Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1743: God of Immortal Warfare

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Chapter 174: Undefeated War God Body

The Buddha's foreign ring has been occupied by the great gods.

Countless martial arts halls are magnificent, walking through the weak areas of the Buddha ring.

In some places, the weak area of ​​the Buddha Ring was directly transformed into a temporary passageway.

With the help of these temporary passageways, Cheng Feng returned to the fifteenth ring of Buddhism with ease.

After a little groaning, he went back to the desert oasis where he had practiced martial arts before.

Soon, Cheng Feng arrived at his destination.

I looked up, and found that the voices on the oasis were so full that it was actually occupied by more than a dozen martial artists.

However, these dozens of martial arts practitioners are generally not high, and the strongest are just the peak of the broken state.

After Cheng Feng arrived, he sent out a breath at will, and those warriors immediately looked intimidated.

Without Cheng Feng's reminder, he consciously packed and moved out of the oasis.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction and fell into the oasis.

"Next, we need to raise the level of the armor of war. To avoid any trouble, prepare a little."

God of War armor is now comparable to semi-holy artifacts and even holy artifacts.

Many of the semi-holy artifacts blasted on it, and they could also be carried hard.

This integration into the domain **** iron, will let it give birth to Shengwei, one step sanctification.

Officially step into the semi-holy level, or the holy level!

Those scenes are definitely not ordinary.

Many warriors saw that, they would definitely come over and wait and see, and even started to fight.

Under normal circumstances, Cheng Feng is certainly not afraid of being scrambled, but the key is that Cheng Feng needs to personally participate in the upgrade of the War God armor.

In case he couldn't get away at that time, he would be a bit dead.

Therefore, some precautionary measures must be prepared in advance.

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

I saw that he used a means of display to build a rough defense formation based on flowers and trees on the oasis.

Then the spirit rushed, took out the void pot, and opened the plug.


Six or seven hundred golden beetles flew out of the pot.

Actually, they are all dragon dragon lice. Some dragon dragon lice have even reached the rank of general and even king.

"It seems that it has swallowed the bodies of a large number of ascendant warriors and step giant monsters, making the dragon lice's rise very high!"

Cheng Feng whispered with a smile: "Very good, I hope you will do better in the future!"

"Go and lurk all over the oasis."

"Once outsiders approach, all are expelled!"

With Cheng Feng's command, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Those hundreds of days of dragon lice turned into a golden light.

The blink of an eye disappeared.

After doing this, Cheng Feng stepped towards the lake at the center of the oasis.

After waiting to condense a thick Longli hood, covering the entire lake, Cheng Feng took a long breath.

Take out the battle **** armor and the domain **** iron from the soul ring.

I saw that the armor of the war god, or the whole body is golden, and its ancient plains are densely packed, giving people an indestructible taste.

But if you look closely, you will feel that something is missing.

There is a sense of lack to make the entire set of armors not complete.

"Spiritual, the armor of warlord lacks a spirituality."

Cheng Feng whispered: "At the same time, there is one thing that is lacking in coordination. The strength of the arms, legs, and trunk cannot be integrated into one, so that it cannot reach its peak!"

"Cheng Feng, the spirituality of this armor, the gods deliberately did not conceive."

At this time, the voice of the God of War sounded: "At that time, the **** forged this armor, just to ensure that when he passed the ninth severe disaster, nothing unexpected happened."

"And Tianjie does not allow outsiders to intervene. If this armor has bred an instrumental spirit, it is bound to make Tiandao think it is a living creature."

"If I use this armor to defend the Sky Calamity, the power of the Sky Calamity will increase and it will only cause more trouble."

"So it is." Cheng Feng nodded suddenly.

Finally, I know why there is no instrumental spirit.

"But as far as I know, you didn't borrow the armor of God of War to end the disaster."

Cheng Feng said: "Ascension to the Heavenly Nine Heavens Calamity seems to have been carried down by your physical body, and cast into an immortal **** of war!"

"Well, it's useless."

God of War nodded: "Because the **** found that without the help of any external force to cross the sky, he can get the greatest training and the most improvement."

"If you want to be the strongest ascendant, it's best not to borrow external forces to cross the robbery."

"In this case, after you have passed the Ninth Heaven Calamity, you will be able to step into the natural world."

"It's very difficult to overcome the disaster without resorting to any external force?" Cheng Feng frowned.

"It's very big. It's a life of nine deaths."

God of War: "Also, the nine deaths are still addressed to top geniuses."

"If you go to heaven to carry your body hard, it is a suicide!"

"Sure enough, there is no free lunch."

Cheng Feng's cheek was drawn: "If you want to harvest, you have to pay accordingly."

"Forget it, I'll raise the armor of war to the strongest state first!"

"As for the crossover, wait till the time comes."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng stood the armor of War God in front of him, then took a close look at the Buddha cone.

"God of War, how can I incorporate this catty of multi-domain **** iron into the armor of War?"

Cheng Feng asked, "After the flame has melted, it is poured on the armor?"

"No, this method doesn't work."

God of War shook his head: "The domain **** iron is very sturdy.

"Melting with flames, even Wang Pin's different fires will not burn!"

"Can't the Wang Pin different fires burn?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Then what method should I use to integrate the domain **** iron into the armor of war god?"

"It's simple, you don't need to do anything at all."

God of War laughed: "You just need to put the God of Iron to the body of God of War, that armor will slowly absorb the essence of God of Iron."

"After the absorption is completed, Shengwei will be bred initially."

"Shengwei's integrity is enough, it is a holy artifact, if it is not complete, it is a semi-holy artifact!"

The difference between holy artifacts and semi-holy artifacts mainly lies in Shengwei.

Shengwei is completely formed, which is a holy instrument.

Shengwei is not fully formed, it is a semi-holy artifact, it is also a defective artifact!

"Um, I don't need to do anything?"

After hearing that, Cheng Feng stumbled and said: "Just put the domain **** iron and the war **** armor together?"


God of War nodded: "Because War God armor now lacks only one pound of Yujin Iron to finish the finishing touch, the degree of need for Yujin Iron will drive it to devour Yujin Iron Iron spontaneously.

"Of course, at the moment that the God of War armor has swallowed up the domain **** iron, you need to separate a ray of spirits into the spirit of the God of War armor."

"At that time, you will be able to control the War God armor at will and send and receive freely!"

"Okay, then I'll do it."

Cheng Feng didn't expect that it would be so easy to smelt the **** iron in the domain.

After listening to the explanation of God of War, immediately acted.

Throw the budding cone that was taken from the top of the main hall of Leiyin Temple into a helmet of the War God.

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