Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1624: Natural array

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Chapter 1624 Natural Great Formation

"It is the Promise King, finally catching up with this mess!"

Feeling this breath, Cheng Feng's spirit was shocked: "This time, we must not let him slip away."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng converged all the breath on his body.

At the same time, put away the dragon dragon lice Xiaojin, and then perform the shadow kill of Dacheng Realm, carefully flying to the direction of the breath.

Soon, a rolling mountain came into view.

This mountain is steep and dangerous, and the breath is exuding from inside one of the peaks.

Cheng Feng stood outside the rolling mountain peaks, looking at the whole mountain peak, and was not in a hurry to enter the peak group.

Because Cheng Feng has been the king of the Promise of God several times, and it looks like there is no danger when he enters.

After the investigation is clear, it is not too late to enter again.

"Cheng Feng, this place is very unusual and contains huge dangers."

Cheng Feng is watching, Nalan Changsheng is watching.

Nalan Changsheng's eyes were old and hot, and he first saw the clue: "You look at the peaks, they look sparse and ordinary, but the peaks are connected in a line, forming a natural array."

"Once you stray into it, it's hard to figure it out."

"A natural array?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng frowned.

But he looked closely, but did not see any problems.

"Cheng Feng, don't look at it. This natural array has been manipulated by the Promise King."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Unless it is everyone in the formation, most people don't see any flaws at all."

"Wounded by the Promise King? What hands and feet?" Cheng Feng asked.

"King Wuji compresses the void in front of this natural array."

Nalan Changsheng said: "So this natural array looks close to us, but it is thousands of miles away."

"All kinds of anomalies in the natural array. After thousands of miles, you are naturally hard to detect."

"So it is ..."

After hearing this, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

I have a deeper understanding of the sinister king of Wuji.

"The Promiscuous King appears to be addictive."

After clearing his thoughts, Cheng Feng groaned: "Since this is the case, then I will play with you."

"I'd like to see, in the end who will pit who."

With deep contemplation, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, and began to search for the traces of the Promise King around him.

As for the breath in the natural array, it is obviously the bait deliberately made by King Wuji, not the King of Wuji.

The Promise King is hidden deeply. Cheng Feng searched the natural array and found no trace of Promise King.

Finally, with the help of Xiaojin's tracking, the dormant Promise King was found on the edge of the natural array.

"This stupid is really deep enough."

Seeing the Promise King, Cheng Feng flashed coldly in his eyes: "Unfortunately, I couldn't clear away the Acacia from my body."

"In this case, you will never escape my palm!"

Wanxiangcai in Cheng Feng's hand is a colorless and tasteless powder.

Just a little bit of this powder will give off a slight breath.

No one can feel this breath, only the dragonfly can detect it.

Moreover, this powder is difficult to remove, not only can it stick to clothes, weapons, hair ... it can even drill into the body along the pores.

The Promise King has changed the clothes on his body, etc., and has not escaped the fate of being tracked by Xiao Jin.

"King of Promise, we have been entangled for so long, and finally come to fruition."

Cheng Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the Promise King: "Next, let me send you back to the West!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng calmed himself, adjusted his breathing pulse, and so on.

At the same time, the shadow kill was operated to the extreme, and slowly flew to the hidden Promise King.

Shadow killing has been practiced by Cheng Feng to a very high level.

Its effective range reaches over one thousand meters.

Only when sneaking for one thousand meters at a time, there will be a slight exposure to breath fluctuations.

At other times, it is nowhere to be found.

Even the seventh-highest peerless powerhouse in the sky is unaware of it.

Cheng Feng cast a shadow kill and soon reached the mountain peak hidden by the Promise King.

But at this moment, Cheng Feng encountered some trouble.

He is now a thousand meters away from the Promise King.

In fact, this kilometer was greatly compressed by the space martial arts of the Promise King.

It looks like a thousand meters, but it is two or three thousand miles.

If Cheng Feng continues to cast Shadow Kill Stealth, he needs to perform at least two or three thousand times.

So many times, even if the concealment of the shadow killing is strong, I am afraid that it will be noticed by the Promise King.

"The distance is too long, then Shadow Kill will be used in combination with thousands of miles."

Cheng Feng groaned for a moment and whispered: "Although the fluctuations will be great, you only need to perform two or three thousand miles to reach the Promise God.

"At that time, assault will be launched, even if it cannot be killed in one hit, it can be severely damaged."

"Then make up for the knife again, it is difficult for the Promise King to die."

At this point, Cheng Feng Huo Ran had a decision.

Combining shadow killing with the shape of a thousand miles, 唰 ~~~

The whole person disappeared in a trance.

When it appeared again, it was in the void that was compressed by the Promise King.

Only 600 meters away from the Promise King.

Six hundred meters away, Wuji Shen's brows frowned, and he seemed to feel something.

But after a brief investigation, there was nothing unusual, so he no longer paid attention.

But about half an hour later, a touch of volatility reappeared.

This time, the Promise King did not dare to do anything again.

A pair of eyes opened sharply, firing into the void in front of him.

His eyes were as sharp as a knife, as if to cut the void alive and dug out the suspicious person.

However, he looked closely for more than ten minutes, but found nothing.

It seems that the fluctuation just now is just an accident.

But the Promise King did not think so, and felt that he might have been followed by Cheng Feng.

Then the heart of alert rose suddenly, and although the gaze was withdrawn, the divine thoughts were sent out.

Next time something wind blows, it will be captured instantly.

Not only that, the Promise King quietly stood up, preparing to withdraw backward.

"This mess is so cautious?"

Three hundred meters away from the Promise King, Cheng Feng lurked silently.

The two fluctuations that just appeared were precisely the result of his long journey.

Fortunately, when he was performing thousands of miles, he was also operating the shadow killing of Dacheng Realm, which reduced the fluctuation to the extreme.

Even so, however, it shocked the Promise King.

This made Cheng Feng frown, and groaned, "Since this clutter wants to escape, let's go!"

"Lest you be farther away, but more troublesome!"

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