Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1800: Dead Zen

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Chapter 180th Withered Zen

Dead Buddhism is a taboo Dharma of Buddhism.

Because this kind of Dharma is very cruel.

Either cultivation fails, and the whole person's blood, mind, and spirit are all dried up and turned into a dead body!

A hundred years ago, the monk of Napu Yuan began to practice retreat in retreat.

Now coming out, the old monk who had been cut into the soil from the middle has become a middle-aged and strong man.

Suddenly the spirits of all the Buddhist monks in Thousand Buddhas Temple were excited and delighted.

Because if the monk Puyuan really dies, he will be the seventh ultimate strength.

Attaching the body to God, I am afraid it will not fall into the wind!

The emergence of the monk Pu Yuan really played a big role.

The bodies of the four emperors were stopped outside the Qianfo Temple.

The four emperor's bodies are an old man in black, a middle-aged beautiful woman, a handsome young man, and a middle-aged man in brocade.

The emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor of the Devil, and the Emperor of the Feathered Emperor were possessed in turn.

"Dead Zen, an interesting Buddhist practice."

At this moment, the iconic emperor, who was attached to the old man in black, turned his gaze and said, "It is said that this Buddhist practice was born out of the Nine Dead Sutras. The practitioner needs to be reincarnated nine times.

"If every time you reincarnate you can cast a bodhisattva, then after nine reincarnations, you will be able to complete the Dharma and cast your body!"

"Unfortunately, no one has been trained since ancient times."

"I never thought that I would run into a junior who became a dead zen here."

"If you leave the dome continent and go to the Buddha World, I'm afraid I can become a character!"

"Well, that's possible!"

The Emperor God nodded and said coldly, "But unfortunately, he cannot go to the world of Buddha in this life."

"Because the emperor is today, he will send him to the real Buddha!"

While talking, the Emperor God possessed by the handsome young man stretched out a slender hand.

Stabbing ~~~

Break through the void and arrested the monk Pu Yuan.


Facing the apprehension of the possessor of the Emperor Demon Emperor, the monk Pu Yuan folded his hands and meditated on the Buddha's name.

The next moment, hum ~~~

The big Buddhas around Qianfo Temple suddenly had aura in their eyes.

An enormous amount of Buddha power rose up from the body of each Buddha.

Turned into a curtain of heavy Buddha light, covering the whole Qianfo Temple.

Put the monk Pu Yuan under the curtain.

The possessor of the Emperor Demon God was originally a seventh-ranked peerless powerhouse. Now he is possessed by the Emperor Demon Emperor.

The weakest and weakest, also reached the seventh-highest level of the ascent.

He caught it with one hand, enough to catch a sixth ascendant alive!

However, when his slender hand caught on the curtain of heavy Buddha light, it seemed as if he had caught on an iron wall.

Let the iron wall sink into a deep pit, but not break.

Wait for the possessor of the Emperor Demon to take his hand back, wow ~~~

The collapsed Buddha light curtain was restored again, exactly as it was just now.

This made the Emperor God brow a brow and whispered: "Are three thousand Arhats in a big battle?"

"Unfortunately, this array is not complete, only one third of the perfect form!"

"This kind of broken formation, don't want to stop the emperor's footsteps!"

The words fall, hum ~~~

Wan Mo Shen Huang's hands suddenly burst out of black gas.

Make that hand change instantly, a layer of fine scale armor grows on it, the nails become longer and sharper, much sharper than the knife.

laugh! When this hand grabbed the curtain of heavy Buddha light.

At the same time that the curtain collapsed inward, the five fingers on the palm of the palm slowly pierced into the curtain.


Seeing this, the monk Pu Yuan took a step forward and came to the broken position of the Buddha light curtain.

I only heard him meditate on a Buddhist chant, and said lightly, "Mr. Wan Mo, this is the pure land of the Buddha country, and you are not welcomed as the emperor of Wan Mo."

"Where do you come from? Where do you go?"

During the speech, the monk Pu Yuan stretched out his right hand, his **** and forefinger moved closer, and pointed to the five fingers that the Emperor God impaled the curtain of Buddha light.

Huh! When Pu Yuan's finger point in the finger of Wan Mo Shen Huang.

A clear metal impact sounded immediately.

The next moment, a violent force exploded in the area where the fingers collided.

Wow ~~~

One black, one white, and two rays spread apart, shattering and breaking the whole sky.

Only the curtain of heavy Buddha light remained strong in the air.

As for the five fingers that the Emperor God pierced into the curtain, one of them was pushed out of the curtain.

Obviously a masterpiece that Pu Yuan just hit!

In addition, after Pu Yuan hit, he never stopped shooting.


It was actually four fingers.

The other four fingers who left the Emperor Demon Emperor in the curtain of Buddha light all launched the curtain of Buddha light.

"Haha, Uncle Pu Yuanwei is mighty!"

"The emperor and the demon emperor against the all-magic gods not only did not fall behind, but even slightly better."

"It must be the practice of dying to death, and it has formed the Qipin Extreme Luohan."

"In this case, with the three thousand Lohan battles, it may be possible to block all four **** princes from the temple!"

Seeing the picture of Pu Yuan fighting with Wan Mo Shen Huang, the monks in Qianfo Temple were overjoyed.

Due to the anxiety caused by external and internal problems, Xu Xuping recovered.

Divided into two, while continuing to pay attention to the situation of the war, while empowering the peerless spirit boy.

Only by the end of the peerless spiritual boy's initiation will this storm be truly subsided.

At the same time, over the main hall of Qianfo Temple, Cheng Feng was shocked by the strength of the monk Pu Yuan.

"The strength of that old monk is really amazing."

In the battle with the Golden Body Luo Han, Cheng Feng was not at peace: "Can he be equal to the possessor of the Emperor of the Devil?"

"You know, that's the emperor of the dynasty, and he has won the super super existence!"

Cheng Feng deeply appreciates the terrifying power of terror.

Although the Emperor of Gods at this time is just a clone attached to a peerless powerhouse.

The combat power is less than one tenth of a million, but it is not trivial.

It is the unparalleled existence standing on the tip of the pyramid of the earth dome.

However, the monk Pu Yuan was able to confront him and made Cheng Feng difficult to understand.

"Cheng Feng, that Puyuan monk is not simple, and has become a Buddhist dharma."

The voice of God of War sounded: "Let it be cast into the Qipin Extreme Arhat Body, which is the third existence of the combat power of the entire West Desert Buddha country."

"Second only after Ximo Buddha Lord and War Monk!"

"It is normal for the opponent to block the front of the possessor of the Emperor.

"With the assistance of the three thousand Lohan Array, even if the four emperor possessions shot together, they could block for an hour or two!

"You better take this opportunity to completely destroy the Vajrayana Devil and unseal my head."

"Otherwise, it will be very troublesome!"

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