems that the monsters with the highest level have only four or five grades, and they pose no threat to me."

"So I don't need to consider the threat from this plane, just focus on tracking the Promise King."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng signaled that Xiaolong Tianxiao started to follow.

After being told by Cheng Feng, Xiao Jin immediately launched an operation.

Soon his eyes turned and flew to the west.

"The Promise King is in the West."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said nothing and flew behind Xiao Jin.

When the emperor cuckold met, he flew west ...

At the same time, this plane was tens of thousands of miles away from the west, and a large river rushed.

This big river originates from a vast mountain, flowing through a mountain, forming a large waterfall that is hundreds of miles wide.

Below the waterfall, a young man with deep eyes was carefully awakening divine power, repairing his broken arm.

"It's fallen. The seven avatars of the second elder have fallen!"

The eyes were full of ups and downs in the youth's heart: "This must be what Cheng Feng did, it is a bit horrible."

"If Cheng Feng was the first person to follow, it wasn't the second elder, but I, I'm afraid the person who fell now is me!"

This youth is impressively the King of Promise.

In his hands, there was a ray of the second elder's thoughts.

After the second elder fell behind, he got the news for the first time, and his heart was shocked.

Then he fled tens of thousands of miles and hid behind the big waterfall of unknown plane.

Convergence of all breaths, intending to hide the pursuit of the process peak.

However, a sense of crisis from the bottom of his heart was getting stronger and stronger, making him always nervous.

"Cheng Feng should be searching for my tracks at this moment."

Promise King Shen groaned: "Although I and the second elder fled in opposite directions, and changed their positions several times during the period, they would still be chased by each other.

"In order to avoid accidents, I must connect the broken arm as soon as possible, adjust the state to the peak, and leave the place."

Think of it here, the Promise King displays his rebirth.

Let his arm that was cut off by Cheng Feng quickly spawn a large amount of fresh flesh and connect the fracture.

However, at this time.

The sense of crisis from the bottom of my heart suddenly became ten times thicker.

This caused the king of the Promise to be shocked, just looking up.

Hum! Above the sky, big stars suddenly lit up.

Wait until all the big stars are shining to the extreme, shoot a starlight, condense into a bladeless light, and chopped off from the sky.

Stabbing ~~~

The sky shattered and the ground cracked.

The river, hundreds of miles wide, rolled up from the middle to the sides.

The silt at the bottom of the river can be clearly seen.

The Promise King hiding behind the waterfall was even exposed to the air, his face turned pale.

"Cheng Feng? Did you catch up so fast?"

In the heart of the Promise King, the waves were tumbling, and the breath of death rushed forward.

It never occurred to him that Cheng Feng was so fast.

But in shock, the action of Promise King was not slow at all.

I saw him reach out an intact hand, and shone a bit to the blasting knife.

Om ~~~

An iron ruler emerged out of thin air, turning it into a thousand-meter iron wall, blocking the explosion of the knife light.

This iron ruler is an imitation ruler.

This ruler contains a ray of space law, infinitely infinite, able to isolate all attacks.

Any attack directed at the Infinity Ruler will be swallowed up by the infinite stretch of void.

When the unsharp sword cut by Cheng Feng arrived, the iron ruler was right in front of him, but as if across the end of the earth, the root could not be cut to the limit.

"Emperor's sword, cut again!"

Seeing this, the big stars in the sky shone, and another one fell without a knife.

When two blades of light cut into the void covered by the endless ruler at the same time, the limitless ruler suddenly burst and began to crack.

Obviously some of them could not carry the chopped sword, and they were about to collapse.

After all, this iron ruler is not an authentic holy scale, but it is just a counterfeit with limited power.

So it only lasted for less than two seconds, eh ~~~

The whole iron ruler was broken up.

Then the two remaining knife lights slammed on the wide waterfall.

The waterfall was chopped until it disappeared, and the upright mountain crumbled, and a narrow groove appeared, making people shudder.

This wave of attacks without the process peak did not kill the Promise King.

In the moment when the opposite end resisted the knife light, the opponent immediately used the means of shrinking into an inch and fled away from afar.

"King Wuji, don't want to escape!"

But at this moment, the two emperor clams just arrived.

Seeing the fleeing Promise King, the eight-faced ghost spider spit out transparent silk, and suddenly rolled towards the Promise God.

As for the emperor clams, it is even more crisp.

The huge belly swelled, his mouth was directed at the Promise King, and a sonic air column immediately burst out.

"World Promise!"

Facing the attack from the two emperor clams, the king of the Promise God folded his hands and drew a circle in front of him.

Om ~~~

The spider silk that the eight-faced ghost spider spewed out, as well as the sonic pillars of sound of the emperor clam, were rolled by the circle and led aside.

However, this move also made the Promise King somewhat uncomfortable, his face suddenly white.

And Cheng Feng had already lifted the demon sword, and the third emperor Cangdao was brewing, and it was about to burst.

"Void, crack!"

Seeing this, the king of the Promise was cold.

Dare not to neglect, two hands inserted into the void, actually used a space martial art, tearing apart the barriers of space.

The next moment, jumped into it and fled.

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