Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1684: Slammed

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Chapter 164 Severely Slap

"How is Chen Yue's little thing intact?"

"Is this a hallucination again?"

Seeing this, the old monk Xuanzang was almost crazy, and he couldn't help shaking.

Because two consecutive hallucinations occur, this is simply not possible.

And if it's not an illusion, the real picture ... it's a bit scary to think about.

"Hehe ~~~"

When the mysterious old monk was frightened and frightened, Cheng Feng's voice sounded: "I have been bombarded with dozens of palms in a row and played very well."

"Next, it's my turn to attack two moves."

After speaking, Cheng Feng transpired in his body.

When I was able to lift my hands, I slapped them.


Void made a series of sounds blasted by great force.

That Xuanxu heard the sound, his face turned white, and he fought back.

However, it cannot be avoided at all.

Cheng Feng's slap seemed to envelop heaven and earth. Even if Xuan Xu swayed from side to side, he slaped it on Xuan Xu's cheek.

The Xuanxu old monk flew straight, half of his face was swollen, and teeth were sprayed with blood.

However, this is not over yet. After Cheng Feng slaps, the second, third, and fourth slaps are drawn out one after another, and one does not leak on the cheek of Xuan Xu.

After a wave of slaps, Xuanxu's face had swelled into a pig's head.

The teeth in the mouth were all wiped out.

The whole person was dizzy and turned, like a drunk man who was drunk, and couldn't stop mixing garlic under his feet.

After taking dozens of slaps, Cheng Feng took a few steps back to watch the performance of Xuan Xu old monk.

Jian Qi came over: "Brother Cheng, aren't you going to abolish this person?"

Cheng Feng shook his head: "This person is nothing more than a little **** holding a feather feather arrow. Although he is abominable, he still won't die!"

"And this person is a guardian monk at Mercy Temple after all, and killing it is likely to cause trouble."

At this point, Cheng Feng glanced at the sword seven and dead bamboo monk.

"The two wait for a while, wait for me to deal with personal matters, and go to the fifth ring of the Buddha together."

After speaking, Cheng Feng urged a dragon-powered hand and grabbed Xuanxu old monk.

Huh! Fly into the void sandwich.

"Wake me up!"

In the void interlayer, Cheng Feng threw Xuan Xu to the ground.

With a low drink, Sonic shook the mysterious mind and awakened it.

"What is this place?"

Xuan Xu's head was still buzzing, raising his eyes to look around, not knowing where he was.

However, when he saw Cheng Feng, a sense of fear suddenly appeared, and he suddenly jumped from the ground.

Finger Cheng Feng said: "Yes ... is you? What do you want?"

Obviously frightened by Cheng Feng, trembling with fright.

"What do I want to do? Guess what?"

Cheng Feng looked coldly at Xuan Xu, and said coldly.

But it made the Xuanxu old monk even more afraid, and said again and again: "Chen Yue, this monk is a direct subordinate to the Emperor of the Feather God.

"Ten years ago, I received an order from Tai Siming, and came to Ximo Buddha to be a monk and gather information."

"If you dare to kill me, Tai Siming and His Royal Highness Prince, even His Highness the Emperor will not let you go, don't make mistakes!"

"It's really impossible for dogs to eat shit!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng's eyes looked even colder: "At this point, I still want Fang Wuwei to press me!"

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

"Now contact Fang Wuwei immediately. I'll ask myself. He sent you such a waste to disgusting me. What does it mean!"

"Contact His Royal Highness?"

Upon hearing this, Xuanxu's eyes lightened: "The old monk then contacted His Royal Highness and reported everything that happened to him originally."

"At that time, I dare to jump at you as a little thing!"

Xuanxu Buddhism rushed between words.

A palm-sized bronze mirror suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then Xuanxu used a special method to transform the Buddha's power into a strange power and poured it into the bronze mirror.

The next moment, the bronze mirror shone brightly, and an old man's face appeared.

The old man was wearing a purple suit, and when his figure appeared from the bronze mirror, he opened his mouth to ask.

"Xuan Xu, did you find Chen Yue?"

"Back to the king's offering and found it."

Hearing the inquiries of the elderly in purple clothes, Xuanxu quickly said, "But Chen Yue was so mad, not only did he not lead His Highness, but he was extremely rude to His Highness ..."

The Xuanxu old monk added fuel and jealousy to the old man in purple clothing with his tragic experience and Cheng Feng's "Crazy Rudeness".

Cheng Feng didn't stop at all the dirty water of Xuanxu.

Stand aside and let Xuanxu perform.

Seeing this scene, Xuanxu old monk's eyes flashed cold.

Whispering secretly in his heart, Cheng Feng is dead and will definitely be severely punished by Fang Wuwei.

However, just after he poured dirty water, waiting for Fang Wuwei to punish Cheng Feng.

A rage resounded and made his head black.

"Miscellaneous things, so rude to Mr. Chen Yue?"

"The old man said clearly before, that you want to dissuade Mr. Chen Yue, what have you done?"

"Even trying to suppress Mr. Chen Yue rough, are you tired and crooked?"

The sound of anger and reprimand came from the worship of the king, but the object of anger and reprimand was not Cheng Feng, but an old monk Xuanzang.

This made Xuanxu's eyes stare, thinking he had heard wrong.

"Wang Feng, are you wrong?"

The old monk Xuanxu reminded: "The old slave was thinking for His Royal Highness, but Chen Yue was arrogant and even shouted His Royal Highness's name, it was almost ..."

"Shut up, even now you're messing with dirty water!"

The king consecrated his cheeks and scolded him fiercely.

He knows the importance of Cheng Feng to the Emperor of Feathering.

However, the Xuanxu monk not only was rude to him, but also intended to suppress Cheng Feng, and simply offended Cheng Feng.

In case Cheng Feng is furious, His Majesty's Emperor Yufeng will be scared for a while.

Therefore, without saying anything, he split his head and covered his face and reprimanded Xuanxu.

Turning the dizziness of Xuan Xu's scolding, the whole person was stunned.

But this is not over.

As soon as the reprimand of the king's offering was stopped, Fang Wuwei's face appeared in the bronze mirror.

Fang Wuwei was originally handsome and handsome, full of arrogance.

But at this moment, his face turned black, and once he appeared, he reprimanded Xuan Xu.

After being reprimanded, Fang Xuanxu finally knew that he had provoked an existence that could not be provoked.

I was so scared that my face turned pale, and finally my eyes were fainted!

"It's a waste. It's not enough to fail."

Seeing this, Fang Wuwei in the bronze mirror withdrew his gaze and looked to Cheng Feng aside.

"Brother Cheng, I'm really sorry."

Fang Wuwei said apologetically: "This temple just sent this person to pass a word. I didn't expect this person to make his own claim and was so rude to Brother Cheng!"

"It's a mistake of this temple. It's not considered well!"

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