Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1699: Zhu Qun

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Chapter Sixteenth Nine Chapter Zhu Qun

This old man is not weak, exuding a ferocious spirit, and at a glance, he knows that he is not a good person.

He walked in front of the onlookers, intent on attacking Jian Qi and forcing his protector to appear.

"Arrow in your sleeve, shoot me!"

The short old man was fierce, and his wide sleeves flung.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Three sleeve arrows flew out of the sleeves, and seven swords flew away!

However, these three sleeve arrows just flew out of kilometers.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Actually, if it was struck by lightning, they were all blown up in the void, and even the seven hairs of the sword were not hurt!

"The man who protects the sword seven secretly has started, and he will be carried out soon!"

Seeing this, someone was drinking.

Immediately, countless experts opened their eyes and searched for the place where the arrow exploded.

There are even pupils who go out and perform pupillary exploration.

However, nothing was found.

Not only that, when everyone was looking for someone.

Stabbing ~~~

The sound of a sharp weapon cutting into the flesh spread.

The crowd looked along their voices, and their eyes narrowed.

Because they actually saw that the head of the short old man unexpectedly flew up from his neck.

Needless to know, it must have been caused by the besieger of Jianqi, who was secretly protecting.

"His! So strong!"

"The master who protects Jian Qi is so strong, he actually killed the short old man with one hit."

"I've seen that old man. He seems to be a murderer named Zhu Qun Zhu Qun."

"One-handed arrows are magical, but they can kill the masters who ascend the heavens, but they are bombed and killed by those who protect the sword seven secretly."

"This person is really not easy to mess with, I'm afraid the strength is so great!"

As Zhu Qun was cut off his head, the onlookers moved with horror.

Everyone was alert, and the enthusiasm for killing Jian Qi was greatly reduced.

In case the strong who protects Jian Qi secretly comes up, death is near!

"The killing of Zhu Qun had some deterrent effect, and made many people who were eager to move dared not move.

Beside Zhu Qun's body, Cheng Feng displayed the shadow killing of Dacheng Realm, and the court retreated steadily.

Obviously, the mysterious master who cut off Zhu Qun's head is Cheng Feng.

As he stepped back, he thought: "But this is only a temporary situation, and there must be many people who have hidden murder."

"I'll stay here and wait for them to kill!"

"The more I come, the more I let them die!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng withdrew from the sight of the crowd, and turned into a shadow of fine sand again to protect the safety of Jian Qi.

Above the sky, the sword seven serves two purposes.

When he saw the crowd being stunned by Cheng Feng on the spot, he didn't dare to act recklessly, and his heart was relieved.

Then let go of your hands and feet directly and concentrate on getting rid of the robberies.

Bang ~~ Bang ~~

The thunder was rolling in the sky, and the lightnings increased.

Jian Qi bathed in the midst of heavy disasters, constantly fighting.

As time went on, Jian Qi's divine power became stronger, the divine mind became more condensed, and the physical body became more arrogant.

Even a faint halo appeared faintly behind the head, which was a sign that he was about to enter the heaven.

Once those haloes are completely condensed, Jian Qi will successfully enter the ascendant realm.

By that time, no one would want to use the sword again.

"Not good. The feathered sword Qi Qi is about to cross the robbery."

"Can't wait any longer, you must start now and kill it."

"Otherwise, you will miss your last chance!"

Seeing this, many people started to move.

In particular, a few warriors who thought they were high in strength, even gritted their teeth and immediately put them into action.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

A silver figure flashed in the crowd.

In the next moment, the fine needle burst out and went straight to the sword in the sky.

At the same time, there was a large sword flying out, trying to split the potential of Huashan, bursting the sword seven.

And a meteor hammer cut through the sky and bombarded Jianchi's head.

"Shoot, the master finally did."

"The warrior who shoots the silver needle seems to be a needle to seal the throat, the warrior with a sword is Qi Sheng, the sword blaster, and the warrior with the meteor hammer is the magic hammer and stirrup!

"The three are all ascendants of the heavens, and this time they will be able to kill the sword seven."

Seeing three warriors attacking Jianchi, there was a fierce debate around.

Everyone felt that Jian Qi was dead this time.

Even Jianqi himself smelled a deep crisis, which distracted him.

He was hit by a thunder, and a large blood hole burst on the spot.

"Jianqi, don't get distracted, and continue to cross your sky."

At this moment, a voice sounded in Jianchi's ears: "These cats and dogs, I will help you cook."

"It's Cheng Feng!"

Hearing the sound, Jian Qi's heart was boosted.

The tense spirit could not help but relax, and continued to concentrate on the disaster.

As for the overwhelming silver needle that shot from the sky, I didn't even take a look.

Because he firmly believes that Cheng Feng can solve it satisfactorily without hurting himself.

as expected.

It was at that moment that the silver needle shot by Li Fengguo shot into Jianqi's body within a kilometer.

An invisible force suddenly detonated, 啵啵 啵啵 ~~~

Like drops of water dripping into the oil, all the silver needles exploded into fly ash.

"Huh!" Silver Needle communicated with Li Guo's mind, and pinned a ray of divine thought.

The silver needles were smashed, and the strands of divine thoughts placed on the silver needles immediately turned into powder.

This caused Li Guoru to be struck by lightning, a groan, and the silver figure paused, revealing a shameless face.

Immediately after Li passed, the broad sword of Qi Sword King Qisheng came.

When the great sword slashed within seven kilometers of the sword, it was as if chopped on a giant Yue.

The force of the overwhelming counter-shock exploded, causing the big sword to tremble with cracks.

The next moment, at a speed twice as fast as before, it had been blasted back.

Wang Qisheng's cheeks twitched until he was frightened, usually fleeing sideways.

As for the last one, the magic hammer is stable.

The meteor hammer that he smashed severely has not entered the range of seven kilometers of the sword.

A flash of light emerged out of thin air, waiting to roll on the meteor hammer.

Huh! The meteor hammer cast in steel was exploded like a watermelon.

Let that magic hammer and horse tremble with a trembling heart, as if a chicken!

"Grasp the grass, what just happened?"

"Three full-scale ascendants of the heavens shot in unison, and even Jian Qi's body was not approached, and they were defeated by the destruction and destruction?"

"Who is the strong man who protects Jian Qi secretly? It is too scary!"

All around, everyone was shocked when they saw the scary scene.

There was no expectation that three consecutive masters of ascending the heavens would not be a combined enemy of mysterious masters.

However, this is not over.

The shock of everyone's emotions has not yet calmed down, ah! !!

A scream suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked along the screams, but they saw a head that had passed their throats and flew into the sky.

With a deep shock and unwillingness on his face, he was beheaded and killed!

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