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Chapter 1692: The Vampire

While speaking, the power of Cheng Feng's body began to transpiration.

Like a wave of pines, waves are stronger than waves.

When the waves of hundreds of heavy dragons surged out of the body, they rushed towards the raised fists.

The thunder cannon fired in the fourth heavy.

Thunder cannon boxing is the fourth strongest, and can hit 27 heavy punches at once.

Although Cheng Feng changed the way of boxing this time, without the damage of Thunder Lightning, his power was extremely good.

When the twenty-seven heavy punches, the heavy one went up against the current, banging on the ever-declined King Kong giant palm.

The giant palm was fixed in the void, and then it started to rebound.

After 27 punches, Cheng Feng's arm, which had been bent by King Kong's huge palm, suddenly straightened again.

Annoyed at the tyrannical King Kong, he stiffly stopped.

"So strong, Cheng Feng is really strong!"

After seeing this scene, Jian Qi was shocked: "I am afraid that these strengths are still his basic strengths. The real killings are far from being used."

"If the real hole cards were used, Wuian would be afraid to be killed by Cheng Feng in minutes!"

At this moment, more than Jian Qi is shocked.

The leading monk, Xiao Zhi, even had a mouth open and could almost swallow an egg.

You know, he knows the strength of Wunian.

Although it is not the strongest in Kobayashi-ji Temple, no one can surpass it when it comes to killing and fighting.

However, there were two moves in this series, not only failed to defeat Cheng Feng, but showed a slump, it was a bit scary.

"Strong Vajra Palm, Vajrayana demon!"

Compared with the shock of Jianqier, Wunian was a burst of anger.

He is the abbot of Xiaolin Temple, known as the first war monk of Xiaolin Temple.

If this is passed on, what face does he have to occupy the title of first war monk at Kobayashi Temple?

Therefore, there is no longer any hand to stay, all the Buddha's power in the body is detonated.

The strongest King Kong palm was displayed, and Cheng Feng blasted away.

Titanic Palm is a martial art created by imitating the picture of the demon demons in the town of Buddha.

This martial arts practice to the peak level can evolve into a false image of Buddha.

Like King Kong ’s possession, unstoppable.

At this moment, with the non-nun monk, the strongest Vajra Palm is the strongest.

Drink ~~~

A Buddhist monk with muscles all over his eyes and angrily opened his eyes suddenly appeared.

Accompanied by the movement of raising palms and bombarding Cheng Feng with no thought, it also lifted the giant palm and gave a palm to Cheng Feng.

The palm of Luohan Xuying played no wind and no waves. It was easy and normal, but it let the void tear, showing the power of terror.

In particular, an indescribable manifestation of the Buddha's power, like the world of the Great Buddha, made all evil spirits in the world afraid to show up.

Cheng Feng is not an evil spirit, but due to the practice of summoning swords, his body has been partially demonized.

So at this moment, I felt a burning sensation.

As if someone was burning his body with a fire, it hurts the skin, the flesh is cracked, and the bones are numb ... The whole person actually has the illusion of being held up by King Kong to suppress the spot.

"Soul print, Ning!"

Under the rolling suppression of Fowei, Cheng Feng felt extremely uncomfortable.

Do not dare to neglect, directly condensed the soul into a big seal, and struck it in his mind.

Suddenly, the discomfort on the body was largely eliminated, and the spirit was restored to clarity.

However, Cheng Feng just resolved this wave of threats, but the next wave of crisis came.

It turned out that the monk without a thought actually took advantage of the time when Cheng Feng was suppressed by Fowei, and banged his head against him.

At this time he was less than ten meters away from his head.

"Thunderbolt, stop me!"

Faced with this blow, Cheng Feng's face changed.

The dormant dragon power erupted in the body, making the final form of Thunder Cannon Boxing.

I saw him with both fists out, like the two big horns of a bull, and pressed against the crushed King Kong palm.

But suddenly, Cheng Feng was not prepared enough.

When the giant palm collided with the two fists, Cheng Feng's two fists were crushed on the spot.

Under the bombardment of the strong force, the whole person moved backwards.

The soles of the feet stepped on the stone slabs of the hall, and they actually stepped on the slabs, and then plowed two trenches more than one foot deep, and went straight to the door of the hall.

"Stop me!"

During the retreat, Cheng Feng gave a low drink.

The majestic dragon spewed, causing him to stop in front of the palace door without being knocked out.

Waiting until the power broke out, he untied the powerlessly.

The third horrible third move by Wu Nian was blocked by him.

"It's blocked, Cheng Feng actually blocked the Vampire!"

Seeing this, Jian Qi was shocked.

Because he knew deeply the horror of Vajra.

It is rumored that Wunian used this trick to kill a demon who ascended to the fifth level.

However, Cheng Feng blocked it completely with ordinary combat power, which was incredible.

"Who is this slender young man sacred? How can he be so strong?"

The monk Xiaozhi was also stunned: "You know, the abbot just now can make the Vajrayana demon."

"Even if the strong man who formed the five-pin Luohan was caught, I am afraid it will be disabled!"

"But the thin young man ..."

"It's blocked, this junior actually blocked the Vajrayana Buddha of this seat?"

Wu Min was even more shocked, and whispered: "The Vajra in this seat is extremely lethal, and it has a natural restraint effect on the outer path of the demon.

"When this junior resolved King Kong's apocalypse, it seemed pale and light, was it that I felt wrong?"

"There is no problem with this son, is there another source of the breath of magic?"

It turned out that there was no intention to run rampant and domineering Cheng Feng deliberately, but it sensed a breath of 'magic'.

This breath comes from Cheng Feng, thinking that Cheng Feng is turned by the devil.

But after the three moves just now, Wuyan's suspicion was shaken.

Because under the Vajrayana demon, any demon head will be harmed, and it will appear real!

"Good danger, it was really dangerous just now."

At this time, Cheng Feng was also up and down, whispering: "I did not expect that Dagger King ’s palm still hides such a terrible killing trick."

"One palm summoned King Kong Lohan's ghost and bombarded people's spirits, almost impossible to prevent!"

Vigorous King Kong holds Vajra, possessing triple lethality.

The first is Fowei's deterrence, the second is crushed by spirits, and the third is palm bombardment.

Any of these triple attacks can cause great harm to people.

The three attacks stack up and the power soars.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng's soul power is strong enough, and at the same time, the demonized body is dormant deep in the blood.

Otherwise, you will be wounded under your palm without thoughts!

"It seems that when I deal with the Buddhists in the future, I must guard against one or two."

Cheng Feng groaned: "If you don't have to use the magic sword, it is best not to use it."

"Do n’t be identified as' the devil ',' or by the Buddhist monks, 'demon demon and demon'!"

During the groaning, Cheng Feng shook his head and coughed under his throat.

Pretend to be injured and look forward to nothing.

"Master Wunian, I took your three moves."

Cheng Feng asked in a loud voice, "Now, should you give me the temple's Buddhist scriptures?"

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