Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1746: Hit hard

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Chapter 176: Hitting It Hard

In the desert oasis, Cheng Feng heard his cry outside, but frowned.

"So many people are here, and many more are on their way."

Cheng Feng's gaze moved away from the armor of War God and swept away at random.

I saw an edge of martial arts spirit on the horizon, approaching with a scary speed, and many of them were as strong as five or six.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "I know the news of the battle armor in my hand, and many people probably know it."

"When the public saw the battle **** armor being promoted, it is not difficult to think that my ugly face man is Cheng Feng, and his identity will be exposed immediately."

"By then, in order to stifle the strongest competitor of the fruits of heaven and earth, the emperors of the major gods were afraid that they would temporarily give up pressure on the Lord of the West Desert Buddha.

"Gather all the peerless strongmen, kill me first!"

"So, the picture of War God's armor promotion must never be exposed."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng rushed out with a strong breath, cold and slaying, and rushed out of the oasis.

At the same time, a hoarse voice sounded: "The weapons of this seat are at the critical moment of promotion, and those who have nothing to do withdraw quickly."

"If anyone dares to mess up, this seat will make him die!"

Wow, click ~~~

Outside the oasis, a 100-meter-high dune was suddenly grabbed by a force of lateral force and squeezed and deformed.

It turned into a stone cricket with a radius of less than ten meters. Vaguely, you can even see that the sand was crushed into a liquid by huge force.

Shows the strength of horror, making countless onlookers cold.

Those warriors who wanted Cheng Feng to let go of their cover and witness the scene of the sacred artifact together suddenly became stuck and no sound.

Obviously deterred, for fear of being regarded as a typical chicken tamarin by Cheng Feng!

Seeing that everyone was shocked, Cheng Feng's eyes retracted, and he continued to pay attention to the ending situation of the War God armor.

I saw the armor of the **** of war at this time, and the holy veins had been covered with legs and arms, and was spreading to the trunk.

Once the Holy Emblem covers the entire set of armor, the promotion of the God of War armor will be completed, and it will be able to officially step into the sacred artifact level.

time flies.

Rushing into the sky for thousands of meters, at this time fell back more than half.

The coverage of the sacred patterns on the armor of the war **** has also been completed nearly 60%.

Except for the limbs, there is no holy print under the chest and helmet.

The rest of the place has been covered by the holy grain, sending out a strong and firm breath.

It's like a holy city, like gold soup!

"It's almost one last point, go on!"

Looking at this scene, Cheng Feng's face was full of smiles.

With a whisper in his mouth, he continued to let the armor of war cover the Holy Pattern.

But at this moment, buzzing ~~~

At least a dozen strands of **** martial arts spirit suddenly fell from the horizon beyond the desert oasis.

Each of these dozens of martial arts spirits was as thick as hundreds of meters, and rushed into the sky, as if a thick beam of light hit the sky, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Fifteen masters who reached the sixth position."

After seeing Cheng Feng, he could not help but frown.

Because of the masters of more than ten martial arts spirits, Xiu Wei has reached the sixth ascendant.

With so many masters here, it's hard for Cheng Feng not to pay attention.

What's more, after the arrival of the fifteenth ascending sixth strongest person, they also stood with more than twenty ascending formidable experts.

A wave of martial arts essence merged and condensed, like a pouring wave, there was a faint tendency to vent to the desert oasis.

"Friend, the promotion of a weapon to a holy weapon is a great event."

A loud voice came from the raging martial arts spirit: "This grand event has not happened for a thousand years."

"If you miss it, it is a great regret in life."

"So, I also hope that my friends can remove the occlusion and let us witness this historic moment together."

"This seat said that this is the critical moment for the promotion of this seat's weapons, and no one can disturb it!"

Faced with this person's words, Cheng Feng responded coldly: "If you don't want to die, just roll this seat!"

"Friend, the reason you waited for me to guard against death is that you should be afraid that I will be stunned when I wait to see the promotion of the holy implement."

The loud voice didn't give up, and he uttered, "I Xiao Wanli promised that during the promotion of a friend's weapon, there will be no life."

"If anyone dares to mess up, I will dispose Xiao Wanli first!"

However, Cheng Feng did not respond.

In order not to reveal his identity, it is impossible for him to remove the cover.

Without waiting for a response for a long time, Xiao Wanli couldn't hold his breath, and said again: "Friend, don't be too selfish, please remove the cover and let us all witness the historical moment of the promotion of the holy instrument."

As this person spoke, others followed.

"Yeah, my friend will remove the cover, we promise not to have trouble!"

"Besides, your weapon can be upgraded to a sacred weapon, but it has taken the luck of the world."

"You're so selfish, that's counterintuitive."

"Maybe it will make the world repel, and let your weapon fall short in the final moment of promotion!"

There are many people, and some people are unobstructed, and they say a lot of bad words.

Some people even cursed directly. If Cheng Feng did not let them watch the promotion of the holy weapon, they would let the war **** armor fail at the final moment of promotion.

This frowned Cheng Feng, and finally responded.

There is only one word for this response, and that is --- go!

Wow ~~~

The word provoked thousands of waves.

As Cheng Feng blurted out, it was like pouring a bowl of water into a boiling oil pan.

Suddenly, the entire scene exploded.

All of them were angry and accused of Cheng Feng.

Especially those martial art masters who twisted together in the ascension of the heavens, even hummed.

Hum! The tumultuous martial art spirit suddenly boiled.

Like a huge wave, he slowly pressed over the desert oasis!

"Do you ... really want to die?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes became cold.

These onlookers of martial arts were promoted to martial arts practice in order to see the process of holy artifact formation.

Or his heart had a deep thought about the sacred object, intending to snatch, and actually wanted to forcibly tear apart Cheng Feng's cover condensed by sand.

This touched Cheng Feng's bottom line. At the same time, he asked with a cold voice, and a strong breath surged up.

Although there is only one, it cannot be compared with the rolling martial arts essence.

But it is more condensed, domineering, and sharp!

Feeling the two breaths collide, the breath evoked by Cheng Feng may not fall into the downwind.

Sure enough, boom ~~~

When the breath evoked by Cheng Feng slammed into that giant wave of martial arts spirit.

Suddenly, the waves of horror surged.

The sky was full of sand and dust, allowing countless warriors to fly out into the distance like scarecrows.

When the sand and dust settled down, the martial spirit that was pressed down like a cloud was smashed into a huge cave.

As for the breath evoked by Cheng Feng, it is like a dragon, driving straight into the cave!

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