Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1669: Valley of All Evil

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Chapter 166 Valley of Evil

"Yes, the Ximo Buddhist country advanced the Dharma pulpit one year in advance, just to empower the spiritual boy."

God of War nodded: "This way, you can quickly gather a large number of Buddhist monks, and at the same time cover your eyes."

"By the time outsiders noticed it, the entire empowerment had ended, and a peerless powerhouse had been forged!"

"I heard that empowerment can cause huge damage to empowerers."

Cheng Feng frowned: "And the cultivation of the empowerment is not 100% of the other person's body. It can only absorb at most 1%."

"That is to say, the Ximo Buddha country wants to promote the cultivation of that spiritual boy to the sixth point of ascending to heaven."

"You have to get together a hundred monks who have reached the sixth restoration."

"Cheng Feng, Ximo Buddhism has a large handwriting."

The words of God of War are astonishing: "They are going to pile up that spiritual boy's cultivation to the seventh highest point in the sky."

"When the heaven and earth fruit matures, letting it go out will sweep all competitors and grab the fruit of heaven and earth."

"Even if you aren't an opponent of Lingtong!"

"Grass, the Ximo Buddha country is actually playing such calculations?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng was stunned: "Awesome, really amazing!"

Recently, the world is turbulent, countless peerless geniuses of various major dynasties are poised to survive, preparing for the fruits of the world.

Only the West Desert Buddha country is calm and calm, and it seems that it is not interested in the fruits of heaven and earth.

Never thought that the means of the Ximo Buddha country would be the harshest.

Once they are successfully empowered, I am afraid that the fruits of heaven and earth will eventually be taken into the possession of the West Desert Buddha Country.

"Cheng Feng, these old bald donkeys in Ximo Buddhism don't have a good stubble."

God of War cursed: "The head of the **** was originally suppressed in the valley of evil."

"As a result, since these bald donkeys arrived from the world of the Buddha, they stepped directly on the Valley of the Evil and built the Temple of the Thousand Buddhas on the Valley of the Evil."

"Otherwise, God would have been out of trouble tens of thousands of years ago!"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

It is rumored that the six bodies of the God of War were suppressed by the burial emperor in the six fierce lands.

Thousands of Buddha Temple was built by flattening the wicked valley of all evil. No wonder the head of the war **** will be under the thousand Buddhas temple.

"God of War, we discussed it before."

After being bombarded with astonishing news, Cheng Feng calmed down for a while.

With a long breath, the voice said: "Once it is too difficult to unseal your skull, I hope it is too slim, and I can withdraw at any time."

"From the current situation, it is basically impossible to rescue you from the suppression of Qianfo Temple by my little means."

"Why not ..."

"Cheng Feng, don't say these frustrated words first."

The God of War didn't wait for Cheng Feng to finish his words, and then interrupted: "Since they are here, they are working hard."

"You know, I have saved you more than once."

"You can't do nothing, just slip back to the feathered gods, right?"

"God of war, you can't say that."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "I want to help you, but I have limited ability."

"Will you help me first and boost my strength by one or two?"

"Cheng Feng, your strength has reached its limit."

The God of War said silently: "If you want to go one step further, you have to cross the robbery and get into the heaven."

"And Du Tianjie can only rely on himself, but God can't help."

"Crossing the sky doesn't need your help."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "You can help me figure out a way to get a pound of domain **** iron, and at the same time get a Buddhist skill to resolve the magical power of the sword.

"Yu Shentie and a set of Buddhist exercises to resolve magic?"

Upon hearing this, the God of War grinned: "It's better to say that the magical method of dissolving the magic can be done by crossing the evil Buddhist scriptures."

"I give you a Buddhist relic, and if you donate to that charitable bitter monk, you can change it."

"But the domain **** iron is very difficult, I don't even have one or two in my hand."

"Then you give me a Buddhist relic first."

Cheng Feng went straight to the topic: "As for the domain **** iron, let's talk about it later."

The Devil Slayer is a demon soldier, and as its damage is gradually repaired, the demon begins to return.

If left untreated, the host will eventually be bitten back.

Therefore, Cheng Feng must be able to handle the ‘crossing the evil Buddhist scriptures’ that can dispel the magic of the sword.

As for the domain **** iron, it is the key material used to increase the level of war armor.

There are some of this thing on the top of the big temple in the West Desert Buddha Country, especially on the top of the Thousand Buddhas Temple.

But Cheng Feng wanted to get it, but was quite troublesome.

A little carelessness will alarm Buddhist monks and affect subsequent plans.

Therefore, Cheng Feng extorted the God of War and let this old antique who has lived for more than 100,000 years find a way.

Because if you want to unblock the head of the war god, raise the level of the war **** armor to the sacred artifact level.

Cheng Feng's safety will be greatly increased.

"Cheng Feng, in the 11th ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom, I have an old Ministry dormant."

The God of War was very simple and replied, "In his hand, there is a monk relic, which I snatched from the world of the Buddha. You can go to the eleventh ring to find him.

"With that relic, it is enough to get the evil Buddhist scriptures."

"Okay." Cheng Feng's eyes lit up.

"In addition, the domain **** iron original **** will help you collect."

God of War: "But you can't just take advantage of the benefits and not work, you know, God's things are not easy to take!"

"Rest assured, I will do my best to unseal your head."

Cheng Feng knew what God of War meant, and he said, "As long as you don't pit me, I promise I won't pit you!"

"So best."

God of War nodded and said, "Okay, I won't show up if I don't have anything important in the future."

"What's the problem, you can communicate with Jian Qi."

"In the event that my breath is captured by the Buddha's breath, things will be tricky."

After that, the voice of the God of War disappeared, and the Buddha relic, which carried the thoughts of the God of War, shone even more.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng put away the relic.

After looking around, they found that the ascetic team had reached the entrance to the 23rd ring road of the Buddhist kingdom and began to enter slowly.

At the entrance of the twenty-third ring, there is also a Buddha's light shining.

However, there are treasures given by the God of War, this Buddha light can not detect Cheng Feng's idea at all.

Easily entered the twenty-third ring.

The territory of the West Desert Buddha Country is smaller as it moves toward the inner ring, but the flow of people is increasing.

On the 23rd ring road of the Ximo Buddha country, a large number of villages, towns and cities gathered.

Some people wrapped in long cloths can be seen everywhere. When they meet passing monks, they bow down and salute.

"It's weird here. The poisonous sun is so thick."

Young girl Zhu Lin looked around, curious: "Aren't they afraid of heat?"

The western desert Buddhist country has a hot environment, and most places are deserts.

Surviving here is not easy, because food sources are scarce, the environment is harsh, and the temperature difference between day and night is extremely large.

At the hottest time, the temperature can reach 70 to 80 degrees, which is enough to roast people into dry corpses.

On the road, a dry corpse buried in the sand can be seen everywhere, making people shudder!

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