Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1714: Seller

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Chapter 174 The Baker

The flame fairy acts very aggressively.

Regardless of Cheng Feng's willingness, Cheng Feng should follow her to Daizong.

This caused Cheng Feng to frown: "Fairy, Guizong mainly asked me to discuss something, and you can tell me directly."

"As for going to Zongzong, forget it!"

"Cheng Feng, it is not malicious for me to ask you to go to Zongzong."

Yan Xianzi's eyes are sharp like a knife: "And, now that you are exposed, countless people are killing you."

"Follow me to Zongzong, I will keep you safe all the way!"

Cheng Feng knows his situation well.

At this moment, there must be countless masters killing him.

And why is this not the gift of Zhu Wen, who worships God?

Today, the fairy Fairy took matters into account and made Cheng Feng uncomfortable.

What's more, the flame fairy asked Cheng Feng to go to Zongzong, which is definitely not a good thing.

In all likelihood, it is to ask Cheng Feng to ‘join’ the Daizong, serve them, and pick the fruits of the world.

So there is no need to go there.

Cheng Feng then replied: "Thanks to Fairy for her concern, but I have the ability to protect myself."

"Zong Zong, I still won't go!"

Cheng Feng's two rejections made Yanxian Xiu frown.

A strong fire wave raged on her, making the sky a thousand miles away.

Like the blue sun, the momentum is compelling.

"Miscellaneous things, dare to repeatedly refuse the fairy's invitation, really do not consider yourself a number one?"

At a time when the atmosphere was tense on both sides, a wild voice sounded loudly.

Cheng Feng frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a headless corpse standing up on the edge of the huge bunker.

With a surge of majestic power, the fresh blood on the neck was heavily derived, and there was a tendency to grow a head again.

Amazingly, Zhu Wen was blasted by Cheng Feng's head.

"Xiao Zhu, how did you become like this?"

Yan Xianzi's eyes seemed to recognize the headless body instantly, but it was Zhu Wen, her gatekeeper.

The flames of Wu Wushen covered the flames, and the murder suddenly rose.

"Fairy, the reason why Xiao became like this was all given by the little beast Cheng Feng."

Zhu Wen was resurrected from death, crying angrily and crying: "You must take charge of me, and destroy the little beast by ten thousand corpses!

"What's going on?"

Yan Xianzi's gaze swept between Cheng Feng and Zhu Wen, and asked coldly.

"Not long ago, Xiao learned that through a channel, Cheng Feng appeared and went here, so he came here to confirm."

Zhu Wen resentfully said, "I didn't expect that the news was true."

"Cheng Feng actually used a stealth method to hide in the dark, posing as a mysterious master, so he was mysterious."

"So when he was young, he used the mirror Wuhun to reveal his identity."

"However, Cheng Feng's small beast was angry and angry, killing the small one alive."

"If I hadn't cultivated Jing Wuhun to maturity, the soul and Wuhun would become one, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you in this life again!"

After hearing Zhu Wen's words, everyone at the scene suddenly realized.

It was learned that Zhu Wen was able to resurrect from death, but that Jing Wu soul was playing a role.

"It is rumored that those who specialize in Wuhun will gradually merge with Wuhun."

Cheng Feng whispered: "If you want to completely kill such martial arts, you must destroy the martial arts."

"Otherwise, you will escape from the disaster with the help of Wu Hun."

"The reason why Zhu Wen was blasted by my head and still immortal is the result of the fusion of Wuhun and Divine Soul!"

As Cheng Feng groaned, a cold sharp shot came.

Cheng Feng didn't even go and knew that it must be the eyes of Yanxian.

"Cheng Feng, can Zhu be true?"

Sure enough, Yanxian looked at Cheng Feng and asked Shen Sheng.

"Zhu Wen was right, I did kill him."

Cheng Feng admitted frankly: "But this is also his fault. If he did not reveal my identity in front of everyone, I would not have had such trouble."

"Zhu Wen, not too many deaths ten times!"


Upon hearing this, the flame fairy hadn't spoken yet, and Zhu Wen couldn't help jumping out.

Raising his finger at Cheng Feng, he scolded, "You little animal is too arrogant, and you dare to be rude in front of the fairy!"

"Isn't it tiring and want to die?"

"Stop me!"

As Zhu Wen scolded him, a scold came.

Zhu Wen took a look and found that it was the flame fairy.

My thoughts were a little overwhelming, and my head murmured, "Fairy, how do you ..."

"Junk stuff!"

Yan Xianzi stared coldly at Zhu Wen: "I asked you to search Cheng Feng with the mirror Wuhun, in order to invite him to visit the Emperor Zong."

"But you have revealed Cheng Feng's identity in front of everyone. Who gave you the order?"

"Fairy, I ..." Zhu Wen was startled.

When he set off for the Ximo Buddha Kingdom, the flame fairy ordered it.

After discovering Cheng Feng, don't make his own claim.

However, Zhu Wen, for gaining some benefit, forgot the order of the flame fairy.

At this moment, being reminded by the flame fairy, she immediately became cold and speechless.

"Say, who gave you the courage to break my orders!"

Yanxian's face was cold, which put Zhu Wen under great pressure.

He finally snored and landed on both knees.

"Fairy, Xiao was wrong, but Xiao was also trying to find Cheng Feng."

Zhu Wen defended himself: "Not long ago, Xiao received a message from an old friend that he knew the exact location of Cheng Feng and could tell me."

"But the prerequisite is that I must reveal Cheng Feng's identity in person."

"Small is also a last resort, and I hope the fairy will be gracious!"

"Huh, who dare to count this fairy."

Yan Xianzi's eyes were cold: "Say, who is the guy who forced you?"

"Fairy, I made a vow of my soul. I can't reveal the identity of the other party."

Zhu Wen was so frightened that there was no arrogance.

"Trumpet tell me."

The flame fairy is overbearing: "Just tell me one person, it doesn't count against the soul vow."

"This ... okay."

Zhu Wen is very clear about the domineering character of Yanxian.

With a bitter smile, Chuan Yin told the flame fairy a name.

"It's him?"

Yanxian listened, and a look of wonder appeared on her face.

Eyes glanced at Cheng Feng's body, full of playful look.

At the same time, Cheng Feng clearly understood Zhu Wen's conversation with the fairy Xian.

Knowing that he had been sold, there was a rage in his heart.

He took several deep breaths in a row before he could barely suppress the anger.

Immediately said: "Fairy fairy, I wonder if you can tell me the name of the person who leaked my identity?"

Cheng Feng just said casually and did not hold much hope.

However, the fairy fairy nodded and said, "I can tell you that person's name, but only if you follow me to visit Zongzong."

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