Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1802: Beat the Buddha and the Devil

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Chapter 1820 The Big Devil Strikes Down

But can't I stop it?

With Wupi Daoguang cut into the dozens of boxing energies from the blast.

It's like cutting tofu, cutting all the punches out.

Then, Daoguang continued to slash, making the Jin Luo Luo Han's eyes shrink.

Hands violently closed, and the whole person turned into a golden bell, and Heng Chen was on his way.

I want to feed the tiger with my body and stop the slashing of the bladeless sword.

"That is the bodyguard of Admiralty, the strongest defense martial art in the Eighteen Lohan Battles!"

"Uncle Puguang, they used this trick to easily block the full blow of a seventh-ranked high-ranking powerhouse."

"This time, it should be able to block the light of the bladeless sword?"

Countless monks looked tense and clenched their hands.

Because of what they have seen, the 'Golden Bell's Body' may not be able to block the slashing without a blade.

The tone of the words has an uncertain taste!

This is indeed the case.

When Wupi Daoguang severely chopped on the golden bell transformed by Jin Shen Luo Han.

Huh! The huge Admiralty trembled violently.

The next moment, the part cut by the sword was sunken in.

The violent power exploded, and Jin Zhong and Jin Shen Luo Han flew out together.

Then no sword knife light continued to slash, click ~~~

Hit the huge mirror in the sky.

Cut the entire mirror and a golden Buddha image into instant powder!

"Sure enough ... I still can't stop it!"

"The last two formations of the Vajrayana Demon formation have been destroyed."

"If the last line of formation is also destroyed, the demon head suppressed under the town hall will be out of the trap."

"The consequences could be disastrous!"

As Cheng Feng slashed the huge mirror in the sky, all the monks in the Thousand Buddha Temple were shocked.

A chill from the soles of the feet instantly struck overhead.

Even the monk Buddha and the monk Puyuan were moved.

He exploded towards the main hall of Qianfo Temple: "Where does it exist? He wants to unseal the suppressed war demon head?"

"Are you trying to make things charcoal? Would you be trouble?"

During the explosion, the voice of the Lord of the West Desert communicated with Emperor Huangtian.

After a while, a consensus was reached.

The two sides actually stopped for a while, and the two-way Qianfo Temple was flying.

At the same time, the top of Qianfo Temple.

The monk Pu Yuan also talked to the four emperor possessors of the Emperor Demon Emperor, stating the danger after the head of the **** of war escaped.

Want the four demon emperors to temporarily stop fighting, so that he can free his hand to stop Cheng Feng.

However, the three Emperor God Emperor, the Emperor Feather Emperor, and the Misty Empress all looked at each other and refused.

Only the iconostasis had an ambiguous attitude and stood by and stood by.

This caused Puyuan monk to frown, and he could only stop the Wan Mo Shen Huang and others.

On the one hand, a part of the force of the three thousand Luohan large groups was separated to assist the old monks of Puguang and others to block Cheng Feng together.

However, Cheng Feng's offensive was super fierce.

After he smashed the huge mirror in the sky, he never stopped.

Shake the devil in his hand, hum ~~~

Let the number of stars in the sky increase again to 210.

After waiting for the stars to fall from the sky, merged into the slayer, 唰 ~~~

A three-point-free sword light that was stronger than just a moment ago, Huo Ran flew from the sword.

Destroyed and decimated, and slashed to the baton standing in the sky.

"Asshole, don't want to ruin the last formation of the Vajrayogini formation!"

A few kilometers away, after seeing eighteen old monks such as Pu Guang, their faces were extremely gloomy.

All the blazes in the body spurted out, so that the golden body Luohan who was cut off by Cheng Feng in one fell swoop instantly stabilized his figure.

The next moment, a long, sturdy leg was lifted, and his big foot was like a hammer.

Huh! Breaking through the void with one foot, he swore fiercely at Wudaodao.

This leg of Jin Shen Luo Han was very fierce.

It gives people a feeling that they can collapse the sky!

When there was no sword in this kick, the mighty force exploded.

It turned out that the bladeless sword was light, and the direction was staggered.

Stabbing ~~~

As a result, there is no blade of light, flying over with the magic wand, splashing a large spark!

However, after flying without a knife for a few kilometers, he turned the direction on his own initiative.

Towards the Fu magic stick in the sky, burst again.

And at the same time, Cheng Feng cut off the magic sword, and another record was cut out.

Grip left and right to attack the magic wand.

The last line of formation of the Vajrayana Devil's formation must be shattered on the spot!

"The Buddha stepped into the sky!"

At that moment, the golden body Luo Han became awesome.

The whole body's golden light shone, and it turned out to be a tendency to transform to the Buddha.

During this period, both legs suddenly thickened and kicked out continuously towards Wupi Daoguang.

boom! boom! boom!

The huge golden feet, like a giant Yue, whistled and kicked Wupi Daoguang and Cheng Feng.

It is necessary to stop Wupi Daoguang from smashing the magic rod, and destroy Cheng Feng to continue to chop Wubi Daoguang!

And it's not just Golden Body Lohan.

A monk from Napu Yuan urged a 3,000-strong Luohan array to spread the palms of a dozen or so Buddhas near Cheng Feng.

The next moment, more than a dozen Qitian giant palms, came to Cheng Feng.

In addition, the Fu magic wand suspended in the air also moved.

Under the waving of the last golden Buddha statue, a narrow arc was drawn in the sky, and a fierce attack on a bladeless sword was hit.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng was trapped in a triple attack.

"Want to stop me?"

In the face of the encirclement of the three parties, Cheng Feng was not afraid: "You, can you stop it?"

In a shout, Cheng Feng grabbed the magic sword.

Guide the two hundred and twenty stars in the sky and cut out a more terrifying sword light.

At the moment when this knife light flew out, Cheng Feng took off in the air.

The whole person merges with the sword light, and the sword and man merge into one and chop the Fu magic wand into the air together.

This bladeless knife is extremely powerful and extremely fast.

The golden foot kicked by the golden body Luohan blasted on the sword light, making the sword light violently oscillate and weaken, but it could not be broken!

At the same time, Cheng Feng was in control of the direction, so that the direction of this slashing bladeless sword was always facing the magic stick.

So after one hundredth of a second, Wuguang Daoguang arrived near the Fu magic wand.

At this time, the Fu magic wand also hit hard with the wave of Jin Shen Luo Han.

So, bang ~~~

Wupi Daoguang banged with Fu magic wand.

At that moment, the arrogant force spread to the four sides, making the world and the earth lose their color.

Only the one hundred meter volt magic wand flashed, and Fowei wandered.

But it lasted for less than half a breath, 嘣 嘣 嘣 ~~~

The Fu magic wand could not bear it anymore, and the walking Buddhist scriptures collapsed one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body also began to crack.

In an instant, the one-hundred-meter-volt magic wand shattered into powder.

At the same time, let the last golden statue of Buddha in the town hall collapse along with it!

"No, the last formation of the Vajrayana Devil's formation was also destroyed by that golden armored powerhouse!"

"It's over, it's over!"

"The peerless demon head that was suppressed under the town hall must definitely break out of the seal, and the whole world must be alive!"

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