Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1718: Feihong Bow

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Chapter 1718 Feihong Bow

"My God, the flames of the flame fairy Lan Yanhuo Wuhun turned into a back by Cheng Feng?"

"It's too strong, it's too strong. No wonder the major dynasties are very afraid of Cheng Feng."

"If you let Cheng Feng enter the sky of the sky, there will be others in the fruits of heaven and earth?"

"The major gods only joined together on the first day, I'm afraid I can't drink soup!"

Everyone present was stunned when they saw the scene of Cheng Feng violently hitting the blue phoenix.

Some of the major gods and spies hiding in the secret, killing Cheng Feng surged.

However, he did not dare to pass the message to the masters of the major dynasties through special channels.

Let him send the peerless strongman over, to draw in or kill Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng didn't know about everyone's thoughts and didn't want to know.

After he cut through the giant phoenix with one sword, the demon sword was raised again.

And above the sky, the 175 stars are slowly shining.

If this sword is cut out, even if the flame fairy is a peerless powerhouse, I am afraid that she will be hit hard.

In fact, the flame fairy has been injured at this moment.

At the moment when two blades of light shot from the back of Fire Phoenix, the flame fairy wrapped by Fire Phoenix turned pale.

The blue shirt on the back was smashed, revealing a white, and at the same time a faint knife mark was produced.

The knife mark was long and narrow, and silver blood was seeping from it.

Let Yanxian lose her spirit and her state fell to a trough.

"Fairy fairy, are you still going to‘ please ’me go to Daizong?”

Cheng Feng held up his sword, and the stars in the sky shone to the extreme.

Starlight can be shot at any time to make a fatal blow.

"Cheng Feng, I have to admit, I look down on you a little."

Yanxian looked up and looked straight at Cheng Feng: "But my blue phoenix is ​​not just one martial spirit, but three."

"It seems that the fairy fairy doesn't want to stop!"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's face was cold.

Wow, hum ~~ hum ~~

One hundred and seventy-five large stars shining in the sky shot down the stars.

Wait until all the stars are fused together, 唰 ~~~

Cut the void and head straight for the flame fairy.

"Fei Hong Bow, now!"

Facing the horrific sword light cut by Cheng Feng, Yanxian looked dignified to the extreme.

Finally no longer keeping her hand, she triggered her second Wuhun.

The second martial spirit of the flame fairy is actually a big bow.

The bow is colorful, like a rainbow forged.

Hold it in the flame fairy's hand, pull it gently, hum ~~~

The bowstring suddenly pulled away.

Immediately a large number of blue flames condensed and turned into a large blue arrow, spontaneously resting on the bowstring.

The flame fairy waited for the cut sword light, then released the bowstring.

咻 ~~~

A large blue flame arrow blasted out towards the bladeless sword.

The big blue flame arrow is very fast. Just off the string, the tip of the arrow has hit the bladeless sword.

Huh! But Wupidaoguang is too strong.

After the blue flame big arrow hit, the whole big arrow exploded along the tip of the arrow, but it couldn't stop the slashing without a blade.

Just let Wupi Daoguang weaken one point, the next moment, continue to slash the flame fairy.

"Fei Hong Bow, drive!"

Seeing this, the flame fairy once again opened the bowstring of Feihong Bow.

call out! Another big blue fire arrow shot.

Not only that, after this arrow, the flame fairy continued to pull the bow and shoot the arrow.

咻咻 咻咻 ~~~

In the blink of an eye, eight fire arrows were fired in succession.

Finally, before Wuguang Daoguang was about to kill himself, Daoguang's slashing power was invisible.

Make the flame fairy dangerous and dangerous, avoiding a disaster!

"Huh, blocked, the fairy blocked Cheng Feng's knife light."

A thousand miles away, Zhu Wen looked at the war with the help of Jing Wuhun, and Changsong breathed out: "I know that with the strength of the fairy, it is impossible to lose to Cheng Feng ..."

However, Zhu Wen's words just came to an end.

Om ~~~

Cheng Feng picked up his sword and fell to the flame fairy again.

This time, Cheng Feng borrowed 176 stars.

It's better than a knife.

As a last resort, the flame fairy can only spur the divine power, pull the bow and shoot the arrow again, and resolve the slash of the sword light.

After a wave of confrontation, the flame fairy once again resolved Cheng Feng's slash.

But the whole process is no longer easy, let Yanxian breathe slightly.

However, Cheng Feng kept on cutting his sword and was cutting it again.

The power of the borrowed stars reached 177.

This time, the flame fairy looked particularly strenuous.

Finally, a third type of martial arts spirit was used, only to resolve Cheng Feng's knife.

However, Cheng Feng's potential seems endless.

After one pass, the next one was cut.

The mighty sword light caused turbulence in the heavens and the earth, and the desert spread to both sides along the direction of the sword.

Between his breath, a wide, narrow rift valley appeared.

Hum! When this sword is cut off.

Yanxianzi desperately pulled a bow and fired an arrow to resolve the slashing without a blade, but it was not completely resolved.

laugh! The left shoulder was cut into the right shoulder, and a large stream of silver blood spewed out.

However, just as the flame fairy was hit hard, Cheng Feng's demon sword was raised again.

A total of one hundred and seventy-eight starlights were drawn from the sky.

Let the bladeless light condensed on the blade reach a terrifying point.

All the people present changed their faces dramatically.

"Oh my god, Cheng Feng actually borrowed the power of 178 stars."

"Even the flame fairy couldn't stop it and was hit hard."

"If the knife falls at this moment, I am afraid that the fairy Fairy will be more ferocious."

Countless people were frightened, and a chill blew from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

Especially Zhu Wen, the janitor of the flame fairy, was all cold.

I know deeply how stupid he was before provoking Cheng Feng. He was touching the tail of the tiger.

If Cheng Feng had used such attacks at that time, even if Zhu Wen's spirit was integrated with Wu soul, it would be impossible to escape!

At this moment, not only are Zhu Wen and others nervous.

The monks of the Ximo Buddha country also moved.

Among them, the abbot of the Kobayashi Temple, who had played against the flame fairy, was shining in his eyes.

Grasp a rosary in her hand and step forward: "Cheng Feng, please show mercy!"

"If you go down, I'm afraid the blue lady donor will be hit hard."

The abbot of the Kobayashi Temple is an old monk with a thin face.

The old monk had very long eyebrows, and put them on her chest like her hair.

Holding a rosary in hand, the number of beads reached 108, implying a pole number.

The whole person looks kind, but the Buddha's power is swaying, and there are seven Buddha lights flickering behind his head.

This shows that the monk's cultivation is extremely high, and he has forged the Qipin Luohan body.

Or, it has been cast into the Qipin Luohan!

"Oh? I don't think so."

After hearing the words of the abbot of the Xiaolin Temple, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "As a peerless powerhouse, the flame fairy must be able to block me from the last knife.

After speaking, the black knife in Cheng Feng's hand fell down.

Hum! A bladeless light, then chopped to the flame fairy.

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