Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1697: Hit the mind

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Chapter 167 Attacks the Heart

Moreover, Cheng Feng's strength has been known for a long time.

So he groaned for a moment, and gritted his teeth, "Brother Cheng, then please take care of you!"

Jian Qi hesitated again and again, finally decided to fight.

"Focus on your concentration!"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng said lightly: "Other things, leave it to me!"

"Good!" The sword nodded.

Immediately Xuantian sword in his hand pointed to the sky, hum ~~~

The golden sword light rose to the sky, leading to the fifth heavy disaster.

"Look at it, that young man in white is so horrible that he even crosses the quartet in one breath."

"Well, this man is a peerless genius!"

"No, the young man in white stabbed another sword into the sky, and it was ... that led to the fifth heavy disaster?"

"Oh my God, does he want to cross the Fifth Heavenly Calamity in one breath, is this too crazy?"

The ascendancy of the sky is ninefold, and the difficulty increases with each increase.

Generally defined as a super-genius warrior, he can only cross the Triple Skyscraper at most.

Peerless genius, able to cross the quadruple sky calamity.

As for the characters who can survive the five-fold scourge, it is rare for thousands of years.

I never thought that I actually met a person in this Ximo Buddhist country and shocked his eyes.

"Crossing the Fifth Heavenly Tribulation in one breath requires extreme self-confidence and vigorous accumulation."

Around the desert, some people speculated: "These characters must be the most geniuses of a young generation in a certain dynasty."

"Let's think about it, who the **** is this?"

"This sword's turbulence has formed a sword, and he is a kendo wizard."

A well-informed martial artist shouted, "It is very similar to the talented disciple Jian Qi of Yuhua God Chaotian Sect."

"Is this the case, but the Seven Swords of the Sword of Heaven?"

"Yes, it's Jian Qi!"

A warrior who has been to Yuhua Shen Dynasty said: "I have seen the portrait of Jian Qi when I was traveling in Yuhua Shen Dynasty. This is undoubtedly Jian Qi!"

"Tianjian Zongjian Seven?"

"It is rumored that Jian Qi is not a first-genius in the feathered gods, and even the top three cannot be lined up."

"Yet even so, he was ready to survive the five-day disaster."

"In this way of calculation, isn't the phoenix **** Cheng Feng the first day, Surin the second day, and Baizi the third day ... Isn't it more scary?"

As one person recognized Jian Qi, it immediately caused a huge wave in the crowd.

Let everyone have a new understanding of the feathered dynasty.

I dare not look down on it, at least in the younger generation, enough to suppress several gods.

Especially known as the first genius of Cheng Feng, is even more famous.

Not only is it known to all the feathered dynasties, everyone in the other major dynasties also hears it.

At the moment when Cheng Feng was mentioned in the crowd, they couldn't help giving thumbs up, various praises and admiration.

Because by one's own strength, the feathered dynasty was pulled out of the mire of war.

These figures, the second dome continent can not be found.

It is a living legend!

However, as the focus of the debate, Cheng Feng did not move.

I saw him perform a shadow kill in the Dacheng realm, and the whole person turned into a shadow of sand and dust, lying on the edge of a huge sand pit.

If someone dares to fight against the sword seven times, he will quietly move and cut the opponent silently and silently!



Just as everyone was talking about it.

Above the sky, there was a large thunder, and a lot of wind, poisonous fire and robbery accompanied.

With four full-time robberies, Jian Qi, despite his mighty strength, also needs full fire to resist it.

However, at this moment, Jian Qi was as stupid as he was, standing still in the sky.

It gives people a feeling that they must use flesh and blood to resist the quadruple-strike attack!

"What happened? How did Jianqi suddenly become stupid?"

"Standing in the sky and letting the quadruple sky robbery strike, don't you want to live?"

"No, that's not a problem with Jian Qi, but the fifth heirloom is coming!"

"The Fifth Heavy Devils?"

Many people are puzzled and deliberately looked carefully in the sky, but they can't see the slightest shadow of the fifth heavy disaster.

At this time, the experienced old man spoke.

"Jian Qi's fifth heaviness has already exploded on him."

"This grave catastrophe is called heart robbery. It strikes people's minds, making people illusions and even an idiot."

"The reason why Jian Qi stood still stupidly was probably caused by heart robbery and bombardment."

"Heart robbery? Jian Qi is in trouble."

"It seems that it is not easy to cross the Fifth Heavenly Tribulation. Jian Qi may be killed on the spot!"

After knowing the power of the Fifth Heavy Calamity, there was an uproar around.

Sympathy for the sword Qi, feel that a peerless genius is about to fall in front of his eyes.

"Heart robbery? The sky robbery that bombarded the mind?"

In the shadow of a fine sand, Cheng Feng said with ease: "This kind of hegemony is the real great terror, and it is more terrible than the physical bombardment."

"Once the mind is dispelled, the whole person will be destroyed immediately, from being an idiot to being dead on the spot!"

"If Jian Qi's state of mind is not enough, it will be dangerous."

Heart robbery is a kind of torture of human soul, intangible and intangible.

The best way to defend yourself from such calamities is to improve your mood.

If your mood is high enough, you can easily surrender your heart.

But if the state of mind is not enough, the consequences will be disastrous.

For example, Jian Qi at this moment was affected by the mind robbing the mind and could not see the quadruple looting near him.

Wait until the calamity is added, it will surely die!

However, Jian Qi is about to be bombed by the quartet.

Ding! !!

The Xuantian Sword in his hand suddenly gave out a chirping Jianming.

The sound of this sword is not loud, but it is very sharp.

Jian Qi was close at hand, and if the whole person was struck by lightning, he was instantly awakened from the state of mind loss.

Then I found myself in a desperate situation, scalp tingling, dare not neglect at all.

Hold Xuan Tianjian's hand and shake, 咻咻 咻咻 ~~~

A ray of sword-like light radiated like a golden arrow rain, piercing the turbulent water near the eyes.

Then the sword became one, followed by a ray burst through a hole broken by the sword.

It was dangerous and dangerous, and escaped from the combo of the quadruple sky robbery.

"Escaped! The sword seven escaped the bombardment of the Five Heavenly Calamities at the last moment!"

"Hey, Jian Qi just hit his luck."

"If it weren't for a semi-holy artifact in his hand, and crying for the Lord in times of crisis, he would have died under the scourge."

The situation was extremely critical just now. It was Xuan Tianjian who sent out his sword and pulled seven swords before letting him escape.

Of course, Jian Qi's own strength is also very strong.

Otherwise, even if you hold the semi-holy artifact, you will fall on the spot!

"Good danger, it was really dangerous just now!"

After escaping from the strangulation of Wutian Tianjie, Jian Qilian panted heavily: "Fortunately, Xuan Tianjian warned the police, and during this period of hard work, my mood was improved as compared to before.

"Otherwise, there is no death!"

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