Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1751: Not holy, better than holy!

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Chapter 1751 is not a sacred piece, it is better than a sacred piece!

"Is this the armor of war that has been promoted to the sacred weapon? It's really different!"

Looking at the heavily grained Ares armor, Cheng Feng's face showed a thick smile.

Because he clearly felt that the defense power of the God of War armor increased at least seven or eight times, or even ten times, than before.

After he put it on, let alone be the seventh-level first-level powerhouse on the sky. Even the middle-level or even high-level powerhouse, I am afraid it can't help.

On the basis of defensive power, it ranks directly among the strongest group of people in the dome continent.

Perhaps the first monk in the West Desert Buddhist kingdom, the monk, can also carry ten strokes and eight strokes.

In the future, when the head of the war **** was unsealed, safety was greatly increased.

"Cheng Feng, the power of this armor has indeed increased a lot."

At this moment, the voice of God of War's thoughts suddenly sounded: "However, it has not yet reached the level of the Holy Artifact."

"At best it's a top semi-secret!"

"What? God of War armor has not been promoted to a sacred weapon?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng's brow raised: "How is this possible ... the body of the God of War armor has been covered by the Holy Pattern!"

"And this is an obvious portrayal of the sacred object."

The difference between a holy instrument and a semi-holy instrument is the integrity of the Holy Power.

Under normal circumstances, the sacred power of the semi-sacred vessels is deficient and incomplete.

Once the missing sacred texture is completed, the half-sacred artifact is promoted to a sacred artifact, and the power is soaring.

If the body of war armor is filled with holy patterns, then it must be a holy weapon!

"Cheng Feng, this armor is missing."

God of War: "Look at the top of the helmet of the armor, the most critical one is missing."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng looked up at the Ares helmet.

Suddenly I saw a small area on the top of the helmet without the holy print.

This place is small but crucial.

It looks like a lifelike dragon, but it doesn't have eyes.

Let him directly lose the divinity and vitality, a little difference, but it was a hundred thousand miles.

"The armor of war ... it's missing!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng knew the situation thoroughly.

He took a long breath and said a little unpleasantly, "God of War, what is going on? Is the God of Iron insufficient? Or was the War God armor interrupted during the promotion?"

"This ... should be a double factor!"

After a little groaning, the God of War said: "My God has miscalculated the difficulty of the advancement of this armor, thinking that a catty of domain iron is enough."

"It now seems that at least two pounds, or even three pounds!"

"This time you got about one and a half pounds of Yushen Iron, so the material is inadequate, which causes its instrumental spirit to condense slowly and the holy veins to condense insufficiently."

"In the end, it was directly stuck between the semi-secret and the sacred artifact. It was a top extreme semi-secret!"

"So it is."

After hearing this, Cheng Feng nodded suddenly, then asked: "God of War, the armor of War God is on the final step of the promotion of the Holy Artifact. Will this have an impact on it?"

"For example, what sequelae are left behind, you can never be promoted to a holy instrument or the like in the future!"

"That's not true."

God of War shook his head and said: "And my **** thinks that this armor is stuck at the top level of the semi-holy artifact, but it is a good thing."

"You can hammer the armor's newly born instrumental spirit and blend it with the armor and with you."

"When you get a sufficient amount of domain **** iron in the future, you may be able to advance its realm directly to the middle order, even the high order of the sacred!"

"Oh? Can God of War be upgraded to a high-end holy weapon?" Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

He originally thought that the limit of the armor of war was only the first holy weapon.

But listening to the meaning of God of War seems to stop there.

"Of course, this armor can be upgraded to a high-end holy weapon."

God of War proudly said: "If your kid is lucky, he can get‘ the kind of material ’and even push this armor to the level of the top holy weapon.”

"Top holy grail?"

Hearing that Cheng Feng couldn't help shaking his mind.

That's not ordinary. The entire dome continent cannot afford to exist.

Once landed on the dome continent, it will collapse the entire continent.

However, Cheng Feng hopes to advance the armor of war to this level in the future.

Can't help, Cheng Feng hurriedly asked, "God of War, what is that" material "?

"It is a treasure that has magical effects on weapons. It is very rare."

God of War said lightly: "You don't need to know much now."

"When you get out of the dome continent, after Xiuwei has reached that step, you will naturally be clear."

God of War did not tell Cheng Feng about 'the kind of material', mainly because he was afraid of Cheng Feng's distraction.

Because the level of that material is too high, the current Cheng Feng simply cannot reach it.

I don't know, it will be better!

"Uh, okay!"

Seeing God of War did not want to say, Cheng Feng did not reluctantly.

Turning his head to look at the armor of war, although there are still some regrets in his eyes, he is not so disappointed.

Moreover, even if the armor of war **** has not been upgraded to a sacred weapon, its power can be comparable to the real sacred weapon.

Not a holy weapon, but better than a holy weapon!

With such defensive treasures, no one wants to kill Cheng Feng in one blow with the huge continent.

As long as Cheng Feng breathes a sigh of relief, the peerless powerhouse will pay the price of blood!

"Next, let's try the specific defense of the Warlord armor."

Cheng Feng groaned: "When you encounter a battle, you can know what to do and be comfortable with it."

Thinking of this, the ten dragons in Cheng Feng's body urged all together.

Without any warning, he suddenly banged at the armor of war.

This boxing force is very strong. The sixth strongest person in the sky accidentally caught it, and I am afraid that he will be seriously injured.

However, when this boxing hit the battle armor.

The armor of the War God only has the sacred pattern flowing slightly, producing a faint light.

Huh! Not only has the blow power of that punch been completely resolved.

It even gave birth to a rebound force, and furiously fought back to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng hurriedly crossed his arms to block before blocking the rebound force.

However, he was bounced by the whole person, pushing it hundreds of meters, and his body touched the dragon's shield behind him.

The Dragon Shield shook violently, and even cracks appeared.

This surprised Cheng Feng at the same time, his face showed a thick joy.

"Ascending to the sixth level of attack power will not cause any damage to the God of War armor."

Cheng Feng shook off the power of being shaken by the armor of war, and shook his hands a bit numb: "Since this is the case, then try to reach the seventh level of power in the sky."

Speaking, 噌 ~~~

Cheng Feng pulled out the Devil Sword.

Without any nonsense, he threw it down fiercely, and then beheaded to the **** of war armor.

The current Cheng Feng, without using the armor of war, is comparable to the sixth strongest man in the sky.

If you use the Devil Sword, with its unrivaled edge, it is completely peerless power.

At this point, the sword was cut out, a vortex shook in the void, and the space barriers were cut off.

If Cheng Feng does not control the force, I am afraid that the dragon force shield will instantly break and the earth will fall apart!

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