Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1783: Beast Martial Spirit Transformation

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Chapter 178 The Beast Martial Spirit Transformation

嘣 嘣 嘣 ~~~

The iconostasis of the iconic town prison made a crackling sound, and the sound was as harsh as thunder.

Let all the monks present bewildered.

However, the abbot of Huantai Temple remained calm.

Across the distance, Buddha's power condensed on his throat, and a roar of Buddha's voice was issued.

"Icon, suppress!"

Xuanhai's roar is brief, but it contains Supreme Buddha.

Resonating with the iconostasis prison tower, dozens of white iconostemias floating in the sky, one of them landed on the tower top of the iconostasis prison tower.

Let the suppression of the iconostasis tower suddenly soar.

Originally lifted by the eight-headed lava troll, the iconostasis prison tower has slowly cracked from the orientation of the third floor.

But at this moment, the splitting stopped immediately.

Not only that, after this white icon fell, the second, third, and fourth icons came one after another.

When the number of landing elephants reached fifteen, the cracking of the prison tower of the elephants not only stopped, but also quickly closed.

This scene made Lan Feixuan's face change greatly.

One bite the teeth, take out a piece of silver rice paper from the soul ring, and throw it to the iconostasis tower.

The rice paper was not simple. It was inserted into the rift of the prison tower of the iconostasis, and it actually produced a powerful force.

The tendency of closing the tower of the iconostasis prison was stiffly supported.

"Arhat paper?"

Seeing the silver piece of paper thrown by Lan Feixuan, the abbot of Xuanhai Temple in Huantai Temple frowned.

Because he recognized it, it was actually the real Buddhist monk, a piece of paper condensed with Buddha power.

With unmatched power, it is a treasure of Buddhism.

However, these treasures actually appeared in the hands of outsiders, and they were also used to open the iconic prison tower.

This made Xuanhai get angry and yelled in his mouth.

Let the white icon circling in the sky, land madly on top of the icon tower of the icon town.

This white icon is not the true icon, but the phantom of the icon.

But even so, every head weighs millions.

When twenty or thirty white icons descended on the top of the iconostasis tower, the suppression of the iconostasis tower reached an appalling level.

It was the light from the silver Luohan paper that collapsed slowly.

Produced a taste to be blown up!

What's more troublesome is that there are still more than 50 white icons circling in the sky, and they continue to land.

Once they all land, even if there are ten more lava trolls, I am afraid they can't shake the iconostasis tower.

What's more, the four monsters can only summon eight lava trolls, and at this point they have reached the limit.

This left Lan Feixuan's face exposed with extreme disappointment and unwillingness.

Obviously there is no other back-end, this plan to rescue Mei Changhong is about to end in failure.

However, at this moment, this time suddenly took a step forward.

The small body was inserted between the two lava trolls, his hands stretched out, and he caught on the wall of the third floor of the prison tower of the iconostasis.

The next moment, Boom Boom ~~~

Ten dragon powers erupted in the body, which actually caused the downward pressure of the iconic town's prison tower to pause slightly.

"Cheng Feng, useless."

Seeing Cheng Feng's move to hold the iconic prison tower, Lan Feixuan shook her head: "Your strength is too weak. It is a waste of money for the iconic prison tower."

"Forget it, don't do useless work anymore."

Lan Feixuan had been stunned by the terror of the Elephant Tower Prison Tower, breaking her faith.

I feel that no matter what, this time, she can't rescue her five aunt Mei Changhong from the suppression, and she is ready to give up.

However, Cheng Feng did not seem to hear.

After urging all his dragon powers, he urges all physical powers.

The entire human muscle was bulged, and the blood vessels almost burst.

The power that Cheng Feng entrusted increased a great deal, shaking the iconostasis prison tower slightly.

"Cheng Feng he ... so strong!"

Seeing this, Lan Feixuan's desperate heart made waves.

But then he shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, compared with the suppression of the iconostasis prison tower, it is still too weak."

Thinking of this, Lan Feixuan said, "Cheng Feng, stop, let's get out."

"The holy treasure matte bottle in my hand is about to reach its limit."

"You must leave Huantai Temple before the matte bottle is burst!"

"No hurry, I should be able to lift the tower door on the third floor of the iconostasis prison tower."

However, Cheng Feng said surprisingly: "After I release your fifth aunt, it is not too late to leave!"

"How is that possible? There are still more than forty elephant shadows in the town's prison tower, and they have not landed yet."

Lan Feixuan didn't believe at all: "Even if you go against the sky again, it's impossible ..."

However, before Lan Feixuan finished speaking, a stunning picture opened her lips and stunned.

Because she actually saw, Cheng Feng emerged from behind a huge giant bear image.

The next moment, Cheng Feng's power began to soar wildly.

He actually lifted the closed tower of the iconostasis to the spot.

The tendency to close, freeze instantly!

"His ~~~"

Lan Feixuan took a breath and was surprised, "Cheng Feng, how could your strength suddenly grow to such a degree?"

It was so amazing and unexpected.

The iconic town prison tower that could not even be lifted by the eight lava trolls was lifted by Cheng Feng, contrary to normal principles.

Not only did Lan Feixuan startled, but Xuanhai and others also almost fell out of her eyes.

"What is it, what is it?"

"Why did the sudden closing of the tower stop?"

Countless monks exclaimed, thinking they were dazzled and hallucinated.

After rubbing his eyes vigorously, after seeing the specific situation, the scalp became numb.

"The closeness of the tower is actually really entrusted."

"It was a super giant bear, all purple, and seemed to be more fierce than the lava troll."

Due to the shadow killing of Cheng Feng, all monks could not see him.

I only saw a big purple bear rising behind him, thinking that the person who lifted the tower of the iconostasis was a big purple bear.

In fact, that's not the case at all.

The purple bear is just a martial soul of Cheng Feng, it is only part of Cheng Feng's power!

"Yes, it's really good."

In front of the iconic town's prison tower, Cheng Feng himself was also shocked: "I did not expect that after the transformation of my beast martial spirit, the strength would be so abnormal!"

It turned out that Cheng Feng was able to hold the holy elephant town's prison tower together in the air.

Cheng Feng's beast martial spirit is a big purple bear.

Since crossing the awakening period, he has been in a deep sleep state.

Prepare for Wu Hun's second form, 'Transformation'.

The length of this process varies, and some people ’s Wuhun slumbers will end after three or five days.

But some people will sleep for three or five years, or even ten or eight years.

Cheng Feng's luck was pretty good. The beast Wuhun only slept for two or three months and completed the transformation.

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