Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1712: Ascend to Heaven

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Chapter 1712 Consecutive Ascension to Heaven

"Next, it's your turn!"

The bearded and strong man is a fifth master of the sky.

But Cheng Feng beheaded him, but he stepped on an ant and didn't care.

Gaze turned and looked at the old ghost.

The ghost old man was very treacherous, and as soon as Cheng Feng attacked the bearded and strong man, he flew towards the sky.

At this moment, he had flew a hundred miles away.

However, Cheng Feng was not indifferent and the winning ticket was in his grasp.

I saw his body sway, hey ~~~

The whole person suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, the old ghost was in front of him, and a wave appeared in the void.

Then there was a blade of light, suddenly shot from the void, and violently attacked the ghost old man.

"Not good, Cheng Feng is proficient in long-range teleport martial arts."

Seeing that the void in front of him was broken, a slash came.

The old ghost immediately judged that Cheng Feng had caught up and shouted, "Cheng Feng, don't bully people too much."

"My husband just joked with you and didn't really want to kill you."

"Joke with me? It seems you like to joke!"

Behind that knife light, Cheng Feng stepped forward: "Since this is the case, I am kidding you."

After speaking, Cheng Feng lifted the sword, and cut it to the ghost old man.

"Junk stuff, awful!"

Seeing that Cheng Feng had no intention of letting go of himself, the ghost old man looked somber.

With a scream in his mouth, he hurriedly displayed the deadly palm of the corpse ghost to block Cheng Feng's slash.

But the ghost old man ’s cultivation is only the fifth top.

Cheng Feng had left his hand before, so he let him escape.

Now Cheng Feng has let go of his hands and feet, preparing to critique the crowd with thunder, so that those who have misbehaved will be afraid.

Therefore, two consecutive swords fell off, and immediately the ghost old man fell into a passive situation.

The back was cut open, and the black and green blood poison permeated the entire desert into a highly toxic sea.

In fact, the wound on the old ghost ghost was deliberately chopped out by Cheng Feng.

The intention is to poison the corpse ghosts, spread through the blood, and silently cause Cheng Feng to die.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng was holding a Tianlong Dragon Ball in his hands, and the corpses were extremely poisonous. He could not hurt him at all.

"what happened?"

Seeing Cheng Feng standing in the poisonous ocean, he did not change his face.

The ghostly old man turned pale, and said inconceivably, "Why didn't you get poisoned by my corpse ghost? Isn't you a poisonous body?"

"Oh, you guessed it!"

Cheng Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense to the old man and sneered: "But the reward is ... to send you to death!"

The words came to an end, and Cheng Feng made two records of Emperor Cangdao.

Wait until there is no sword, kill the ghost old man, bang ~~~

In the horrible explosion, the ghost old man was chopped directly into powder!

"Grass, kill two other masters who are fifth in the sky."

"This guy, Cheng Feng, is a killer!"

"Fortunately, I haven't jumped out before, otherwise, the trouble will be a lot!"

In the desert, everyone saw the pictures of Cheng Feng even cutting the bearded strong man and the ghost old man, and their faces were all pale.

Especially those with bad intentions are fighting in double strands, and their fear is extremely extreme.

Even some people simply walk away, for fear that their careful thoughts will be detected by Cheng Feng, calling for the disaster.

For the fleeing crowd, Cheng Feng ignored it.

Because he is not a bloodthirsty man, it hurts the old man a few times.

One is that these people should be killed, and the other is to deter everyone.

Now that the deterrent effect has come out, it will stop the killing and let those flee.

What's more, these people are all babies.

The real threat is on the way.

Cheng Feng stopped to adjust the state, it may be a good choice.

Rumbling ~~~

Thunder and lightning in the sky, howling wind.

Jianqi has reached the critical moment of crossing the robbery.

He is crossing the eighty days of calamity. Once this calamity has passed, there will be a final calamity.

The distance from the robbery was successful, and the fifth step into the sky was the last step.

"Is the 80th Heaven Calamity?"

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and looked at the sky, and found that the thunder in the sky was much fiercer than before: "It seems that I killed a few ascendants in the heavens, but it added a little difficulty to Jian Qidu Jie!"

It turned out that the fall of the warrior who ascended the heavens would cause the heaven and earth vision ‘clear sky and thunder’.

After this thunder occurred, it actually resonated with the thunderstorm, letting the thunderstorm strengthen a little.

However, Jianqi accumulated a lot, Lei Jie increased a little, he can also carry it.

As long as this tough time passes, Jian Qi's cultivation will be stronger!

"The warrior who ascended the sky fell, first a thunderstorm in the clear sky, then a snowfall in the sky, and then a sky cry."

Cheng Feng retracted his eyes from Jian Qi and frowned, "But these visions have now disappeared, and nothing has appeared!"

There are thunder and lightning in the clear sky, blood falling in the sky, and crying in the sky ... these three kinds of heaven and earth visions will appear together after the warriors who have ascended the sky.

However, this time Cheng Feng killed several masters who were four or five heavy, but only Thunder and Lightning were added. No blood was seen, which was obviously abnormal.

"Donor Cheng Feng, you are in big trouble!"

Just as Cheng Feng was puzzled, the dustless old monk suddenly said, "The elder Yanxian, the goddess of Taizong, has rushed to the fifth ring east and eight thousand miles away."

"In order to block the flame fairy, the previous generation of abbots at Kobayashi Temple took the initiative and only dragged it."

"As a result, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the visions of heaven and earth created by the fall of the warriors on the heavens and heavens were all smashed and cannot be formed.

"The donor Cheng Feng had better go with the old monk to the war monk's hall to hide, so as to avoid any accident!"

"What? The disappearance of the vision of heaven and earth caused by the fall of the warrior who ascended the sky was actually caused by the flame fairy fighting with the abbot of the Kobayashi temple?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised.

Opening the eyes of the God of Fortune, I suddenly saw the distant sky above, and there was a horrible flame burning.

The flame was so scary that the dark clouds that were tumbling in the sky instantly burned into gas.

As a result, clouds cannot condense, and blood and snow are naturally difficult to land.

As for the cry of the sky, it was illuminated by the rays of Buddha's light, and before it was formed, it disappeared!

"Goddess of flame toward the flame fairy, it is a rival!"

Seeing this appalling picture, Cheng Feng's brow froze: "The flame is transformed by the Wu soul, but it is not worse than Wang Pintong's strange fire."

"Once caught by it, the steel body will also be burned to fly ash!"

Cultivated to the top of the maturity period, the power is extraordinary.

The flame fairy is said to have three martial spirits, and the flame martial spirit is only one of them.

This shows that the other party is definitely a difficult guy.

Cheng Feng looked at the situation in the sky and found that the abbot of the Xiaolin Temple was not the opponent of the flame fairy.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Yanxian will be able to escape the interception of the abbot on the Xiaolin Temple and rush here.

By then, Cheng Feng will be in danger.

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