Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1673: Bullying

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Chapter 167: Bullying Too Much

In the middle of the night.

Cheng Feng was replaced by Jian Qi and let him go to bed and rest.

But after Cheng Feng was replaced, he groaned for a moment and did not fall asleep.

Rather, he held the drowsiness, sent out the spirit, and rushed to the starry sky.

It was intended to communicate the stars with the spirits, light up the stars, and enhance the fifth power of Emperor Cangshu.

Cheng Feng's actions are obviously inconsistent with the concept of penance.

Ascetic practice requires all practices to be sealed and the sufferings of all beings to be experienced as purely ordinary people.

So as soon as Cheng Feng's spirit came out, the eyes of the charitable bitter monk came over.

Seeing that the person who made the moth was Cheng Feng, his brow could not help but frown slightly.

But in the end, the charity bitter monk didn't say much.

Gaze retreated and meditate again.

But regarding Cheng Feng's 'heterogeneous', he was quietly remembered in his heart.

Cheng Feng knew that his actions had attracted the attention of the philanthropic bitter monk, but he didn't take it seriously.

Shock the spirit tree in my mind, let the massive power of spirits radiate, and communicate the nine-day stars.

After eating the last earth soul fruit, Cheng Feng's soul power soared.

After the spirit radiated, he quickly sensed the breath of a big star.

After a while, hum ~~~

A starlight was born from Cheng Feng's body.

The total number of starlights has reached 149 from the previous 148.

And not long after, another starlight was lit.

By this time, the total number of stars in Cheng Feng's body reached 172.

At this time, if Cheng Feng uses the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu, I am afraid that one sword will be enough to cut the seventh strongest man.

It's enough to rank on the entire continent!

In the early morning, the eastern mountain peak was illuminated with a red light.

At this time, the ascetics began to get up and cook in the hot pot.

After having breakfast, under the leadership of a charitable monk, he rushed to Qianfo Temple again.

The next road was calm.

Occasionally I had some troubles, and all of them were relaxed.

Near noon, the group arrived at the eleventh ring of the Ximo Buddha country.

In the eleventh ring, the situation has changed a lot.

Many monks appeared along the road. These monks all held sticks in their hands, exuding a strong killing breath.

It is very different from ordinary monks. It is the famous war monk in the Ximo Buddhist country.

The monks major in killing Buddhist monks, and because the four monks are empty and focused, each monk has a strong combat effectiveness.

In the same realm, war monks can easily defeat warriors in the same realm.

"A lot of war monks."

On the wide avenue, Cheng Feng and others were unable to keep an eye on the passing monks.

It seems that a criminal is to be removed from the crowd and expelled from the country.

"These monks should serve the pulpit."

Wang Lei said: "The current Dharma pulpit in Ximo Buddhism will be held on February 18."

"During this period, the Lord Buddha certainly did not want anyone to make trouble."

"Decide a Buddha order and prepare to invite all foreigners within the tenth ring of the Buddhist kingdom on the tenth day of February."

"This is a huge job. It doesn't work without a large number of monks."

"Well, that's true."

Cheng Feng nodded: "I am afraid that the more they reach the tenth day of February, the more war monks will be."

"If someone doesn't listen to the Buddha's order and stays within the tenth ring of the Ximo Buddhist country, they will even evict them directly!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng and they reached a post station.

After a morning run, Cheng Feng's penances were exhausted and hungry.

The charitable bitter monk met and stopped outside the post.

"You will rest here for a while."

The charitable monk clasped his hands together: "The poor monk is going to visit an old man at Huanshan Temple. After the poor monk returns, we will go on the road."

After speaking, the philanthropic bitter monk meditated on a Buddhist chant and turned away.

After the charity ascetic monk left, Cheng Feng waited for a lot of hard work to gather materials on the spot.

Light a dozen fires not far from the station and start cooking in a hot pot.

The reason why they are so miserable is not that Cheng Feng likes to eat bran-pharyngeal vegetables, just to sharpen themselves and improve their mood.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of others, but it seemed a bit dazzling.

Because Cheng Feng and others all sealed their repairs. After the wind and sun, they hurried to the road, all of them looked rather embarrassed.

Like the fleeing victims.

"What is it? Why are there so many beggars all of a sudden?"

At this time, a middle-aged man emerged from the post.

The middle-aged man had big ears and a swollen belly, when he saw them Cheng Feng who was cooking around the post.

Suddenly frowning, he scolded: "Hey, what are you beggars doing?"

"Who made you fire here?"

"Whatever happened to the station, you can't afford to buy all of you. The speed gave me the fire and then disappeared!"

As the obese middle-aged man scolded, all the people frowned.

The place where they set off the fire was thousands of kilometers away from the post. Even if the fire was too big, it was impossible to light the post.

This middle-aged man, however, used this as an excuse to scold them, and obviously did not take them seriously.

"This gentleman, we just rest here a little."

In the ascetic procession, a strong man emerged.

This person's practice reached the ascent to heaven, but continued to practice with charitable ascetic monks.

His mentality is very high, which can be regarded as the top existence in the ascetic team.

He took a few steps forward and clenched his fist: "Besides, we are not beggars, and asked Mr. to include one or two."

"Not a beggar? Hey ~~~"

After hearing the words of the middle-aged people, the obese middle-aged man sneered: "To the extent that they are all sour, how is it different from a beggar?"

"Sir, we really are not beggars ..."

The strong man frowned, trying to explain clearly.

However, the obese middle-aged man was too lazy to listen.

"Okay, I have no time to listen to your bullshit."

The obese middle-aged waved his hand and said, "Whether you are a beggar or a fugitive, you quickly extinguished the fire and disappeared before my eyes."

"Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

Hearing this indifferent words, Cheng Feng and others all looked down, and anger rose in their hearts.

They are just making a fire to make a meal, and they have not hindered obese middle-aged people.

However, the other party had to drive them away, which was a bit overbearing.

The ascetic man also frowned. As a mighty ascendant to heaven, has he ever experienced such birdishness?

In the end, however, the young man tolerated the anger.

After discussing with other ascetics, he planned to leave the post some distance before cooking with a hot pot.

However, the obese middle-aged man was very domineering.

It ’s because they think that the ascetics are too slow to move, raise one hand, and bang ~~~

A slap hit a cauldron and broke the catastrophe.

Seven or eight ascetics also flew out and spit blood on the spot.

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