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Chapter 1727 The Devil Is Difficult To Remove

"Li Old Li Zhuoyan?"

After hearing the words, Fang Wuwei's anger lingered: "Where has Li Lao gone? Why didn't he see him?"

"His Highness, Lao Li went to contact the spies lurking in the territory of the Ximo Buddha."

Wang worshipped, "It is estimated that we will come back after a while."

"Cheng Feng is calm and does not mention Mr. Li for no reason."

Fang Wuwei took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, and commanded: "Lao Wang, please go back to Li Lao."

"After Cheng Feng arrives, confront him face to face."

"Let's take a look at this hall. What clues can Cheng Feng dig out of me!"


Just as Fang Wuwei was angry.

The eleventh ring of the West Desert Buddha Country, in the void interlayer.

Cheng Feng stole the mile mirror and groaned secretly.

"I have a showdown with Fang Wuwei this time. No matter who the betrayer is, they already know that I will go to the 15th ring of the country.

Cheng Feng whispered: "If the other party ventilates and reports again, let many peerless powers gather at the 15th Ring of the Buddha."

"After I go, I will be in danger."

"So before I set off, I had to upgrade the cultivation to one or two to prevent it from happening."

Cheng Feng's repair is currently the pinnacle of Broken Realm, and if he wants to further improve, he can only cross the robbery and advance into Deng Tianjing.

But at this moment, it is obviously not the best time.

There are too many thoughts in the heart, and the state of mind has not yet been promoted to the extreme. It will be very troublesome if you are invaded by the demon when you cross the robbery.

It is best to work harder for a while, and lay the groundwork to the best before you cross the robbery.

May be able to cross four, five, and even six heavy disasters in one breath.

By then, let alone be the seventh-best peerless powerhouse on the sky. Even if the eighth-oldest antiques on the sky are out, I'm afraid that they will not be able to balance Cheng Feng.

It can be said to be the first strongest in the entire dome continent!

"Since it can't be improved in a short period of time, start from other aspects."

Cheng Feng whispered: "For example, the Devil Sword, just by removing the magic with the help of the evil Buddhist scriptures, it can be completely used by me."

"By that time, you will throw away some of the semi-holy artifacts to the Demon Slayer, and you will be able to enter the level of semi-holy artifacts."

"A knife in your hand, no one in the world can stop it!"

Cheng Feng did not exaggerate in this regard.

Once the Devil Slayer is promoted to a semi-holy artifact, the power will soar and become completely comparable to ordinary holy artifacts.

And there are few holy vessels in the entire dome continent.

Cheng Feng has such weapons nearby, I am afraid that three or five peerless strong men can't stop it!

Cheng Feng's work is very simple. Once he has made a decision, he immediately starts to act.

Huh! When he saw a rush, he took out the Buddhist scriptures.

Even if there is a path of Buddha rhyme, it is stirred up from the scriptures and falls on Cheng Feng's body, which makes Cheng Feng's skin have a slight tingling.

This is the reason Cheng Feng cultivated the demon sword, and his body was demonized.

If you are too close to crossing the evil Buddhist scriptures, you will be treated as a demon to 'degreeize' and cleanse the magic.

"It seems that the magic of cleaning the Devil Sword needs to be far away."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Otherwise, crossing the evil Buddhist scriptures would wash me again."

"Cheng Feng, letting the rhymes of the evil Buddhist scriptures illuminate oneself is not necessarily a bad thing."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "This will eliminate a small part of the magic in your body, clamp down on the chapter of the magic sword, and assimilate your body"

"But the whole process may be more painful."

"Issuing the sword with the balance of the evil Buddhist scriptures?"

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "Okay, I'll try the effect next."

"As for the pain, I can still bear one or two."

When the words came to an end, Cheng Feng pulled the Devil Sword from the scabbard of the Buddha.

Then he turned the Buddhist scriptures floating in front of him and gently opened a page.

Om ~~~

As Cheng Feng turned over the evil Buddhist scriptures, the power of the Buddhist rhymes emanating from the Buddhist scriptures increased dramatically.

Let Cheng Feng's whole body be pierced with a needle, and a tingling came from him.

Strands of black gas were squeezed out of Cheng Feng's body. As soon as he emerged, he was illuminated by the tumbling Buddha rhyme, and disappeared after evaporation.

Not only Cheng Feng, but also the response of the sword.

I saw that under the illumination of the Buddha's rhyme, the Devil Sword squirmed like a living creature.

The engraved pattern on the blade suddenly became clear, protruding like the scale of a monster.

Then friction wriggles and a black gas comes out.

The black gas was so vicious that it emerged from the Devil Sword and turned into grimace.

His mouth opened and growled and roared, making the entire void sandwich unstable.

However, under the illumination of the Buddhist scriptures of the Evil Buddha, it soon disappeared!

This lasted for about a minute, and the abnormal response of the Devil Slayer was slowly restored.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's tingling sensation was also relieved a lot.

Cheng Feng knows that this level of Buddha rhyme has no effect on him and the Devil Sword, and the intensity of the Buddha rhyme needs to be increased.

So Cheng Feng turned the second page of the Buddhist scriptures without hesitation.

All of a sudden, oh ~~~

The rhyme of the Buddhist scriptures emanating from the Evil Buddhist Sutra has skyrocketed.

The tingling sensation in Cheng Feng's body soared, and the Devil Sword squirmed like a black dragon.

This situation lasted for several minutes before it began to weaken.

When he got used to it for a moment, Cheng Feng turned another page of the scripture book to increase the radiance of the Buddha again.

In this way, Cheng Feng turned the Buddhist scriptures and bit his teeth to endure severe pain, letting Buddha Yun wash his body.

This lasted for several hours, and the Buddhist scriptures of the Evil Buddha were opened by about one-third. The magic in Cheng Feng's body was finally cleared.

At this point, no matter how many pages Cheng Feng has turned over the Buddhist scriptures, no black gas will come out of his body.

The painful tingling sensation no longer appeared.

"Hoo ~~~"

Cheng Feng exhaled a long breath: "I have cleared up the magic that I accumulated in my body because I practiced the magic sword decisive method!"

"Next, as long as I do n’t practice the Summoner Sword, I will not be summoned by the Summoner Sword."

"Cheng Feng, you want to be simple."

However, Nalan's eternal life said: "The Summoner Knife is unfathomable, and once you open your head, it's like attaching a bone."

"Just by pursuing the evil spirit by crossing the evil Buddhist scriptures, it is far from being able to get rid of them."

"At most it just lurks it, it will not affect you in the short term!"

"What, Summoner Knife is so difficult?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Even the Buddhist scriptures are difficult to eliminate?"

Buddhism martial arts is bright and fair, specializing in demons.

If even crossing the evil Buddhist scriptures cannot eliminate the magical nature of the Summoning Swordsmanship, I am afraid that Cheng Feng cannot escape the influence of the Summoning Swordsman this life.

"Cheng Feng, don't worry."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Although the demon sword is strong, it is not impossible to eradicate it."

"When you leave the dome continent and go to the real world of Buddha, the Holy Land of Buddha, you may find a turnaround."

"As of now, let's concentrate on clearing the magic of the Devil Slayer!"

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